little by little

  • na.“by little and little”的变体
  • 网络逐渐地;一点一点地;一点点地

little by littlelittle by little

little by little


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by little and little 一点一点地,逐渐地 little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地 not a little 许多,很 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by little and little 一点一点地,逐渐地 little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地 not a little 许多,很 ...


英语词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... a little 一点,一些 little by little 逐渐地,一点点地 quite a little 相当多,不少 ...


仁爱版英语八年级下册词组专项训练题 ... 在开始时 in the beginning 渐渐地 little by little 总之 in a word ...


catch - 英汉词典 ... let up 减小, 渐渐停止 little by little 逐渐地; 慢慢地 melt away (使某物)融化或溶解而消失; 逐渐消失 ...

Little by little however, she seemed to get comfortable with the fact that I wanted to be close and intimate with her. 可是,渐渐地,她似乎已经习惯了我想接近她,并且想和她建立亲密关系这一事实。
You and I are like two kids around a mysterious jam-jar. Little by little, we taste the jam, and find how much sweet there contains. 我和你就好像两个小孩子,围着一个神秘的果酱罐,一点一点地尝它,看看里面有多少甜。
We manage to pump the whole story out of him little by little. 我们设法一点一点地从他那里探出事情的全过程。
little by little, she seemed to see very small return for the wealth of affection that she lavished upon him. 渐渐地,她似乎看到了她对他所大量施与的爱情很少得到回报。
Besides, as they made any change, they also changed their own culture and made it disappear little by little through the long time. 此外,她们在做出改变的同时,却也忽略了自己的族群特色,任凭它一点一滴的流逝,经过长时间的迁衍后,几至消失无踪。
I began to reject, to renounce, to set aside what I had gathered and little by little I approached my goal. 我开始拒绝,放弃我所积累的东西,把他们放在一边。一点一点地我接近了我的目标。
'One must first have the desire to drop it, ' he said. 'And then one must proceed harmoniously to chop it off, little by little. ' “首先必须有这种欲望,”他说,“然后再一点一点把它抹掉,和谐地进行。”
I become a person not to talk and state little by little. However, what's the matter! 似乎有越来越不爱说话,越来越不爱陈述的趋势。然而那有什么关系。
Little by little, the trading floor began to fill with people, as if summoned by some invisible jungle drum. 渐渐地,交易场中开始挤满了人,好像是受到某种无形的丛林之鼓的召唤。
Little by little my shaking shoulders are becoming shabby and I couldn't even tell you to turn around and look at them. 一点一点地,我颤抖的肩膀显得无力,我就连叫你回头看一看我也办不到。
Little by little I begin to hate my stained face and I couldn't even tell you to turn around and look at it. 一点一点地,我讨厌我沾满泪水的脸,我就连叫你回头看一看我也办不到。
I really like this definition, the photo surface is as sensitive and fragile as if it was alive and des-troying itself little by little. 我确实很喜欢这样的一种定义,照片的表面是很敏感和脆弱的,仿佛它本身就在一点一点存活着和摧毁着自己。
If for Julio Baptista negotiation little by little go on, for the other striker is all quiet. 如果说罗马在巴普蒂斯塔的谈判上进展不大,那么在其他前锋上几乎就是全然无声。
But little by little, it began to appear that Comrade Stalin got something much more practical out of his deal. 但是随着事态的发展,可以看到斯大林同志得到一些条约之外的更加实际的东西。
As I got closer to fulfilling my five-mile objective, little by little, the conflicting thoughts began to dissipate. 当我一点一点地,离5英里的目标越来越近时,冲突的思想开始消失了。
Then she saw the door of the kitchen open very slowly, little by little, an inch at a time. 接着,她看到厨房的门很慢地开了,一点一点地,一次开有一英寸。
"We have to go little by little and keep progressing, " said the custodian. “我们必须步步为营,不断取得进展”,红军门神说。
Nonetheless, we are pleased to see that consensuses are accumulating and differences narrowing little by little. 但是我们非常高兴地看到,共识在一点点积累,分歧在一点点缩小。
End of this month let God destined fate between us, little by little time goes by, and my love for you is a daily surge. 这个月底就让上天注定我们之间的缘分,时间一点一点的流逝,而我对你的爱是每日剧增。
We followed a classical process and little by little loaded up the boat , worked the mast and the sails . 我们沿袭了传统的方式,一点一点的装配帆船,准备桅杆,船帆。
The big rock really is moving, it is lifting up little by little. After a while, the rock rolls over and is moved to the side of the road. 大石头真的在动,它的一边在一点儿一点儿慢慢的往上抬,越抬越高了,“咕噜”一下,大石头翻了个身,滚到了路边上。
Little by little, I recalled how hurriedly my mother took me to the hospital on her own and how difficultly she breathed all the way. 渐渐地,我回想起,我的妈妈是怎样一个人匆匆地将我送到医院,一路上,她的呼吸是怎样地急促。
We beat up yolks, adding oil little by little. Then salt and sugar to taste, mustard on the tip of a knife and a tablespoonful of vinegar. 我们打散蛋黄,加入少许油,再加入糖和盐调味,刀尖蘸一点芥末,然后放入一勺醋。
Little by little smiling appeared at the corner of her mouth, while her face became white and fat. 她口角边渐渐地有了笑影,脸上也白胖了。
She said, "Little by little, my ridiculously small universe becomes huge. " 她说:“一点一滴的,我的有趣的小宇宙慢慢膨胀起来。”
Take one room at a time and enjoy working on it little by little as you grow into the home. 一次一个房间,感受一点一点的努力所带来的快乐,最后变成为房子的一部分。
It's been 4 years since I moved to the U. S. from Japan, and I feel my vision is changing little by little. 我已经从日本移居美国4年了,我感觉自己的视野正在逐渐变化。
Little by little, I began to be fed up with examinations. 渐渐地,我开始厌烦起考试来。
Of an electricity disengaged, little by little, of a flame suddenly darting forth, of a wandering force, of a passing breath. 一点一点放出的电,忽然燃烧的火焰,飘游的力,活动的风。
Then, little by little, for you, I weave the sky, the eighth pinnacle of art beauty. 然后,一点点,因为你,我编织的天空,艺术的美第八顶峰。