lead on

  • na.哄骗;怂恿
  • 网络继续引领;雷帝;率领

第三人称单数:leads on 现在分词:leading on 过去式:led on

lead onlead on

lead on


Lead 是什么意思_百度知道 ... lead poisoning n. 铅中毒;[美国俚语]中弹受伤 lead on v. 哄骗;引诱 lead paint 铅涂料;铅丹 ...


2010辽宁高考英语完型吴军金牌冲刺教案一_当知网 ... 301 lead off 开始; 302 lead on 继续引领; 303 lead out 开始; ...


爽肤水 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】 ... 零暇美瑞 Swiss Vital 雷帝 LEAD ON 依云 evian ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(L) ... lead off 开始 lead on 率领 lead out 开始 ...


大象教育资源网---学习辅导 ... lead the way 带路 lead on 领头,走在前面 take the lead in 在……方面领先 ...


Lead 是什么意思_百度知道 ... lead poisoning n. 铅中毒;[美国俚语]中弹受伤 lead on v. 哄骗;引诱 lead paint 铅涂料;铅丹 ...


经典英文电影台词之乱世佳人Gone with the... ... marriage 婚姻 lead on 引诱上当 care about/ for 在意,喜欢 ...


金革唱片:查克·布朗《Unadorned 纯粹》(MP3 320K) ... Say the word 说爱我 Creed / lead on 牵引 The value of life 无价 ...

Despite an intensive US-led manhunt, there has not been a credible lead on the Saudi-born al-Qaida leader in years. 尽管以美国为首的搜捕行动在加强,但多年来还没有得到一条导致抓获这个出生于沙特的基地组织首领的可靠情报。
With my bags packed, I was ready to go. " Lead on Mac Duff, " I said to my guide. (我收拾好了行李,可以上路,就对向导说:“你领头吧。”)。
But even though she had to reduce her speed, she still increased her lead on her closest rival to arrive a comfortable second. 但尽管她必须减低航速,她仍然拉开与最近对手的距离,轻松赢得第二名。
She saddled the donkey and said to her servant, 'Lead on; don't slow down for me unless I tell you. ' 于是备上驴,对仆人说,你快快赶着走,我若不吩咐你,就不要迟慢。
Is burning to leave the abrasive amplifying to spread can lead on person many super of the glowworm be nearby surrounding. 炎弃研制的粉末洒在人的身上可以引来超级多的萤火虫在身边环绕哦。
It used to be that the U. S. could convince the world to follow its lead on currency issues. 过去从来是,美国能够说服世界在货币问题上跟随美国。
Afghan troops would take the lead on missions and local elders were to be consulted in advance "whenever possible" . 同时他反复强调,执行任务时一切以阿富汗部队为先,“只要可行”就必须与当地高级官员进行商谈。
President Barack Obama said he was first briefed on a possible lead on bin Laden's whereabouts in August. 奥巴马说他在去年8月首次得知一条有关本•拉登藏身地的可能线索。
"I hope Hiroshima will take a lead on this because of our own experience with the atomic bomb, " he said. “我希望广岛能起带头作用,因为我们的原子弹的经历。”他说。
But now that Rio is the subject of a hostile takeover bid from BHP, it has taken the lead on aggressive pricing. 但由于力拓成为了必和必拓敌意收购的目标,力拓已带头积极地进行定价。
Other countries will simply have to stop looking at the US for a lead on green issues. 其他国家都应该停下来看看美国主导的绿色话题。
Ford announced on Monday that its North American operations will take the lead on the company's next-generation mid-size sedan platform. 福特汽车周一宣布,其北美业务将率先在该公司的新一代中型轿车平台。
"Join me on the Friends of the Earth web march to get our Government to take a strong lead on climate change" . “和我一起对地球之友网站3月获得我国政府采取强有力的铅对气候变化”。
China is most likely to fill the vacuum created by an American failure to lead on regional and global trade. 假如美国不能领导地区和全球贸易,中国最有可能填补这一空白。
Where you think we first got a lead on the identification? 你认为我们起先是从哪里得到查明身份的提示?
It shows Hillary Clinton with a narrow lead on the Democratic side, with Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney in a virtual tie among Republicans. 选举的投票表明希拉里在民主党内以微弱优势领先,而在共和党方面麦克。哈克比和米特•罗姆内难分高下。
And, he says President Obama needs to take a clear lead on climate change when he attends the summit next week. 他希望奥巴马总统下个星期前往哥本哈根出席全球气候峰会时能够在气候变化问题上发挥明确的领导作用。
A lead on a device that plugs into a socket to connect the device to a system. 插头一种设备的头部,插入插座中可使该设备与一系统相联
He was happy, the poor bastard, thinking what a glorious new life he would lead on the other side of Europe. 这个可怜的狗东西倒挺快活,想到他将在欧洲另一边过一种美妙的新生活了,同时他也有点儿怅然,这我看得出来。
By at least one measure, China has taken the lead on the environmental front. 少从一个指标来看,中国在环境领域已经走在了最前面。
Milan take the lead: on the 16th minute Massimo Ambrosini, far from the area, sent a cross in which surprisingly looped over Muslera. 米兰取得领先:16分钟马西莫·安布罗西尼在禁区外,踢出了一记令人惊讶的过顶球,转过了穆拉雷斯。
Start with head lead on your stomach, and make sure you focus on sending the top of your head on a direct path through the water. 在你开始的头铅胃,并确保你把重心集中在发送你的头顶中在直接的路径是通过水。
He lost a four-shot lead on the final day and was beaten by U. S. Open champion Graeme McDowell in a playoff. 最后一天他失去了四杆的领先优势,被美国公开赛冠军格雷姆麦克道尔在延长赛中击败。
To demonstrate this range of responses, computer scientist David Feil-Seifer, the other lead on the project, showed me a series of videos. 为了说明这一反应范围,项目另一位领导者计算机科学家大卫·费尔-塞费尔向我展示了一系列视频。
We also get to see the defending champs take on their house mates the Clippers as LAC tries to get an early lead on LAL out West. 我们也能看到卫冕冠军湖人队迎战同城兄弟快船队,而快船队也尝试着能够打败老大哥在西部崭露头角。
But meanwhile the European Union is right to take the lead on reworking economic and political ties. 但与此同时,欧盟带头改写与俄罗斯的经济政治关系是正确的举动。
Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; action form habits; habits decide character, and character fixes our destiny . 思想导致目的;目的引发行动;行动形成习惯;习惯决定性格;性格决定命运。
The actress's current gig is as lead on Cashmere Mafia, a Sex and the City-style program about four professional women in New York City. 刘玉玲现在出演《女人帮》一片的女主角,该片是和《欲望城市》风格相似的一部句,讲述纽约的四个职业女性。
Method in which each conductive lead on the contact edge connects to one segment or annunciator. 金属别针被与对每导电环氧联结在接触边缘上领导。
France took the lead on the French version, whilst the Inter-American Development Bank produced the Spanish translation. 该术语表的法语版是由法国主持翻译的,而西班牙语版则是由美洲开发银行翻译的。