who you

  • 网络苏丹

who youwho you

who you


最新试听所有歌曲 最新试听新歌... ... 张黎雯 - Perfect Future Juice 苏丹 - Who You 我喜欢 - Mirror Mirror ...

Walk it out: The recommended minimum exercise is 3 times a week at 30 minutes a pop (depending on who you ask). 出去散散步:建议最少的运动量是每周三次,每次三十分钟(取决于你问谁)。
At the moment, he said, "we know roughly who you are, roughly what you care about, roughly who your friends are. " 同时,他说:“我们能大概知道用户是谁,其关心什么,以及他们的朋友是谁”。
Your identity is nothing but a set of beliefs about who you are, and what you're about. 你的定位仅仅是一系列证明你是谁,做什么的凭证。
Try to associate your brand with positive imagery that can better remind your customers of who you are and what you are trying to achieve. 努力使你的品牌和积极的意象相关联,这些积极的意象能很好地提醒你的顾客你是谁以及你正努力做什么。
It was a system of impersonality; it made no difference who you were, so long as you could master its rules. 这是一项不牵涉个人感情的制度,只要你掌握规则,你是谁都无关紧要。
The application is extremely easy to use, and allows you to only block who you want to block without hassle. 该应用程序极易使用,无需麻烦即可使你屏蔽想要屏蔽的账户。
You know who you are. If your spouse wants you to leave the computer and come to bed, and you say, "just a minute, " you're one of them. 如果,你的另一半让你离开电脑上床睡觉,而你却推脱说“等一会儿”的时候,你也许就是其中之一哦。
Such a system would tell you at all times who you are, and it would give you directions to your desired end. 这个系统让你随时知道自己的身分,而且会为你提供方向指示,助你抵达目标。
Just make sure you know who you can rely on when you do come out of your shell. 只要确保与人来往时,你晓得谁是可信赖的对象。
If I were to ask you to dig a little further, how would you define who you really are from a spiritual, cosmic point of view? 如果让你讲的再深点,从精神、宇宙的角度你将如何定义你究竟是谁?
Partly anybody is able to produce a product without relying on an enormous network of vendors who you own their quality responsibilities. 在一定程度上,任何人都能自己生产产品,不需要依赖众多商家,并向他们保障产品的质量。
Even if things did not go well, thank them anyway for they have had an affect on who you are. 即便你们相处并不愉快,还是要感谢他们对你是谁所产生的影响。
I encourage you to ponder into the deep side of you and meditate upon the mysteries of who you are, or better yet, of whom you can become. 我建议你深入自己内心深处,好好想想“你是谁”这个神秘的问题。或者更进一步,想想你可以成为什么样的人。
I'm the last person in the world who you would expect to tell you to "cheat, " but that's exactly what I'm doing in this blog post. 我是天底下最不可能叫你去“作弊”的人,可我恰恰准备在这篇博客文章中叫你这么去干。
It is why much of which we have referred to is quite familiar to you, as you experience an awakening to who you really are. 这也是为何我们对你提到的许多事情都是感觉这么的熟悉,因为你在体验一个“觉知”回归的过程,那真实的你。
Who you come out to is up to you, and really you don't have to come out at all, except perhaps to yourself. 你向谁出柜是由你自己决定的,其实你压根就不必跟谁说,除了你自己。
For you to be able to read your friends' tweets, Twitter must first know who you are. 要能够读取朋友的tweet,Twitter必须首先知道您是谁。
Don't wait until you know who you are and what you're about to start making things. 不要等到你知道你是谁以及你想开始做的事情的那天。
He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you. 如果他购买了你的产品或服务之后,当他告诉别人时别人会怎么想。
You have forgotten, it seems to me, that what matters is who you are and what you do. Not how much you cost. 对于我来说被你们遗忘的,而真正重要的是你是谁和你做些什么,并不是你花费值多少。
'I don't know who you know in Detroit , ' he said, 'but if you want your job back, you got it. “我不知道你在底特律认识谁,”他说,“但如果你还想要回你原来的工作的话,这工作就归你了。”
If it's your neighbor down the street who you see once a year at the holiday party, so what! 如果是你一年才在假日聚会上见一次的邻居不理解,那又怎样?
Buying could mean hire you, or form a relationship with you or to be your 'goal buddy' who you work with you on an exercise program. 这里的购买可以是雇用你,或者和你建立某种关系或者成为你工作上的“目标伙伴”。
When your mind challenges you and asks you who you think you are, let your mind know that you are one with Spirit. 当你的头脑向你挑战,质问你你以为自己是谁时,告诉你的头脑,你和圣灵是一体的。
Just as your business card tells who you are and what you do, Meta content tells the search engines the relevance and context of a web page. 正如您的名片告诉你是谁和你做,梅塔的内容告诉搜索引擎的相关性和语境的一个网页。
Look to who you were as a child, and that will tell you a great deal about who you are now meant to be. 看看你小时候是怎么样的一个人,然后你就可以看出很多关于你将成为的人的信息。
Try to get a company organization chart and try to at least remember the names of the people who you think, you would most interact with. 最好搞到一张公司人员架构表,至少把自己将来可能经常接触到的人名记住。
That's a really big characteristic that we can learn from children, thus how much they care regardless who you are. 这真的是一个我们可以从儿童身上学到的重要特质,这就是他们关注一件事的时候会不顾一切。
Leadership: Are the leaders of the company people who you and others respect, admire and want to work for? 领导层:公司领导是你和别人会尊敬、崇拜、愿意为之工作的人们吗?
It's about finding out who you're trying to sell to, what exactly they want from you, and how to give it to them. 它是要你找到购买你产品的人,这些人到底想从你这得到什么,以及你如何给予他们。