work on

  • na.对…有效[有作用];动(人,感情等);向…做工作;左右
  • 网络从事;致力于;继续工作

第三人称单数:works on 现在分词:working on 过去式:worked on

work onwork on

work on


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 443 take out 取出 448 work on 从事...,忙于... 450 do chores 处理琐事,做家务 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... set aside 留出,拨出 work on 从事于,致力于 wipe out 彻底摧毁,消灭 ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词表_百度知道 ... graduate n. 大学毕业生;毕业生 work on 继续工作 go by 过去;走过 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... set aside 留出,拨出 work on 从事于,致力于 wipe out 彻底摧毁,消灭 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 443 take out 取出 448 work on 从事...,忙于... 450 do chores 处理琐事,做家务 ...


英语词组 越多越好_百度知道 ... 66.使某人出名 make sb famous 67.从事…工作 work on 69.做研究 do research ...


英语 动作短语 干什么 短语_百度知道 ... walk on 继续走 work on 从事……,研究…… break out 爆发,(战争、火灾等)突然发生 ...

If you know something is due next Monday, then you're more likely to structure your work on it to make sure it gets done by Monday. 如果你知道下周一有些东西就要到期限了,你就很有可能安排你的这项工作是其确保周一能够完成。
It is great to have all this control and be able to ship images off to clients or anyone in the world by doing all the work on a computer. 这样一切尽在掌握的感觉很棒,所有工作都在电脑上完成,并且通过电脑就能把图片传送到世界各地的客户或是任何人的手中。
So, they're trying to work on ways to help prepare the men for the trip up in the Phoenix. 所以,他们正在制定时被困者做好凤凰号之旅的准备的计划。
Russia's satellite navigation system isn't fully operational yet, but it seems to work on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's dog. 俄罗斯的卫星定位系统还未全面投入使用,不过经过普京总理爱犬的检验证明,它的性能还不错。
I got out of bed and went into the living room of our suite to work on some hard-hitting additions to my basic speech. 我起床走进起居室去,在我的主调演说稿上添加一些狠狠反击的段落。
Other teams are of course free to work on such a project, although so far all public attempts at an iso loader in user mode have failed. 其他球队当然自由的工作这样一个项目,虽然迄今为止在国际标准化组织的一个用户化的公共装载机所有尝试都失败了。
In spite of my too much hard work on this course, the high demand of this course tends to make me fail to obtain its recorgonition. 这种课程要求很高,虽然我为之付出太多的努力,恐怕也难得到基本的认可。
He said they were now going to work on the AI and that they'll have till winter to work on that. 他说他们从现在开始直到冬季都将要做AI方面的工作。
This book was the one that convinced me that 100% application of XP practices was not the type of project I would choose to work on. 这本书所有介绍的XP实践应用程序,都不是我会选择从事的项目类型。
"Yes, I lost a lot in the war; I used to be a rich man and now I work on the railways, " he said. “是的,战争使我失去很多,我曾经是有钱人,现在我在铁路上打工。”他说。
That kind of advanced work on the human metabolic engine is just what the new generation of appetite researchers is trying to do. 新一代胃口研究者们要做的正是在“人类代谢的引擎”上进行这一先进的工作。
When I got there on my way home from work on Friday, the tailor said he had not made my suit because he could not find my measurements. 星期五,当我下班走在回家的路上时,那位裁缝跟我说我的西装还没做,因为他找不到我的尺寸。
But he also said there were no funds for the research and scientists trying to work on the diseases had to look for resources on their own. 但是他也说这种研究没有资金,而且试图研究这种疾病的科学家不得不自己寻找资金来源。
I had to pick it up quickly because I realized that I was ill - prepared to work on a real-world AJAX application without it . 我必须快点了解它,因为我发现如果没有它,在实际工作中编写AJAX应用程序的准备就会不充分。
If you do work with a keyboard and a mouse, the items you need to work on are on your laptop, not in the office. 如果你可以通过键盘和鼠标工作,不需要去办公室,你通过手提电脑就可以完成要处理的事务。
This week Russia also said it would be unable to complete work on an Iranian nuclear reactor by year-end as scheduled. 俄罗斯本周还表示,它无法按计划在年底前完成伊朗一座核反应堆工程。
It was important to carry out the work quickly, so an extra team of men were asked to work on the repairs one evening. 修理工作必须加快进行。因此,有天晚上要求多派了一队维修工来工作。
Her novels are not miniatures, but she did work on a surface not so much bigger than those two imagined inches of ivory. 她写的不是微型小说,但下笔之处却并不比这块想像中的两英寸象牙大多少。
If the mean person has a point, tell her that you get it, but she could stand to work on her people skills. 如果”坏人“说的对,那么告诉她你知道了,不过她的人际能力或许是有待改善。
"That was using a very simplistic algorithm, because we had a very short time to work on this project, " he said. “之前使用的是一种非常简单的算法,因为我们能花在这一项目上的时间非常少,”他说。
One of the best means for arousing the wish to work on yourself is to realize that you may die at any moment. 引发工作自己的欲望其最好的方式之一,是认知到你随时可能会死。
I waited till I reckoned he had got a good start; then I out with my saw, and went to work on that log again. 我安心等着,等到他早已动身了,便取出了我那把锯子,又对那个原木干开了。
This might be something you work on all year, or it might just last a month, or it might last a week or a few days, or just today. 这件事情可能会需要一年时间,可能只持续一个月,或者可能只用一周或几天。
Mr. Gooch, who began work on this book in 2003, was ready to roam the world in hopes of penetrating the O'Connor mystique. 古奇于2003年起开始撰写此书,他已准备好四处漫游,以期能破除奥康纳的神秘感。
Of course, if I were to become involved, we have to do a little work on the part. 当然,如果我有幸参与的话我们会修改一下那剧本
That's why scientist is often the kind of projects they work on. 这也是为什么,科学家们和研究项目密不可分的原因。
He was drunk, so he had trouble getting it up, and I said jokingly "you need to work on that" . 他喝醉了,起都起不来,于是我开玩笑说:“你需要再练练才行。”
She said the National Zoo supports "other organizations that are doing that work on the ground if we're not doing it directly. " 她说,国家动物园也通过有关机构对没有直接参与的工作提供支持。
The Walkie-Talkie building, work on which started in January and is due to be completed in 2014, is a joint venture with Canary Wharf Group. 一月开工、定于2014年完工的“步话机”大厦就是与金丝雀码头集团(CanaryWharfGroup)的合作项目。
The first thing for you to do is to analyze the real reason why you broke up with him and try to work on it. 你要做的第一件事是分析你与他分手的真正原因,并试着将其解决。