
美 [huz]英 [huːz]
  • adv.其;(用于问句)谁的;进一步提供信息时用
  • pron.他[她]的;那些人的;它(们)的;谁的
  • 网络定语;哪人的,那些的;通常指人



1.(用于问句)谁的used in questions to ask who sth belongs to

2.(特指)那个人的,那一个的,其used to say which person or thing you mean

3.(进一步提供信息时用)used to give more information about a person or thing


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... line 线,绳索 348 whose 谁的 349 blouse 女衬衫 350 ...


...句中作主语 宾语 介词宾语 主语,宾语 介词宾语或定语(whose);作宾语时,关系代词可以省略. 主语 宾语,介词宾语 指代对象 主 …


考研词汇 ... whom pron. 谁;哪个人 whose pron. 谁的;哪(个)人的,那些(人)的 int. 咳,哎呀 ...


定语从句连接词的疑问_百度知道 ... 2. whom 指人 3. whose 通常指人,也可指物 5. that 指人时 ...


求定语从句试讲方案_百度知道 ... that 人或物 主语或宾语 whose 人或物 定语 Adv - adverbial - 状语 ...


职称考试 -... ... whom pron. 谁 whose pron. 谁的,哪个(人)的,哪些(人)的 wicked a. 邪恶的,恶劣的,淘气的,顽皮的 ...


时间短句 - 豆丁网 ... Who 谁人 Whose 谁人的 How 怎样 ...

Recently I sat down with Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt whose client list includes Toyota, Honda, and Disney, to name a few. 最近我跟TonyWong聊了聊。这位项目管理大拿拥有羡人的客户群,包括丰田、本田、迪斯尼,不一而足。
albert , then , had fallen into the hands of the famous bandit chief , in whose existence he had for so long a time refused to believe. 这么说,阿尔贝是落在那个大名鼎鼎的强盗头子手里了,而那个强盗头子的存在是他一向拒绝相信的。
There was no other name for the original clan member, whose details had been lost over the years. 这位家族成员的共同祖先没有别的名字,他的详细资料已经失传多年。
SOME people seem to believe that economics is an exact science whose theory should be able to predict the trajectory of the economy. 似乎有人认为,经济学是一门精准的学科,经济学理论应该能够预测经济发展轨道。
muttered villefort , saluting the minister , whose career was ended , and looking about him for a hackney - coach. 维尔福心里这样思忖着,一面向大臣致敬告别,他的任务已经完成了,他环顾四周寻找出租的马车。
As a young woman ascending the throne. she was described as one whose extreme obstinacy was constantly at war with her good nature. 她很年轻的时候登上王位。被称为是一个极其固执的人,这一点和她良好的品行一起在战争时期不断出现。
But you expect that of a politician, whose livelihood depends on winning hearts. 但是,正如你所想的那样,一个政治家生命线是取决于赢得民心。
Today, Hawaii, whose capital is Honolulu, is often called the "Crossroads of the Pacific" and is a popular vacation spot. 现在,首府为火奴鲁鲁(Honolulu)的夏威夷常被人称做太平洋的十字路口(CrossroadsofthePacific),它也是一个极受欢迎的渡假胜地。
Elohim or Eloah is a Hebrew word related to deity, but whose exact significance is often disputed. 耶洛因,或者耶洛哈,是一个希伯莱单词,与神有关,但真正的意义通常是具有争议。
I love with a sketch, floating in the time, got the time, red disorder, whose heart had not been soft? 我把年华用一纸素描,浮了韶光,惹了流年,红尘错乱,谁的心不曾柔软?
A contract which provides for the commission of a crime or whose nature tends to induce the commission of a crime is illegal. 一份合同,为委员会的自然倾向是犯罪或诱发犯罪的佣金是违法的。
Recently, the general rise in price has caused great life pressure for the public, whose sense of happiness has also been decreased. 最近物价的普遍上涨已给我国民众造成了很大的生活压力,人们的幸福感也随之降低。
A drop-down list appears of any cell in the same column that either has at least one text character or whose format is defined as Text. 出现一个下拉列表,包括同一列中所有要么至少有一个文本字符或其格式定义为文本的单元格。点击你需要的条目。
In questions where freedom is involved it is not necessary to seek for the truth by the torture of those whose status is in dispute. 在涉及自由问题时,如果当事人的社会地位有争议,则不必通过拷问来寻求真相。
But now they that are younger than I have me in derision , whose fathers I would have disdained to have set with the dogs of my flock. 但如今,比我年少的人戏笑我。其人之父我曾藐视,不肯安在看守我羊群的狗中。
Under the grey heavens, whose drizzle just kept off, the dark concourse gathered to see the show. 细雨才停,灰色天空下黑压压的人群都集合在这里看这一幕戏剧。
Do you know of any other presidents whose relatives also became president? 你知道还有其他总统的亲戚也担任过总统吗?
"I must be 200 percent concentrated in tomorrow's final as I will face a strong opponent whose rankings is high, " said the unseeded player. 对于明天的决赛,我必须200%的专注。因为我将要面对一个世界排名很高的选手。
Her limbs rejoiced to be outdoors again, out of her tiny cabin whose log walls had grown furry and overbearing during the long spring rains. 她的四肢为能再次到室外而充满喜悦,因为能远离她那原木小木屋的四壁,它们在漫长的春雨中,长满青苔,横行霸道。
He was the top pick of that draft, selected by the Houston Rockets, whose new arena would soon be sponsored by Toyota. 他作为当年选秀的状元秀,被休斯顿火箭队选中,此时火箭队的新球馆将由丰田公司赞助。
Some were like this tortured elf, whose hatred of matriarchal rule was so bitter that he would willingly endure anything to see it end. 某些卓尔,就像刚才遭受折磨的那个,极端憎恨这个女性统治的社会,愿意付出一切来看到它的结束。
For a woman whose private life was ruled by her heart, I found her a surprisingly good executive. 对于这样一个女人,她的私生活受她自己的思想支配,使我意外的发现她是一位杰出的领导人。
It was an evening with music by Chopin, played by a Chinese pianist whose name is Fou Ts'ong, a name I had never heard before. 那是一个夜晚,(从收音机里)传来了肖邦的音乐,演奏者是一位来自中国的钢琴家,名叫傅聪——我从来就没有听说过这么一位演奏家。
There was a body in the morgue that resembled his wife, whose 39th birthday had been the day before. 停尸所里有一具遗体很像他的妻子久美,此前一天正是久美的39岁生日。
The Song dynasty was one of the most typical and serious period whose army engaged profitable management in the feudal society of China. 宋代是中国封建社会历史上军队从事赢利性经营最为典型、最为严重的时期之一。
He said he was an engineer working in Lagos whose wife and only child had been killed in a car accident. 他说他是在拉哥斯工作的工程师,妻子与唯一的孩子在一场车祸中丧生。
Then it was that the fire of rebellion blazed up among the people whose extermination had been decreed. 接着,在这个被判处要被消灭的人民中暴发起反抗的烈火。
His mother had been told by an angel that she would bear a son whose life would be dedicated to God and whose hair must never be cut. 天使曾告诉他的母亲,她将生下献身于上帝的儿子,并且他的头发被剪掉。
He knew all about the mob from growing up around its members; But he had been brought by a good family whose values led him to join the FBI. 成长在黑帮成员的周围使得他十分了解这些人;但是抚养他的是一个良好的家庭,在家庭价值观的引导下他加入了联邦调查局。
Most of the children in them, the authorities said, are not orphans, but children whose parents are unable to provide for them. 官方称,孤儿院里的大多数儿童不是孤儿,而是有父母但无力抚养的儿童。