with regard to

  • na.关于;对于;为了答复;“in/with regard to”的变体
  • 网络至于;就…而言;至于,就

with regard towith regard to

with regard to


英语短语大全_在线背英语短语 ... hand brake 手刹 with regard to 关于 worn out 的过去式 ...


4级英语词汇表_百度知道 ... 258. with respect to 关于,至于 259. with regard to 关于,至于 260. without question 毫无疑问 ...


简爱经典对白 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... 8.queer a. 奇怪的;奇特的 9.with regard to 关于……; 对于…… 10. rib n. 肋骨 ...


新东方范猛老师考研英语真题讲解 - 豆丁网 ... new 新颖的 with regard to 就„而言 undergo 承受(压力、痛苦等) ...


求高考完形高频词汇_百度知道 ... 439 what is more 而且,再者 440 with regard to 关于,至于,就┄而论, 441 with that 说罢. ...


简简单单 ... what if 切合目前情况的 518. with regard to 关于,至于 520. with respect to 如果...将怎么样 521. ...


单词背记法 - 水煮稀饭 -... ... As regards 至于……关于…… With regard to 至于……关于…… With respect to 至于……关于…… ...

Furthermore, the ability of man to colonize almost every part of the world is at least in part due to his adaptability with regard to food. 此外,有能力的人进行殖民几乎每一个世界的一部分,至少部分是由于他的适应能力方面的食物。
I can not boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it. 我不敢夸口我已切实掌握这一德行的真谛,但对它的外观我却了解了不少。
'While this is generally recognized for households, ' he said, 'it is often denied with regard to corporations. 他说,尽管人们通常认为家庭是这样,企业不是这样。
With regard to your request for a refund, we have referred the matter to our main office . 有关您请求退款一事,我们已转总公司办理。
While this theory appears to have validity, it seems to me to be hyperbolic and rather useless with regard to planning and preparation. 尽管此理论上似乎有有效性,似乎给我是指双曲和而无用与计划有关和准备工作。
With regard to his character did, but all it all to the fact that he is not a company want to employ the kind of person. 关于他的个性评估了许多,但是所有一切都归于一个事实:他不是公司想雇用的那类人。
I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information with regard to the following aspects. 如果您能为我提供有关下列方面的信息,我将不胜感激。
with regard to metal material, the head-face model can be manufactured into a silica gel model to be cast. 对金属材料,则可以将头脸部模型制作成硅胶模,然后进行铸造。
With regard to stating, doctors have previously been unclear as to what do, he said, "because previously we had no recommendations. " 关于他汀类,医生曾经不清楚怎么办,他说:“因为以前我们没有建议。”
It is with regard to him that I desire to speak to you. Dispose of me as you see fit; but first help me to carry him home. 我正想和您说说他的事,您可以随意处理我,但先帮我把他送回家,我只向您要求这一件事。
With regard to the world's most wanted criminals, it is always easy to see the tremendous local impact that their crimes have had. 他们是世界头号通缉犯,显而易见,他们的犯罪活动对当地产生了巨大影响。
I've a strange feeling with regard to you, as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. 我对你有一种奇怪的感觉,仿佛在我左边的肋骨有一根弦,跟你小小身躯里同一个部位的弦维系着。
The world looks to you today with regard to Geneva. I believe it would be a grave mistake and a blow to peace if it were allowed to fail. 我相信,如果会判破裂的话,那将会是一个严重的错误,也是对和平的巨大冲击。
There does not seem to be any cause for concern with regard to calcitonin as a marker of excess C-cell stimulation. 似乎没有必要将降钙素作为C细胞过度活跃的标志加以关注。
With regard to the second, the data do not at present favor the hypothesis that dyslexia is the result of a magnocellular deficit. 关于第二个,这些数据目前不支持的假设诵读困难是由于巨赤字。
With regard to the matter at the request of the right type of question, profession in the civil law more controversial. 关于物上请求权的类型问题,在民法界争议较大。
Whether in a counter-offensive or in an offensive, the principles with regard to these problems do not differ in their basic character. 这些问题的原则,不论对于反攻说来,或对于进攻说来,在其基本性质上,是没有区别的。
The IHT said the paper 'does not engage in unethical practices with regard to our circulation or any other part of our business. ' 《国际先驱论坛报》称,该报在发行以及任何其他业务方面都不存在不道德的做法。
That, of course, seems to be our current pattern of ups and downs, so not much has changed with regard to job security. 当然,那似乎就是人生的沉浮模式,职业安全也是如此。
With regard to its physiological effects, we hypothesized that NIPSV would be better than CPAP in terms of clinical benefit. 基于呼吸生理效应,我们假设NIPSV比CPAP有更好的临床效果。
With unbroken will, he had stood by his position with regard to her, he had substituted pity for all his hostility. 他坚守着这种不可动摇的对她的信念,用怜悯取代他所有的敌意。
This serves as a huge blow to the traditional lineage of the memorial and has adverse implications with regard to losing out on history. 这对泰姬陵的传统延续性来说是个巨大的打击,并且会对其历史特征产生恶劣影响。
Now it may have been a slight misjudgement with regard to me hearing wrongly but I consider it quite apt. 现在对于我听到的可能有点不公,但是他相信肯定会有倾向性。
'We hope that this can be a model for mobilization with regard to other private sector industries, ' said Ms. Ooi. Ooi女士说,“我们希望它能够起到模范的作用,让其他私营产业起而效尤。”
With regard to (Palestinian recognition of) a Jewish state, or whatever, this has never been an issue. 关于(巴勒斯坦承认)犹太国,或不管你怎么叫它,从来都不是一个问题。
The Namibian visited restaurants and bars around Windhoek to ask how informed they were with regard to the law. 《纳米比亚人报》访问了温得和克附近的饭店和酒吧,询问它们对于这项吸烟法的了解程度如何。
Neifach: On US-VISIT, there was a lot of trepidation with regard to how it would be implemented, particularly at the land borders. 尼法赫:关于US-VISIT系统,曾经有不少人对如何实施它感到担心,特别是在边境口岸。
Our situation with regard to Lady Catherine's family is indeed the sort of extraordinary advantage and blessing which few can boast. 咖苔琳夫人府上对我们真是特别优待,特别爱护,这种机会是别人求之不得的。
Chinese word-him, especially with regard to respect that the word has been banished King, to others face, the face has its own principles. 汉语的谦词,敬词方面尤其能说明贬己敬人,给他人面子,自己也有面子的原则。
Until you understand the complexity of this whole picture, to say, 'What am I to do with regard to a particular fragment? 除非你理解这整个图景的复杂性,并且问:“对于一个特别的碎片我该怎么做?”