
美 [eks]英 [eks]
  • abbr.【电】同“reactance”;【化】同“xenon”
  • n.英语字母表的第 24 个字母;代表未知数
  • v.用x 符号标出(自己对候选人,试题答案等的选择)




1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 24 个字母the 24th letter of the English alphabet

2.[u](代表未知数)used to represent a number whose value is not mentioned

3.[u]未知的人(或数、影响等);未指明的人(或数、影响等)a person, a number, an influence, etc. that is not known or not named

The moment of inertia about the x-axis is going to be obtained by integrating y squared times the mass element. 对于x轴的转动惯量,就可以由对y^2*质量元做积分得到。
Be sure that you pressed Return at least once after the line, then press Control-O, Return, Control-X to get out of the editor. 确定在这行的末尾你至少输入了回车,然后按Control-O,再回车,最后Control-X退出编辑器。
The bank's trading platform, known as Sigma X, has grown into a significant supplier of liquidity in the US, where it was launched in 2005. 该投行的这一交易平台被称作SigmaX,已成长为美国重要的流动性供应商,它是2005年在美国推出的。
The relative size of Planet X, along the edge of the Sun, has been computed by an observer. 沿着太阳边缘的行星X的相对大小被一位观测者计算了出来。
The young dreamers in shows like "The X-Factor" commonly perform songs that are more than a quarter of a century old. X-Factor这样的节目中那些怀抱梦想的年轻人所表演的歌曲,往往已经有了四分之一个世纪那么久的历史。
Another teacher said she knew of a group of pupils who wrote online: "Join this group if you think Mrs X is still a virgin. " 另一名老师说她知道有伙学生在网络上写:如果你认为某某还是处女,就加入这个组织
For instance, in 1960 she was commissioned by Life to follow Malcolm X, the leader of the Black Muslims, for a year. 比如1960年,她受《生活周刊》委托对当时黑色穆斯林领袖马尔科姆。艾克斯(1)进行一年的跟踪拍摄。
Scientists in Germany used x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to get a detailed image of the surface of a treated tooth. 德国科学家利用X射线光电子光谱法绘制出一个治疗过的牙齿表面的详细图像。
Luckily, it only did not boot into X but I could still get a prompt and mount an external disk and backup my home dir. 幸运的是,它不但没有启动到X,但我仍然可以得到及时和挂载一个外部磁盘和备份我的家目录。
We could reprint at a cost of X, or she had found a service that would affix stickers over the price to correct at a cost of X. 我们可以按成本价格重新印刷,这将花费X,或根据她找到的一种修正服务,可以重新粘贴上正确的价格,这将花费X。
You know, I was trying to watch X-MEN last night. 你知道,昨晚我想看X战警来着。
And that's what I proposed: that perhaps we could create these comics on an infinite canvas: along the X axis and the Y axis and staircases. 我的提议就是:也许我们能在一幅无限的画布上创作这些漫画:沿X轴,Y轴,以及阶梯递进。
This leads me to believe that the range of effectiveness range of situations seems to be a bit wider on Mac OS X. 这让我不由地相信在MacOSX上有效性的范围比其他系统更广泛。
The woman's husband rushed her to hospital where X-rays showed a pair of four-inches long surgical forceps in her abdomen. 这名妇人的丈夫火速把她送医,X光照出妇人腹中有把四英寸长的手术钳。
Draws the indicated part of the surface with its origin at position (x, y) but now with scale factors and a color and transparency setting. 平铺绘制表面使其填充整个空间,然而现在有了比例因素和颜色、透明度设定。
Without doing any mathematics analysis however, we will never know how much X and Y actually are. 但是,没做过数学分析的话,我们就不会知道这个X和Y确切应该是多少。
Yes, you're risking you X-figure a year job, but the return that you could possibly get is way greater than this. 是的,你以你一年好几位数的年薪为赌注,但你的回报是你可能可以获得数倍的回报。
When he was done, I turned around to see him holding a strap-on with a smile on his face and said 'Now, do me'. 当他结束了以后,我转过身来,发现他面带微笑地拿着一个绑在腰带上的橡胶JJ,对我说:“现在来X我。”
I think that the size of each circle represents something about its magnetic field and how much it is being influenced. 我认为每个圆环的大小代表着行星X的磁场以及它的影响程度。
A few days ago X JAPAN started its world tour in London. How was this performance? 几天前XJAPAN在伦敦开始了本次世界巡演。演出怎麽样?
A major pharmaceutical company has developed a way to suppress the mutant X-Gene permanently. They're calling it a cure. 一家大型制药公司发明了一种永久抑制变种人X-基因的方法,他们称之为“解药”
It is usually inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, although autosomal recessive and X-linked inheritance are seen less commonly. 人群中,大部分遗传性白内障是外显率较高的常染色体显性遗传,但也有X连锁和常染色体隐性遗传存在。
It's possible, after all, that the baby boomers will hang on to power, keeping Gen X in a Prince Charles-like holding pattern. 毕竟,婴儿潮一代(babyboomers)有可能会紧握权力不放,让X一代和查尔斯王子(PrinceCharles)一样一直处于等待状态。
Gossip girl: And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. X. O. X. O. Gossip girl. 我是谁?那是一个永恒的秘密。你们只要知道你们会爱死我的。
"You think, oh I only have to lose X numbers of pounds but it seems like such a far away goal, " she added. “你会想,哦,我只需减掉几磅就可以了,但却似乎是个非常遥远的目标。”
Forstall was one of the original architects of OS X, the operating system that saved the company earlier this decade. 福斯塔尔是OSX操作系统的原始设计者之一,该操作系统在本世纪初拯救了苹果公司。
I first tested Tab Candy on OS X, where these shortcuts don't (yet) work, but I gave it a try and the shortcuts do indeed work in Windows. 我起先在苹果系统OSX上测试TabCandy这个快捷键,但(还)没用,在windows下就可以了。
With information on which portion of a month calendar control is at a specified x- and y-coordinate. 包含有关月历控件的哪个部分位于指定的x和y坐标处的信息。
Similar results would follow any attempt to save the X industry by a direct subsidy out of the public till. 任何试图通过让公众掏钱补贴拯救X行业都会导致类似的结果。
He agreed in his most recent "Idol" contract that he would not sell that series in the United States. 他在最近的《美国偶像》合约里同意不会将《X-因素》卖到美国。