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  • 网络解;影像延伸(X Image Extension);谢伟



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影像延伸(X Image Extension)

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Evergreen manager Liu Xie calls this unfair, and says the company is only responding to its customers. 恒兴的刘谢(音译)经理称这样说是不公平的,并且公司这么做是应客户的要求。
Unexpectedly, she managed to chat with Lao Xie awhile, but she did not dare look into his gentle eyes. 她居然能冷静地和老谢聊了一会儿,只是不敢正视老谢善良的目光。
He said earlier worked with Lin Jun 3 Xie Lianbin a time to live more than 1 year, the police really worried about her safety. 他称,林珺早先曾与谢连斌一家3口同住超过1年时间,警方确实担心过她的安危。
While some have argued a handout would be a way for China to increase its "soft power" abroad, Xie thinks such a move would backfire. 尽管一些争论说救助欧市能够增强中国在国际上的“软实力”,谢国忠却认为那样只会事与愿违。
Xie said that she had never had an abortion, nor had her two sisters-in-law who lived with her. 据谢介绍,她从未做过流产,与她生活在一起的两个兄嫂也未做过。
Xie lingyun had a great achievement in his poetic language innovation and was hailed as an apotheosis. 谢灵运在诗歌语言的创新上成就巨大,颇具典范意义。
Zen: It's possible. We are sieged here by enemies, Ju Ba and Xie Yu included. . . . We must find out how much dynamite is still left nearby! 战:有可能,我们在这受到了围攻,其中包括朱魃和獬貐…我们必须赶快检查一下这附近还有多少炸药!
It should take only a week or two for China's national trademark authority to transfer the iPad trademark for China to Apple, Mr. Xie added. 谢湘辉补充说,只需一到两周时间,中国国家工商总局下属商标局就会把在中国注册的iPad商标转让给苹果。
Xie continued to win awards for his photography but began to find little meaning to his work. 之后,解海龙的作品陆续获奖,但是他发现单纯追求奖项并没有什么意义。
Through the voices of raindrops, I thought I saw a rough sea, Zhi Xie down the waterfall, the Great Wall stretches thousands of miles. 透过这雨滴的声音,我仿佛看见了波涛汹涌的大海,直泻而下的瀑布,绵延万里的长城。
In her original remarks, Xie noted that Shanghai will soon have to deal with a rapidly aging population. 在她最初的评论中,谢伶俐注意到上海将很快不得不应付迅速增长的老龄化人口问题。
This quote is now used to mock Xie, who was recently removed from his position. 这个报价现在是用来模拟解,谁是最近从他的立场。
Xie Jing Lian, a retired calligrapher, stoops over a flagstone walk as he draws Chinese characters with a large wet brush. 谢景连是一名退休的书法家。他弯著腰,用一把巨大的刷子,蘸著水,在石板路上书写汉字。
Mr. Xie said 'developed countries should, at least, contribute 0. 7% of their GDP' to help fund poorer countries fight global warming. 解振华说,至少发达国家应拿出国内生产总值(GDP)的0.7%用于帮助发展中国家应对气候变化。
So Ms Xie and her homeowners' committee decided to take advantage of new rules in the city allowing them to vote out the management company. 谢嘉和她的业委会于是决定,利用重庆市允许业主投票更换物业公司的新规定。
Liu Xie living in Qi and Liang of the Southern Dynasties, used to lodge in a temple for a long time due to his purerished family. 南朝齐梁时期人刘勰,由于家境清贫,长期寄居在寺庙里。
Splashed the water did not expect was such a big sound capability, replacing my Zheme Xie days of unremitting efforts. 没想到哗哗的水流声能耐却那么大,顶替了我这么些天的不懈努力。
To be sure, there are good reasons for Gov. Zhou and Minister Xie not to say much to the press. 毫无疑问,周小川和谢旭人没有向媒体发表置评有充分的理由。
Liu Xie's concept of "Tong Bian" of literature writing is closely related to his concept of literature development, but not the same. 刘勰文学创作论的“通变”观与他的文学发展论的“通变”观密切相关,又不尽相同。
In an interview before Giffen when Frankie Xie, he said: what is the difference between marketing and sales? 之前在采访吉芬的谢锋的时候,他说营销和销售的区别是什么?
Although Carl reluctantly, but for the answer Xie Jieke grace to rescue his wife, he had to invite Jack to dine in first class. 尽管卡尔很不情愿,但为答谢杰克的救妻之恩,他只好邀请杰克到头等舱里进餐。
Advocates the auxiliary engine room cloth incantation power unit, because Xie Ge divides the cabin to be very big. 主辅机舱布咒动力装置由于解个分舱都很大。
Xie An, the prime minister once said that Huan Yi's love for music was deep-seated and came from the bottom of his heart. 宰相谢安曾经说:“桓伊对音乐的感情是由衷的,真可谓‘一往情深’。”
Xie Ling-yun is the figure of the originator in literature history of Nan Dynasty for whom quite a few people have written his almanac. 谢灵运是南朝文学史上开宗立派的人物,为其撰写年谱者甚众。
For a your xie group fragrance, weaves clouds, in the feeling becomes aware with the thinking in accompanies you to grow. 为你撷一路芬芳,织一片云彩,在感悟和思索中伴你成长。
Xie Lin then the size will be rounded up to the Sun Jiefu Twelve officials review all of them intended to kill. 谢麟于是将抓捕了大小官吏十二人交给孙介夫审查,打算将他们全杀掉。
Andy Xie is an independent economist based in Shanghai. This commentary was first published as a note to his clients last week. 本文作者是驻上海独立经济学家,这篇评论首次出现在他上周对客户发布的研究报告中。
Now, Leading by the president Xie zhili, it has developed into the leader in chemistry industry after several years hardships. 在董事长谢志立先生的领导下,历经数十年的磨砺,现已发展成为化工行业的佼佼者。
the latest of a photography magazine , xie , also spoke after the mexican human photography to try some of the expression of desire. 最新一期的摄影杂志上,谢墨也讲以后的人体摄影要尝试些对欲望的表达。
Before I left, Mr. Xie did not disproportionately expressed their preferences. 临走前,谢先生并没有过多地表示出自己的喜好。