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Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 芶 ji xu 迟 chi ...

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 魏 wei xu 段 duan ...

On the Naksatras in the Chinese Sutras ... NU( 女) XU) WEI( 危) ...

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 万 wan xu 邝 kuang ...

无敌于天下-电脑编程网成语频道 ... 无 mo&wu xu&yu 敌 di ...


Booking.com 缤客: 卡隆咖啡酒店,... ... Jianyun 上海, 中国 Xu 北京, 中国 Haitong 北京, 中国 ...


招聘动态 -... ... 1. 落户办理咨询人:欧阳小姐 SSC7700zte.com.cn 1. 落户办理咨询人:徐先生 xu.yang1zte.com.cn ...

白话解析《荀子》 ... (qi8 窃),满足。 (xu1 n ):一种有篷遮蔽的车,为卿大夫及诸侯夫人等达官贵人所乘。絻 (ji1 家…

Since the departure of her boyfriend, xu was fatally stricken down in spirit and teared cats and dogs without eating the least. 男友与她分手,许玉萌在精神上受了很大的打击,回到家后不吃不喝,整天以泪洗面。
Xu said the exemption for Li was to honor the name's origin. 徐雷说免票原因是为了纪念李姓渊源。
During the Lantern Festival the next year, Xu Deyan took his half of the mirror to the fair, hoping that he could see his wife again. 在第二年的元宵节上,徐德言带着他的半边铜镜来到集市上,渴望能遇见他的妻子。
By means of describing twelve rituals of selling blood, Chronicle of a Blood Merchant abstracts the whole life of an idiot Xu Sanguan. 《许三观卖血记》以十二次卖血仪式,抽象出傻子许三观的一生。
Li Xiongbing, a lawyer working with the Open Constitution Initiative, said he believed it was now much less likely Mr Xu would be indicted. 公盟律师黎雄兵表示,他认为现在许志永被起诉的可能性已大为降低。
Xu, the translator, has no doubt that he is engaged in an intense rivalry. 翻译徐先生说,毫无疑问他陷入了紧张状态。
At a press conference Monday in Beijing, Lao Xu confessed that being an editor of a magazine has long been one of her sweet dreams in life. 星期一在北京举行的新闻发布会上,老徐承认成为一名杂志编辑是她一生中甜蜜梦想之一。
A note from his son, Xu Boyang, on the back of the painting attests that it was by his father, although the artist died in 1953. 画上附有徐悲鸿的儿子徐伯阳出示的背书,证明该画是他父亲所做,虽然画家早在1953年就去世了。
Xu Bing has also asked me to talk about my personal path from Canada to the heart of pop culture in the USA. 徐冰先生让我给大家讲一下,我怎样从加拿大跑到美国的流行文化的核心里去了。
Xu: You dare to have her idea! Did not say that this, has taken the contract, so as to avoid you annoy troublesome. 徐:你敢打她主意!不说这个了,把合同书拿出来,免得你们惹麻烦。
Recently, when Xu had not heard from her in several days, he began feeling a little concerned. 连续几天没有接到母亲的电话,徐阳反而开始有点儿担心。
Xu said there had been a small delay in paying taxes, but they had paid the full amount and yet the heaviest fine was levied. 许志永说,公盟在缴税上有一点点拖延,但已经交足了税款,却还是被课以最重的罚金。
Following her mother's advice, xu changed her fashioned dress with a more generous and polite one, winning the interviewers' high praise. 面试时,听从母亲的建议,许玉萌一改时尚前卫的打扮,以得体的装束和落落大方的临场表现赢得了评委的好评。
It's been a pleasure talking with you. Mr. Xu. You are one of the best negotiators I've ever know. 我觉得与你洽淡是一种乐趣,你是我知道的最好的谈判员之一。
The neighbors came rushing in to find out what was the matter, and there in a pool of blood they saw the cow butcher Big Xu. 邻居们都赶紧冲出来看看是怎么回事。他们发现以杀牛为生的屠夫大许倒在了血泊中。
Xu Song is with you who share in the division of Friends of Des folder, the Northwest study of the history of the impact of increase. 正是在徐松与各位同好的师友夹辅中,西北史地研究的影响大增。
The leaf rather and far thinks of him to jump with Xu Nuo in the dance hall of that hot dance, center of the chest a concuss. 叶宁远想起他和许诺在舞厅中跳的那一段热舞,心口一荡。
It comes up to its peak in Qianlong period, after one decline with managment and up to another peak in Guang Xu period. 在乾隆时期达到高峰,经过一段衰落以后,在同治和光绪时期又达到另一次高峰。
Is said to come see us dead funny. Perhaps we would like to Xu found under it a reality! 说是来见来我们,搞笑死。也许是想许我们多见下现实吧!
Remember me to your said! And the wang xu said to your enquiry of that is all I ever before him and said, please believe me. 记住我给你说过的话!还有王询给你说的那都是我曾经在他面前说的话,请你相信我。
while his wife is selling the fish on bank , xu lies down in the cabin enjoying his luxurious leisure time sparing from the busy work. 鱼有老婆在卖,老徐便安逸地在船舱里躺下休息一会,忙里偷闲是最惬意的事情了。
Xu spent a year planning his wedding. "We went to every wedding fair we could to get the best price, " he said. 徐先生说自己花了一年时间做婚礼策划,“我们看了很多场婚礼博览会,想寻找最优的价格。”
"Housing prices will decline in the fourth quarter this year, but how much it will drop is uncertain, " Xu said. 徐说,“今年的第四季度,房屋的价格将会下降,,但它会下降多少是不确定的。”
Xu Heng's Bian Nian Ge Kuo relates history in the form of ballads and is the child of a marriage between poetry and history. 许衡的《编年歌括》以歌谣的形式铺叙历史,是诗、史联姻的结晶,体现了作者的历史观念。
Wu-zi Xu was about to tell the reason, suddenly, a woman's voice came from outside. It was Zhuan Zhu's mother. She was home now. 伍子胥正欲说出原由,忽地,外头传来一把妇女之声。原来,是专诸母亲回家来了。
The company aims to become one of the world's top five handset brands in the next three to five years, Mr. Xu said. 徐昕泉说,该公司的目标是在未来三到五年成为全球排名前五位的手机品牌。
People see him as a green hand in the modeling industry, but Xu knows exactly how much he has devoted to the trade. 在人们眼中,胥添麒是模特界的新人,但是他清楚自己为了这份事业倾注了多少汗水。
Early August this year, ms. Xiuzhu find distributors Mr Xu, said he was not in the hotel manager, is instead maotai brewery salesman. 今年8月上旬,杨女士找到经销商徐先生,称自己已不在酒店做经理,转而成了茅台酒厂的业务员。
Experienced the misfortune, Xu decided to use his own effort to help those who do not know how to protect themselves by using tool of law. 经历了一场变故,徐吉坤决定用自己的力量去帮助那些不懂得运用法律保护自己的人。
If you and Zhou Xu go to the Duke of Chen and ask him for help, I'm sure he is willing to say a good word for you before the king. 如果你和州吁先去陈国,向他求助,我肯定他会乐意在周天子面前为你们说好话的。