
  • 网络可扩展样式表语言转换;可延伸样式表语言转换;可扩展样式表转换语言




使用可扩展样式表语言转换XSLT)将 XML 数据转换成另一种形式内容 分享此页面 关注 developerWorks 关注 developerWor…


“嵌入式”影片 in... ... 可延伸样式表语言( XSL) 可延伸样式表语言转换( XSLT) 敏捷式软体开发( Agile Software Development) ...


  封装可扩展样式表转换语言 (XSLT) 处理器的当前执行上下文,使 XML 路径语言 (XPath) 在 XPath 表达式中解析函数、参数和 …

可扩展样式表转换(XSL Transformation)

System.Xml.Xsl 提供可扩展样式表转换 (XSLT) 转换支持。它支持 W3C XSL 转换 (XSLT) 1.0 版建议 (www.w3.org/TR/xslt)。

样式表语言转换(XML Stylesheet Language Transformation)

通过基于可扩展的样式表语言转换 (XSLT) 的转换,Web 部件将派生出 Field 定义或 ContentType 定义,具体取决于您在单击 …

转换语言(XSL Transformations)

扩展样式表单转换语言(XSLT)规定了将一份XML文档转换为另一份不同的XML文档或其它文档(如HTML文档)的规则。为了 …

To the best of my knowledge, every XSLT processor offers at least one extension to support multiple output documents. 就我所知,每一个XSLT处理器至少提供一个扩展来支持多个输出文档。
The first version of XSLT was very strict. It had one input and one output (although you could have more than one template file). XSLT的第一个版本有很大的局限性,只能有一个输入和一个输出(虽然可以有多个模板文件)。
The top two form elements are a text area for entering XSLT and a text entry field for the URL that points to the XML to be transformed. 最上面的两个表单组件是:一个文本区域,用于输入XSLT;一个文本输入字段,用于输入指向被转换的XML的测试URL。
Although you can implement all of these using the basic operations XSLT does support, such a program would be both unwieldy and slow. 尽管您可使用XSLT支持的基本运算实现所有这一切,但那将是一个拙劣、缓慢的程序。
This was probably a bit of a stretch for Java programmers who are unfamiliar with XSLT. 对于不熟悉XSLT的Java程序员来说可能有一点儿压力。
The debugger can be used to debug a style sheet, or to debug an XSLT transformation invoked from another application. 调试程序可以用于调试样式表,也可以用于调试从另一个应用程序调用的XSLT转换。
XSL-FO is often used as an output format from XSLT ( covered earlier in this series). XSL-FO常用作XSLT(本系列文章前已述及)的输出格式。
When you ignore the verbose XSLT syntax and view this as a simple test, the coding is very similar to that of a concept or task. 如果忽略冗长的XSLT语法,将其看作是简单的测试,那么这些代码会和用于概念或任务的代码非常类似。
It may seem strange to start with a tip on CSS in an article on XSLT, but I'm often asked "Are the two style sheet languages compatible? " 在讨论XSLT的文章中以关于CSS的技巧作为开始似乎有些奇怪,但有人经常问我“这两种样式表语言是否兼容?”
XSLT is often used to perform the transformations to human-readable format. 常用XSLT来执行到人类可读格式的转换。
At this point, XSLT novices usually ask how to split HTML elements across two or more templates. 此时,XSLT新手通常会问:如何在两个或更多个模板之间拆分HTML元素。
The debugger can be used to debug a style sheet, or to debug a compiled XSL transformation invoked from another application. 调试程序可以用于调试样式表,也可以用于调试从另一个应用程序调用的已编译XSLT转换。
In that respect, CSS is redundant with XSLT, which already make it easy to reformat several documents at once. 在那方面,XSLT与CSS一起使用简直就是多余,XSLT就已经可以使一次性重新格式化几个文档变得很容易。
The XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) standard is one of the least known parts of the XSL standard (the more prominent part being XSLT). XSL格式化对象(XSL-FO)标准是XSL标准中最鲜为人知的部分之一(人们更熟悉的部分是XSLT)。
XSLT was not designed as a generic querying language, even though it has often been used as one for lack of a better alternative. XSLT旨在作为一种通用查询语言,尽管它总是在没有更好选择的情况下被使用。
A more complex NITF document example: Download a sample NITF file that was transformed by an XSLT style sheet into a sample HTML output. 更复杂的NITF文档例子:这个示例NITF文件用XSLT样式表转化成HTML输出。
The next transformation action uses another XSLT script to query the rule server, in case of a miss in the previous stage. 下一个转换操作在前一个阶段失败的情况下使用另一个XSLT脚本来查询规则服务器。
If you know XSLT, feel free to skip directly to the next subsection. 如果您了解XSLT,可直接跳到下一小节处。
Removing the namespace from the XML document by preprocessing it with an XSLT might be an option, but doing so might be time-consuming. 利用一个XSLT对XML文档进行预处理以删除其中的名称空间也是一种解决方案,但是这样做可能比较费时间。
So far, the XM plug-in extends the platform with a fixed set of features -- the ability to process XML and XSLT files. 到目前为止,XM插件为平台增加一些固定的特性,即处理XML和XSLT文件的能力。
In addition, the fact that the function library is implemented in pure XSLT will provide great portability of your code as well. 另外,这个函数库是用纯XSLT实现的,这将为代码提供很强的可移植性。
The processing of XML using XSLT has much to gain from this same sort of modularization. 通过这种相同的模块化,使用XSLT的XML处理会获益良多。
One of the most effective ways to query such a database is to write an XSLT stylesheet that formats the results. 查询这样的数据库最有效的一种方式是编写一个XSLT样式表来格式化结果。
XSLT normally assumes that whitespace in a stylesheet isn't meaningful, with a few specific exceptions. 除了少数的特定异常外,XSLT通常假定样式表中的空格是无意义的。
You could now process this XML document with XSLT transformations to generate a document with the format of your choice. 现在,您可以使用XSLT转换格式处理这个XML文档,以您选择的格式生成一个文档。
If you don't want to change the XSLT, you're ready to go; all you need to do is download the XSLT and place it somewhere on your system. 如果不需要修改XSLT,那么现在就可以开始执行了,所要做的就是下载XSLT到系统中的某个地方。
This two-pass approach transforms the document twice, with the result of the first XSLT transformed by a second XSLT. 这个两段式方法转换文档两次,结果是第二个XSLT转换第一个XSLT得到的结果。
A simpler solution uses XSLT to insert a probe task at the beginning or end of each target. 还有一种简单点儿的方法,我们可以用XSLT在每一个目标开始或者结束的时候插入一项探测任务(probetask)。
An XPath statement in an XQuery or XSLT stylesheet might test for one of the predefined elements and also display the known color. XQuery或XSLT样式表中的一个XPath语句可能测试一个预定义元素并显示已知颜色。
You don't need to use it often in XSLT, but it lets you accomplish tricky tasks that you can't do any other way in standard XSLT. 在XSLT中不需要经常使用这种技术,但使用这种技术可以完成用其他任何标准XSLT技术都做不到的技巧性任务。