
美 [ˈnævɪˌɡeɪt]英 [ˈnævɪɡeɪt]
  • v.导航;航行;航海;横渡
  • 网络驾驶;浏览;领航

第三人称单数:navigates 现在分词:navigating 过去式:navigated

navigate ship,navigate river



1.[i][t]导航;确定(船、飞机、汽车等)的位置和方向to find your position or the position of your ship, plane, car etc. and the direction you need to go in, for example by using a map

2.[t]~ sth航行;航海;横渡to sail along, over or through a sea, river etc.

3.[t]~ sth找到正确方法(对付困难或复杂的情况)to find the right way to deal with a difficult or complicated situation


托福听力分类词汇汇总_百度文库 ... prey 捕食 navigate 导航 tiny receptor 接收器 ...


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... postage 邮费 13. navigate 航行;驾驶 1 [大家学习网 pilot 飞行员 15. ...


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... postage 邮费 13. navigate 航行;驾驶 1 [大家学习网 pilot 飞行员 15. ...


IBM Domino Designer 9 Social Edition 用户指南 ... multipleTrim - 多次修剪 navigate - 浏览 navigationRules - 导航规则 ...


100个英语基础词根(新东方)_百度文库 ... communicate 交流 57) navigate 驾驶,领航 58) disconnected 不连续的 59) ...


计算机英语词汇表》(高清晰pdf版)_百度文库 ... task 任务,作业 navigate 导航,航行,航海,航空 hierarchy 层次,层级 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... naval a 船的;海军的 navigate v 驾驶;航海 circumnavigate v 环球航行 ...


  3、再拖一个导航图标(Navigate)到交互图标(Interaction)右侧,在交互类型中选择热区域(Hot Spot)。双击热区图标,打开热区 …

It's worth it to spend a little time on the portfolio, making it pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. 你很有必要在自己的文件夹上花点时间,令它赏心悦目并易于操作。
To help you navigate some of the challenges that frequently await your to-do list, here's some strategies for getting out in front. 为了帮助你了解运用待办事项列表过程中经常会碰到的问题,这里有一些前期的策略。
However, when you navigate down the site hierarchy, this breadcrumb appears above the name of the page to which you have navigated. 但是,沿网站层次结构向下导航时,痕迹导航便会出现在已经导航到的网页的名称上方。
I have a nice logo ready to go (attached), and would like to see it impletemented in a modern, yet easy to read & navigate website. 我有一个好标志准备好(附后),并希望看到它在一个现代化的,易于阅读和浏览impletemented网站。
Twenty volunteers tested the system and most found it easy to navigate through icons on the forearm and tap fingers to actuate commands. 20个志愿者体验了这套系统,绝大多数认为找到并用手指点击手臂上的图标并触发指令很容易。
It's easy to navigate and equipped with passenger-friendly amenities like free wireless Internet and a pay-to-use arrival lounge. 这里的指示牌一目了然,并且装备了很多方便乘客的设施比如无线上网和付费休息厅。
On the front end, users can navigate through a list of polls, vote on which answer they like best, and see a graph of the results. 在前端,用户可以浏览调查清单,对于他们最喜欢的答案进行投票,并查看结果图表。
So that visitors perceive content as being easy to navigate, the navigation is often structured with blocks of the same height and width. 导航区通常都是具有相同高度和宽度的区块,因此访问者感觉内容能被轻松引导。
Navigate asteroid belts and prepare to fight for your life or to the death against the galactic invaders. 导航的小行星带,并准备去争取你的生活,或者死亡对银河系的侵略者。
We have designed the site to provide you with information, and to make it easy to navigate through points of interest. 我们网站的设计旨在为您提供信息,让您能够很容易地浏览各部分重点内容。
Visibility was terrible; the only way our driver could navigate was to crane his neck out a side window. 路上的能见度很差,我们的司机只能把头探出车窗外面,看着路面往前开。
While good documentation has no substitute, you can offset its absence by having the ability to navigate the process in an abstract fashion. 好的文档是无法取代的,如果没有这样的文档,只要能用一种抽象的方式浏览整个过程,那么也可以抵消一些负面影响。
Moving to the other end of the scale, our ancestors never had to navigate through the cosmos at speeds close to the speed of light. 再谈一谈尺度的另一端,我们的祖先从来不需要在一个接近光速的宇宙中操纵自己的身体。
It's easy to navigate and can be very useful for someone who travels a lot, but it definitely has some problems. 它易于操作,可用于人谁旅行了很多非常有用的,但肯定有一些问题。
If you know the number of a specific line of code you want to view in an open document, you can navigate directly to that line number. 如果您知道希望在打开的文档中查看的特定代码行的编号,则可以直接定位到该行号。
You might be able to navigate your way through Java programming problems quite easily, but find other languages cumbersome and awkward. 您也许能够轻松地用您自己的方法解决Java编程的问题,但发现其他的语言是如此的笨拙。
It must be able to review and implement loan programmes alongside offering support to help small businesses navigate red tape. 该机构必须能够审查并施行贷款项目,同时为小型企业提供支持,帮助它们通过繁琐的手续。
You'll need to think abstractly, navigate politics, set up policies, and think like "the enemy, " for starters. 您将需要以抽象的方式进行思考,了解关系、设置策略并从一开始就从“敌人”的角度考虑问题。
Another key responsibility of IDE support is to make the system's crosscutting structure easy to navigate and understand. IDE支持的另外一个主要职责是让系统的横切结构易于导航和理解。
The owner of a ship may not know how to navigate, but he or she still has the right to determine where the ship will go. 船主也许并不了解航行,但他仍然有权决定将船驶向何处。
I would start by trying to navigate through my house, usually ending up stuck in the roof, for a while. 我通常开始试着穿过我的房子,我经常会在房顶被卡住一会儿。
Because a unit test is a method within a class, you can navigate to it in the same way that you can navigate to any other method in code. 因为单元测试是类中的方法,所以您可以通过定位到代码中的其他任何方法的方式来定位到它。
Easy to navigate, although insider knowledge on how the D-bag was created would have been useful. 虽然拥有D-bag手袋如何制作的内行知识,但该款软件的操作还是很简便的。
The program should be visually appealing, and easy to navigate through. If you are interested, please post your bid - thank you! 该方案应在视觉上的吸引力,便于浏览。如果你有兴趣,请发表您的出价-谢谢你!
Has left, the alma mater, we navigate far, always distantly face one another again with you! 别了,母校,我们航行再远,总与您遥遥相望!
Financial aid information was easy to navigate, and main points were nicely stated in a few simple sentences. 助学金信息简单易查,主要的信息可以再一些简单的介绍中查到。
As you navigate through the application you build a stack of activities that you can then pop out of by using the back button on the phone. 当您在应用程序中导航时,就创建了一个活动堆栈,使用手机上的后退按钮就就可从该堆栈中出来。
But Heumann was a victim of polio, confined to a wheelchair, and unable to navigate her chair up the bus stairs. 但是,休曼是小儿麻痹症患者,不得不靠轮椅代步,她无法坐轮椅上公共汽车。
I never taught you to be a thief. - No, you taught me to navigate people's minds. 我从没教过你去做小偷。
To use just a portion of the loaded document as the style sheet, navigate to the node corresponding to the beginning of the style sheet. 若要只使用所加载文档中的一部分作为样式表,请定位到对应于样式表开始处的节点。