no matter what

  • na.不管怎什么
  • 网络无论如何;无论什么;不管什么

no matter whatno matter what

no matter what


MP3列表_馆档网 ... kangmidye yeyeye kisskiss 说我爱你 no matter what 无论如何 irls (剧场版下集) ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 441. no more 再也不 442. no matter what 无论什么 443. not a few 相当多的 ...


下面的英文都是什么意思?_百度知道 ... all the year round 一年到头 no matter what 不管什么 give up 放弃 ...


初恋情书 ... You Are My World-- 你是我的世界 No Matter What-- 无论怎样 Genuine Love-- 真爱永远 ...


中考关键词组(教师用) - 豆丁网 ... pay attention to 注意,专注于 92. no matter what 无论何事 no matter when 无论何时 ...


他们的表现也没有让人们失望:演唱了代表作“你需要我”(You needed me),与帕瓦罗蒂成功地合唱了最新金曲“不论如何”(No m


初中英语总复习之短语 - 豆丁网 ... next to 紧挨着 9. no matter what 不论什么 10. no longer 不再 11. ...

Not, you know, not a hair out of place, no matter what she was doing. 你知道,她的头发始终一丝不乱,不论她在做什么。
No matter what I said, he just wouldn't listen. 我怎么劝,他还是不依。
But if the kind of love no matter what happens on the men do not care will not happen. 但是如果那种无论对爱情中发生什么都不在意的男人就不会出现这种情况。
Ever notice how some people just seem to be able to be content and bounce back no matter what the circumstances? 你有没有注意到,总有这样一些人,无论在什么情况下,似乎特别能够满足并苦中求乐?
Girl: Just want you know, no matter what, you always have somebody here for you. 女:只想让你知道,无论发生什么,这里一直有人等着你。
No matter what you do to it. . . a mud pie is still a mud pie! 不管你怎么做…泥饼就是不能变成巧克力派。(小妞发脾气了)
You could have felt like no matter what you do, someone is going to say you did it wrong. 你可以有这样的心情,不管你做什么,有人会说你没有错。
No matter what you think, the bottom line is we are not transferring Jerry to Guangzhou. 不管你怎么想,底线是我们不会把Jerry调去广州的。
His daughter he had asserted her to be, and his daughter she should always think herself, no matter what hypocrisy it involved. 他既然肯定地说出了她是他的女儿,那就不管这里面包含有多少虚伪,也得叫她永远承认她是他的女儿吧。
She's one of the most loving, caring people I know. No matter what's going on with me, I know I can talk to her, and she would never judge. 她是我所认识的最有爱心,最懂得关心别人的人。无论有什么挫折或者蠢事发生在我身上,我知道我都能跟她讲,她从来不会挑剔和批评我。
No matter what I said, he just didn't care. 不管我说什么,他就是不在意。
After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what, I ll always be there for you! " 看到这令人伤心的一幕,他想起了曾经对儿子所作的承诺:“不论发生什么事,我都会在你身边。”
No matter what age or how healthy you are, make sure you make preparations for your cat if you become unable to care for her. 无论你年龄几何、身体安否,如果不能继续照顾它,请保证你已为你的猫咪做好准备。
The kind of love, that encourages people all around the world forget about the fear and fight for the freedom of our friends no matter what. 这样的爱,鼓励人们在世界各地忘记恐惧,争取朋友们的自由。
No matter what I say, I seem to say the wrong thing. 无论我说什么,都似乎说得不当。
"No matter what some agency may say, we've always been and always will be a triple A-country, " he said. “不管某些评级机构会说些什么,美国一直是,也将永远是,一个AAA国家,”奥巴马表示。
What's your definition of the one? What you really want him to become? Hey, no matter what I sacrifice, it's still never enough. 你对一个人的定义是什么?你到底希望他成为什么?嘿,无论我牺牲什么,仍永远不够。
No matter what animal passes, it leaves behind it a trail of clues, which only the most experienced tribe man can read. 不管什么样的动物走过,都会留下一串线索,这些线索只有最有经验的部落人员才能读懂。
No matter what was going on at work, I was always able to leave behind the concerns of the office. 不管公司的事情如何,我回到家里,总可以把工作上的事抛诸脑后。
You've come through years when no matter what you did, it was hard to raise your income, and changing jobs seemed not to help. 过去的几年里,不管你做什么,你都很难提高的收入,改变工作也无济于事,这些已经过去。
The luxury-goods industry is often said to be immune to such ups and downs, since the mega-rich go on spending no matter what. 经常有人认为,这种变化对于奢侈品行业应该是没有影响的,因为富豪们在任何情况下都会慷慨出手。
Tianqi, can you imagine how much I love you? I love you no matter what. Even I'm asked to vanish like the mermaid, I would say yes. 天骐,你知道我有多喜欢你吗?就算要我像人鱼公主一样变成泡沫,我也要喜欢你。
Remember: when you hurt someone's feelings, no matter what you do to make up for it, there will always be a scar in their heart. 每当你伤害到他们,无论你做什么事去弥补你所做的伤害,他们的心中,永远都会留下一条深深的疤。
Shoot for a year or two, not a few weeks. There are no instant fitness fixes, no matter what that website or magazine promises. 无论哪些网站和杂志怎么承诺,都不存在快速健身的方法。
No matter what, I will support you, I believe, is a lifelong friend of the matter! 无论遇到什麽事情,我都会支持妳的,请相信我,朋友是壹辈子的事!
By men seems to love her no matter what, "I love you" as long as these three words have said, do not want to repeat the second time. 由男人看来,不管如何地爱她,“我爱你”这三个字只要讲过,就不想再说第二次。
No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value. 不管我对钱做了什么,你们仍然想要它因为没有失去价值。
No matter what you do. That seed will grow up to peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you'll get a peach. 但无论你如何左右,种子终究会长成桃树,也许你想要苹果或者橘子,但你得到的还是桃子而已.。
He said he's often seen theater help move patients to a better place, no matter what their diagnosis. 他说自己看到过很多戏剧表演帮助患者康复的例子,无论他们得的是什么病。
20. No matter what you think of the vuvuzela, at least it's not as annoying as the England band. 20.不管你怎么看待嗡嗡泽啦,至少你要承认它没英伦乐队那么恼人。