new world

  • adj.新世界的
  • 网络新大陆;新的世界;新世界连锁酒店

new worldnew world

new world



新世界(new world)指的是美国、澳洲、纽西兰、南非、智利、阿根廷等仅有数百年种植葡萄历史的新兴产区,新世界葡萄酒 …


1.1辣椒的起源 辣椒起源于新大陆New World)热带和亚热带地区的墨西哥,秘鲁等地,有 5个栽培种: (1)Capsicum annu…


花田音乐节的小站 ... 《原画》( Original Painting) 《新的世界》( New World) 《旅程》( Journey To The Day) ...


...连锁酒店公司(Renaissance)及其下属 的新世界连锁酒店(New World),以及华美达国际连锁酒店(Ramada International)的收 …


厦门优拉体育有限公司 ... RALLY 锐利 NEW WORLD 新天地 Rhyzm 雷神 ...


1989年,香港新世界集团New World)收购兼并华美达集团(Ramada)。 1989年,共有30余家国际酒店集团落户中国。


口语新话... ... Navy Navigation Satellite 海军导航卫星美国导航卫星 New World 新世界前苏联运载火箭 Nimbus 雨云美国气象 …

The power has always rested with you, and soon you will see your visions of a new world fulfilled. 力量一直取决于你们,并且很快你们就会看到一个新世界的愿景的实现。
The hustlers of the new world always found it a decadent trend, bound to lead to no good (in retrospect, they had a point). 新世界中那些精力充沛的人总认为这是一种衰落的趋势,一定没有好处(回顾往事,他们说的也有一定道理)。
What happened to the brave new world we were all promised in the aftermath of the banking crisis, the world where lessons had been learned? 我们在银行业危机发生后承诺要建立的美丽新世界发生了什么?
Once upon a time, the animals decided they must do something heroic to meet the problems of "a new world. " 有一天,动物们做出一项决定:他们必须做一件有勇有谋的事情,以迎接“新世界”衍生出的各种难题的挑战。
The impact of this new world is going to be huge because, whether we like it or not, we will no longer be the same. 这个新世界的影响是非常巨大的,不管你喜不喜欢,我们将彻底改变。
The New World is still new so long as it is possible to slip away into the wilderness, to live by the sense as wild animals do. 只要你能够溜进荒野,象野兽那样靠五官生活,新世界还是新的。
and my husband, he is all complete, he open up whole new world for me, unroll an endless succession of magnificent possibilities. 而我的先生是最完美的,他为我打开一个全新的世界,展现出无穷的壮丽前景。
Now everyone is trying to think through a new world, in which Mr Strauss-Kahn may well be back, alive and kicking, and eager for revenge. 而现在,每个人都试图看清楚新局势——卡恩很有可能活蹦乱跳地回来,并急于“报仇”。
But a lot of thing's changed, I had grew up into a more mature person, I had opened my eyes to a whole new world. 但是很多事情改变了,我变得更成熟了,而我的双眼也看到了更广阔的世界。
But then came the new world order whose defining story was that there was no defining story. 但当时世界新秩序刚刚形成,那段时期报道的特征就是没有一个可以明确归属的时代特征。
I liked the picture of him starting at the age of forty-seven, when most men have already settled comfortably in a groove, for a new world. 我喜欢这样一个画面:他活到四十七岁(到了这个年纪大多数人早已掉进舒适的生活沟槽里了)动身到天涯海角去寻找一个新世界;
When Christopher Columbus returned to Spain from his his-toric first mission to the New World, he brought back with him six Indians. 当克里斯托弗·哥伦布完成第一次去新大陆的任务回到西班牙时带回个印地安人。
I came into this Country, where I found a new World and new manners at which my heart rose. 我来到了这片土地,在这里发现了一个崭新的世界和找到了全新的生活方式,在这里我的心灵之花得以盛开。
You will wake up to a new world tomorrow, and the new energies will take you to the next level again. 睡一觉,第二天你就会在一个新世界中醒来,而能量将再把带你到一个新的水平。
I'll fly to a whole new world, A wondrous place for you and me. Our dreams are so young, Without you, seem my days so long. 我要飞向那崭新的世界,属于你与我的神奇之地。我们的梦想还那么年轻,没有你的日子漫长难挨。
The Queen, hoping to represent the west, is trying to negotiate with China, carving up the new world that will present after the Pole Shift. 女王,希望代表西方,正与天朝交涉,瓜分极移之后将会出现的新世界。
But if you're the right type of person to do it, a whole new world of vertical fun will open up. 不过,如果你是适合攀岩的人,一个垂直乐趣的新世界将会从此展开。
The hope of a new world is in those of you who begin to see what is false and revolt against it, not just verbally but actually. 新世界的希望存在于那些看出错误并且去革新的人身上,不只是在口头上说说而已,而是真正的行动。
The Rails wrappers, combined with fantastic community support, make it easy to break into this new world with a very low initial investment. Rails包装器(加上很棒的社区支持)使得进入这一新环境变得简单,而且最初的投资非常低。
Its activities have become shrouded in a mist of conspiracy theories, with some claiming its members are trying to create a new world order. 它的活动已变成笼罩在阴谋理论的薄雾中,有些人声称它的成员正试图创建一个新世界秩序。
These familiar, and during the day are not the same, a bit strange, as if to a new world. 这些熟悉的景物,与白天大不相同,有几分陌生,好像到了一片新的天地。
Some go further and argue that in the new world order, Asia's solid fundamentals make it a haven for the risk-averse. 还有人走得更远,认为在世界新秩序中,亚洲坚固的基本面使其成为避险安全港。
We did not adjust quickly enough to this new world, and I take personal responsibility for that mistake. 我们没有尽快适应新世界,我本人要为这个错误负责。
Capuchins are among the smartest of monkeys and have been referred to as "the New World Chimpanzee. " 卷尾猴是最聪明的猴类之一,人们已经把它们当做了“新时代的黑猩猩”来看待。
It did not signal the arrival of a new world, but it has accelerated the end of the American Century. 它并没有标志着一个新世界的到来,但它加快了“美国世纪”(AmericanCentury)的终结。
As if to illustrate his point about this dangerous new world, two days later it was revealed that Iran has a second, secret, nuclear site. 似乎是为了证明他关于这个危险新世界的看法,两天后,伊朗拥有第二座秘密核工厂的事实曝光。
I know , but I just can't help it ! Cyberspace is such a fascinating new world, don't you think ? 我知道,但我就是忍不住嘛!因特网是多么令人心醉神迷的新世界,你不觉得吗?。
The influx of immigrants puts added pressure on an Italy struggling to come to terms with its place in a new world. 移民的到来,意大利要想在新的世界格局中占据自己的位置,又有了更大的压力。
Hurstwood gazed wearily, reminded by her both of Carrie in her new world and of the time when he had escorted his own wife in like manner. 赫斯渥疲倦地呆望着,由她而想到了在新的世界里的嘉莉和他当年也这样陪伴他太太的情景。
Once you've had some training, though, you're ready to take a dive and explore a whole new world under the sea. 不过一旦接受过训练,你就可以准备潜入深海,一探海底新世界!