
美 [waɪ]英 [waɪ]
  • na.英语字母表第二十五个字母;Y字形物;【数】第二个未知数
  • 网络纵坐标;三通;导纳




1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 25 个字母the 25th letter of the English alphabet

2.[u](代表未知数)used to represent a number whose value is not mentioned

3.[u]未知的人(或数、影响等);未指明的人(或数、影响等)a person, a number, an influence, etc. that is not known or not named


八年级下数学知识点总结_百度文库 ... 轴左边的点,横坐标 x<0;y 轴上方的点,纵坐标 y>0;x 轴下方的点,纵坐标 y<0;y ...


装饰材料 - 天天文档-文档下载中心 ... Y 三通 Y 三通 Y 三通 ...


TriQuint - WJ产品术语表 ... Withstanding Voltage 耐电压 Y 导纳 Y-Axis Y- 轴 ...


宇航级电连接器的材料质量... ... ESH / y~ 5800ESH / y 质子、电子、 α 粒子 不适用 8760 ESH / y 质子、电子、 α 粒子 …

And that's what I proposed: that perhaps we could create these comics on an infinite canvas: along the X axis and the Y axis and staircases. 我的提议就是:也许我们能在一幅无限的画布上创作这些漫画:沿X轴,Y轴,以及阶梯递进。
Most Agile teams would like to be associated with theory Y. Mike Griffiths suggested how this might be easy to achieve. 大多数敏捷团队希望能跟Y理论建立联系,MikeGriffiths指出这可能很容易做到。
And a Y-type waveguide coupler on silicon-on-insulator(SOI)wafer used for an Intergrated optoelectronic Model was designed. 设计了一种Y型SOI波导耦合器,用于光纤陀螺光收发模块。
But how much longer is Gen Y going to be able to keep relying on their aging parents to make this possible? 但是Gen-Yers还准备使继续依靠他们年老的父母成为可能多久呢?
Yang: How much do they cost? 杨(Y):要多少钱?
That means that this thing, the differential, is the total differential of z viewed as a function of x and y. 这意味着这个微分,是把z看做x,y函数的全微分。
How much time per day do you spend doing social media? How has it impacted your daily life of, y'know, being a rock star? 你每天花在社交媒体上的时间是多少?作为一个摇滚歌星,它对你的日常生活带来了什么样的影响?
Or is it a question of putting x amount of talented players in and balancing them out with y amount of specialists? 还是说,在阵容里放置x个天才,再用y个‘专家’进行平衡,就是足球了吗?
If an anti-Y particle collided with a proton, said proton would turn into a theta particle and a kaon. 如果用一个反”Y“粒子碰撞一个质子,该质子将衰变成一个”θ“粒子和一个K中介子。
You know a lot of geniuses, y'know. You should meet some stupid people once in a while, y'know, you could learn something. 你认识很多天才,不过你也应该偶尔和蠢货呆在一起,那样也可以学到一些东西。
Known as the centromere, the middle space between the two arms of the Y chromosome is key to its health. 熟知着丝点的都知道,两条Y染色体中间的空间对于染色体的健康至关重要。
If I ever catch any of y'all spray-paintin' on anybody's wall, I'll stick my foot so far up your behind that you'll have toes for teeth! 如果让我抓住你们任何一个人用喷漆在别人的墙上乱画,我就会从你们背后远远地伸出脚方在你们嘴里。
That's okay China: we'll just keep supporting Taiwan. We know how much y'all love that. 中国大大你好啊,那我们只好继续支持台湾。我们知道你们多么的渴望台湾。
Phoebe: Oh, oh, but y' know , you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys, you could be one of those guys. 菲比:噢,不过你知道的,这种美女身边总是跟着弊脚的货色,你可以成为其中之一。
Not long after returning, she was promoted to partner in E&Y's fraud investigation and dispute services department in London. 回国后不久,她被升为安永伦敦欺诈调查与纠纷咨询部合伙人。
M y dad may not have been a man of many words when he was raising us, but he didn't really have be. 在抚养我们的日子里,父亲也许是一个话语不多的人,但是,他的确不必说很多话。
The rapid decline of the Y chromosome seems to have ground to a halt at least tens of millions of years ago. Y染色体的快速衰退似乎在数千万年前就陷入了停滞。
Draws the indicated part of the surface with its origin at position (x, y) but now with scale factors and a color and transparency setting. 平铺绘制表面使其填充整个空间,然而现在有了比例因素和颜色、透明度设定。
Without doing any mathematics analysis however, we will never know how much X and Y actually are. 但是,没做过数学分析的话,我们就不会知道这个X和Y确切应该是多少。
Well, I cannot keep all the other constant because that would not be compatible with this condition. 实际上,我们不能保证y,z都不变,因为它们之间满足这个关系式。
Just a lot of crap to deal with while i try to figure out how much longer i have to deal with it. . . y'know what i'm saying'? 有一堆糟透了的事要去处理,而我试图弄清楚还要这样下去多久…你理解我在说什么吗?
Let us find the general relation between the pressure P at any point in a fluid and the elevation of the point Y. 我们来求流体中任一点的压力P与该点高度Y的一般关系。
Hey Mama, I know it's my cash you seek. . . You know they treat me like an ATM, but y'all know that I'm too good for 'em. 妈妈,你只想要我的钱,你知道他们把我当作自动取款机,但是我能做可远远不止这些。
Using an integrated product saves you the headache of trying to move data in a Brand X word processor to a Brand Y spreadsheet. 使用集成的产品能省去试图将牌号X字处理程序中的数据传到牌号Y的报表程序这类令人头痛的问题。
Joey: Ah, I'm gonna be one of his helpers. It's just such a slap in the face, y'know? 啊,我将会扮演他的一个助手,这简直是当头一棒,你们明白么?
y son stared at me in astonishment as if he had forgotten who I was. 我的儿子吃惊的盯着我好象已经忘了我是谁
Fine! All right, I'll do it. But hey! You guys have to be at the next table so you can stop me if I y'know, start to say something stupid. 好吧,就听你的。但是,嗨,你们一定要坐在我边上的桌子,这样你们能制止我,如果我,开始胡说八道。
You will encounter many definitions of this sort in this book - set out in terms of the schema "x if and only if y. " 在该书中,你会遇到许多这类定义——都是按照“X当且仅当Y”这个模式建立起来的。
Look y'all. Mall baby must've got separated from her mother. 你们看购物女孩似乎刚和她妈妈分开
At least that seems to be true for the first few values of y that I choose. 最后貌似,对于y取一些比较小的值是成立的。