
美 [jə]英 [jə]
  • pron.
  • n.还有一个
  • 网络青少年(young adult);是;年轻人



1.你,你的(书写时用,表示口语的 you 或 your)used in writing as a way of showing the way people sometimes pronounce the word ‘you’ or ‘your’

青少年(young adult)

电影 浑身是劲Footloose是1984年的YA(Young Adult)电影由凯文·贝肯Kevin Bacon主演,Kenny Loggins演唱主题曲 曲风节奏明 …

马来沙巴常用语(中文对照) ... Tak Baik 不好 Ya Tak / Tidak 不 ...


QK缩写的意思-迅速_英文缩写查询 ... MTP 微软多媒体传输器协议 YA 年轻人 IMEI 国际移动设备标识 ...

hell ya是什么意思?_百度知道 ... hell 加强语气. ya . hell 是见鬼的意思 ...

俄国词 俄罗斯词组 中国 语言翻译,字典字母表 ... 九十 dvianosto ya 爱 Liubov ...

But to be a truly successful pirate and not just the son of a biscuit eater, well, ya had to know a bit of science too. 但要成为一名真正的海盗,别像个水手的私生子那样衰!当然,你最好还得有点科学知识。
Oh, kind of ya, friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old Harold's eye. 哦,你真好,朋友。你真是好人。你知道的,如果我清理掉这些粘液,你,会看见老哈罗德眼中的泪水。
And I wanna believe you. When you tell me that it'll be ok. Ya I try to believe you. But I don't. 我想相信你,当你告诉我一切都没问题。呀…我尽量去相信你,但我做不到。
Many of the best sushi-ya have no menus; the meal is closer to a degustation parade of what's best on the day -- so sit back and enjoy. 很多顶级的寿司屋是没有菜单的,因为上桌的食物更像是一列承载着当日最佳食材的味觉大游行的队伍——所以只管坐回去好好享受吧。
We get into the door, the boss is just in. At a glance, Ya'nan is familiar with him. 进了门,老板正好在,一看亚楠就和他很熟悉,寒暄了几句就开门见山说明了来意。
GEORGE: I need a brake, Jerry, ya know, I gotta get out of the city, I feel so cramped. . . 乔治:我晕!杰瑞,你知道吗,我必须离开这座城市,我感觉很压抑……
Do me a favor if ya can, help those who need it this christmas, even if it's just a smile. . . . IT really does make a difference. 请帮我个忙,在这个圣诞节帮助那些需要帮助的人,即使给他们一个笑容。真的会让你感觉不一样。
Ya, it was incredibly low. I didn't wire a dime out of the country so far because it would be a waste of money. 是啊,简直低到不行。我到目前为止一毛都没有汇出去,因为那么做根本就是浪费金钱。
So if you're the kind of person who really needs to know exactly how much time is left until we need a new president, here ya go. 如果你是那种一定要知道离总统换届还有多长时间的人,这个东西正适合你。
You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky? ' Well, do ya, punk? 你应该问自己一个问题:‘我感到幸运吗?’你觉得呢,痞子?
Dragon Head Cliff (Longshou Ya) is so named for its resemblance to a dragon perched and ready to take flight. 龙头崖(龙首亚)是如此命名,其形像龙栖息,并准备逃跑。
So you know how much I need ya But you never even see me, do you? And is this my final chance of getting you ? 你知道我有多需要你但你装作没有看到我这会是我得到你的最后机会吗?。
Back in the ambulance I go, Had a dream about a girl I used to know, She said "I got to warn ya bout Mexico and California. " 早在我去救护车,有一个关于一个女孩,我知道的梦想,她说,我警告回合墨西哥和加利福尼亚州,雅。
RICHARD: Woah, woah, no wait a minute now. C'mon it's your turn. Ohc'mon. Ya know, I don't need the actual number, just a ballpark. 理查德:哇,等一下,现在轮到你说了,快点嘛,我不需要确切的数字,就给个大约数就好了。
MONICA: Ya know, you had no right to go out with him. 你知道,你没有权利跟他出去。
Up to me came one and a rickshaw puller, a husky and suntanned middle-aged man. He lowered his cart and asked, " Where'd ya go? " 有一辆洋车跑过来了,车夫是一个膀大腰圆,脸面很黑的中年人,他放下车把,问我:“你要上哪儿呀”?
YA'AN, Sichuan -- A pair of giant pandas offered by the Chinese mainland are going to leave the Chinese mainland Tuesday for Taiwan. 雅安,四川——一对大熊猫应大陆要求周二离开大陆前往台湾。
from Chengdu, Ya'an by the highway, turned muddy by the Shan Tin River Hailuogou up to take a day, a total length of 468 km. 由成都经雅安高速公路,翻泥巴山经田湾河达海螺沟需一天,全长468公里。
Come in, chat with us in the studio and do a bit of a performance. Would it kill ya? 来这里,在做几个表演!怎样?介意吗?
Commentator Ya Wei of the Da He newspaper said the only fault with the campaign was that it didn't go far enough. 《大河报》评论员亚伟认为,这次运动唯一一个缺陷就是距离不够远。
England used to be such a nice orderly country. How's that "diversity" working' for ya'? 英国一直是一个很有秩序地国家。如何给年轻人做多样性的工作呢?
In other words, ya gotta stretch yourself, get uncomfortable, get out of your comfort zone, and then keep getting out. 从另一种角度来说,你得“拉伸”自己,让自己从舒适的小窝里出来,变得不舒服,然后继续往外走。
Yeah, you'll be back in a few days. I can't wait to see ya. What? You're glad Rebecca's here? 是,你过几天就会回来。我等不及要见你。什么?你高兴丽贝卡在这儿?
She said, "Where ya been? " I said, "No place special. " 她说,“你去哪了?”我说,“不是什么特别的地方。”
Liu out of the door when the hearing or ya yu tell the truth, the splash is not kneeling in front of Cai Mao tears. 当走出牢门的刘景升听衙役告诉事情的真相后,不由扑通跪在蔡瑁的面前失声痛哭。
I love ya, enjoy ya and appreciate ya as always and I'm looking forward to sharing many exciting moments this Christmas with you. 我一如既往的爱你们,喜欢你们和欣赏你们,我期待着在这个圣诞节和你们分享许多激动人心的时刻。
"I love being alone. Feels safe coz I can only trust myself . . . ya, sad, " she wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. "But I'm cool with it. " “我喜欢独处。感到安全,因为我只能相信自己…,悲伤,”她写道。“但是我很冷静”
Have ya'll ever had the feeling when you think you've gotten over something, but it still haunts you every now and then? 当你们认为自己已经放下一些事情时,但它们仍会时不时爬上你们的心头……你们都曾经有过这种感觉吗?
You know, I am Dan Rather dan whether, I am gonna going to see if I can kiss people how can ya kiss me, boy. 你知道,我是丹·拉瑟,是否,我要去弄明白我是否可以随便亲吻人们,我会怎样亲吻你呢,小子。
Confidentially, benny, ya had me a little worried there for a minute. I mean, I'd there hate to meet you in a dark alley! Heh heh! 刚见到你的那一刻,我确实有点担心,本尼。我的意思是,我真的讨厌以这种方式见到你!嘿嘿!