one way or another

  • na.以某种方式;想方设法;无论如何;(好歹)设法
  • 网络不管怎样;表示某种方法或途径;以某种形式

one way or anotherone way or another

one way or another


Office English 上班族常用口语 ... 136 To Be Honest 老实说 137 One Way Or Another 无论如何 138 Hardly Ever 几乎没有 ...


Russian trains 俄罗斯火车 ... permanent 永远的 one way or another 不管怎样 cross-border 跨国界的 ...


成人本科学位英语考试词组表 - 豆丁网 ... one another 相互, 彼此 one way or another 以某种方式 in answer to 作为回答, 响 …


大学体验英语(一) ... on one's own 独自, 靠自己 one way or another 想方设法,以某种方式 point out 指出 ...


我希望... ... speak to: 与…谈话 one way or another 表示某种方法或途径 in every sense 名副其实,在各种意义上来说,不折不 …


way 常用短语_百度知道 ... no way 无论如何不,不可能 one way or another 以某种形式 out of the way 被处理好,得到解决 ...


way 常用短语_百度知道 ... on one's way to 在...路上 one way or another 用某种方法(有无论如何必须达到某一目标之意) ...

The Sun dominates the solar system, and those planets that are magnetic attempt to align with the Sun in one way or another. 太阳主宰着太阳系,而这些具有磁性的行星以这种或那种方式尝试着与太阳对齐。
We've got to decide instantly one way or another. Go away together now, or stay with them, and never see one another again, ever. 我们必须马上做个决定。是现在就走还是留下来和他们一起生活,永远不再见面。
With a little skill one can usually get out of the difficulty in one way or another. 稍微使用一点技巧,你通常能够以某种方式摆脱这种困境。
They always tried to do things to please her, but she did not seem to care one way or another. 他们总是试着做一些事想讨她的欢心,但她却毫不领情。
If I can't see any lesson, I wait with full faith that this situation is going to be beneficial for me in one way or another. 如果我还是不能看到,我会充满信心的等待这个情况继续进行,然后以其他的方式或某种意义上对我有益。
This stuff is random, low grade and I would be amazed if any of it affected what anyone feels about him one way or another. 这种东西是随意和低级的,如果它们会影响到人们对耶稣的看法,我将会吃惊不已。
There is no doubt that there are a large number of people who have been hurt in one way or another by particularly intense media scrutiny. 毫无疑问,肯定有许多人被极其强烈的媒体聚焦以一种方式或另一种方式所伤害。
As you probably know, we don't talk about any of our plans until we've made public announcements , so I can't say one way or another. 正如你可能知道的,在公开宣布以前我们不谈论任何我们的计划,因此我无论如何不能说。
It's the job of the software project manager to see that everyone gets what he wants, in one way or another. 它的工作软件项目经理地看到,每个人都得到他想要什么,在一种或另一种方式。
Not that I cared who won one way or another, save for tidiness and a certain sense of tradition. 不过我并不关心由谁赢得这场战争,我只希望能够保持这里的整洁和某些感觉习惯。
That was three and a half years ago, and during that time hardly a day had passed when the book had not occupied me in one way or another. 那是三年半以前的事了:在这期间,我几乎没有一天不是以这种或那种方式为这本书而忙碌。涉猎群籍经常广益吾智;
But when Citi is taking bold steps to be the premier, global, blah, blah? One would not be bothered one way or another. 但当花旗说自己“正在采取大胆步骤,以成为一个领先的、全球化的……”这些废话时,人们不会因此而伤脑筋。
There's hardly one big American company that did not grow without taking over or being merged with other companies in one way or another. 几乎没有一家美国的大公司不是通过某种方式、某种程度的兼并而成长起来的。
One way or another, say enthusiasts, a Eurobond is just a matter of time. That might provide an insurance policy for the future. 热心人士称,无论如何,欧元债券只是时间问题,它能为未来提供一份保单。
Bennis says, "Just as every economist, knowingly or not, pays his dues to Keynes, we are all, one way or another, disciples of McGregor. " 贝尼斯说:“就像每一位经济学家,不管是不是故意,他们总是对凯恩斯表现出敬意。我们这此人,归根到底,都是麦格雷戈的弟子。”
Some of Santiago's encounters are intrinsically negative, but each contributes to the realization of his dream in one way or another. 圣地亚哥一路的遭遇基本不顺利,不过每次遭遇或多或少都有助于他实现自己的梦想。
One way or another, America is still going to have to save more and the rest of the world save less. 无论如何,美国应当更多的储蓄,而世界其他地方反之。
The overhead power problem is thus going to have to be solved one way or another. 因此,高空架设电力线的问题无论如何都是要解决的。
About one square kilometer of surface soil, some of it with artifacts, "got removed one way or another, " Dr. Stone said. 斯通博士说道,大约一平方公里的表层土壤被挪来挪去,其中还裹挟着文物。
Ronnie peeked at the church just to prove that he didn't care about it one way or another. There. Nothing but wood and nails. 罗尼向教堂一瞥,只为证明他并不在意。那里,除了木头和钉子什么都没有。
You could probably say that 95 percent or more of the population participates in the underground economy in one way or another. 你可能会认为95%或更多的人口在某种方式上参与了这种地下经济。
Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory can be disturbed in one way or another. 宿舍生活是高校生活的不可或缺的一部分。但有时候宿舍和谐会受一种或多种因素的干扰。
Usually they seek in one way or another to obtain the equal status to which they feel they are entitled as citizens of the state. 通常他们寻求通过这种或那种方式以获得他们认为自己作为国家公民理应享有的平等地位。
The reason is quite simple. Nearly all the news has perhaps been heard or read by you in Chinese in one way or another ahead of time. 原因很简单,几乎报纸里的所有新闻你已事先以某种方式用中文耳闻目睹了。
A sphere cannot be represented on a flat plane without distortion, which means all map projections distort in one way or another. 球体在平面上不进行扭曲就无法表现出来,这意味着所有制图方式都会以某种方式出现扭曲。
It's a fickle world a balance we live in, one in which the scale is constantly trying to tilt one way or another. 我们生活在一个动态平衡的世界,这种平衡总是在向一方倾斜中得以保持。
Water and fuel oil, pumped here and there through pipe mazes, made the long tube tilt one way or another. 通过密如蛛网的管道,这儿用水泵抽水,那儿用油泵抽柴油,弄得长长的艇身东倒西歪。
She put on her grandmother's clothes, put on her hat, was lying on his bed, one way or another the curtain. 她穿上奶奶的衣服,戴上她的帽子,躺在床上,还拉上了帘子。
If either of these health alerts were breached, our bodies would have let us know in one way or another. 如果这些健康方面的警报拉响,我们的身体会用这种或者那种方式告知我们。
"Well, well! " her husband raised his eyebrows. "One way or another, Sam seems to loom large in our lives. " “啊呀”!她丈夫眉峰一皱,“萨姆的阴影总是笼罩着咱们的生活,不是这样,就是那样。”