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From that day on, Miss Yang was even more strict with me. I hardly ever got good words from her on my exercise book. 从那天起,杨老师对我要求更加严格了。作业本上,我几乎难以得到她对我的表扬之词。
YANG Zhi intolerance autumn wind, thin trading statement is also easy to leave. 杨枝不耐秋风吹,薄交易结还易离。
Early in his career as an official, Yang Jisheng was an outspoken critic of the Ming government's horse trading policy with the Mongols. 在其职业生涯早期,杨继盛就对明朝政府与蒙古人开马市做交易的策略进行了公开批评。
Yang Liwei has done a great job and all the mankind should be proud of him and China as well. 杨利伟出色地完成了任务,全人类都应该为他和中国感到骄傲。
Yang Kaisheng, ICBC's president, said the impact of the subprime crisis on the bank had been limited. 工行行长杨凯生表示,次贷危机对该行的影响有限。
Investigators also found a $40 check made out to Zhu in Yang's room, a further clue the two were well acquainted with each other. 调查人员还在杨欣屋内发现了一张写给朱海洋的40美元支票,这一线索进一步表明了两人很熟。
That evening, Mr. Yang smashed through the wooden door of his 63-year- old neighbor, Wu Wenguang, and struck him in the head with an ax. 前一天的晚上,他砸开了63岁的邻居伍文广(音译)家的木门,用斧头猛击他的头部。
Liu Yang accustoms himself to filling up a whole piece of Xuan paper, making it indomitable to enhance visual effect of his works. 刘阳习惯于把一张宣纸写得满满,顶大立地,增强其视觉效果。
Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi will meet and exchange views with him on the situation in Libya. 吉卜里勒访华期间,杨洁篪外长将与其会见,双方将就利比亚局势交换意见。
I once had a conversation about this topic with Dr. John Yang, the dean of the Beijing International MBA program at Beijing University. 我曾经和杨振宇博士讨论过这个话题,他是北京大学北京国际MBA项目的主任。
Perhaps an account of Yang's family history, if it were ever to come to light, would be more politically threatening than his documentary. 可能是基于杨伟东家庭的历史,如果杨的家史遭到曝光,可能比他的纪录片更具威胁性。
Mr. Yang refused doctors' advice to return to his local psychiatric hospital his wife said so she went alone Shanghai prescription in hand. 因为杨没有接受医生的建议,不愿回当地的精神病院治疗,于是妻子一个人就拿着医生开的处方去了医院。
"It's a little like a son who borrows money from his mother, " says Yang Shaofeng, head of the Conworld Real Estate Agency in Beijing. 北京联达四方房地产经纪公司总经理杨少锋说:“这有点像儿子向母亲借钱。”
Yang brother sometimes said to me, see old Aojin, really want to say him with a few words, but the words or stay, it will own the old man. 老杨哥有时对我说,看到老人的拗劲,真想说他几句,但是话到嘴边还是收回来了,终究是自己的老人。
On looking at him with sweat, are distressed, Yang is a very naughty. 月月看着他满头的汗,有些心疼,阳阳可是个十足的调皮鬼。
Roh killed himself a day before his wife, Kwon Yang- sook , was expected to be summoned for questioning for a second time. 卢武铉的妻子被传唤要求第二天去接受第二次调查,他在当天结束了自己的生命。
By the care my love, the hearts of every little flower seems to have a round the joy of tears in the surplus Yang. 经了我多情的呵护,每一个小小的花心中都仿佛有一个圆圆的喜悦泪珠在盈漾。
Recently, known as the " national beauty" Yang Yang were contemporaries, faster players that once when " P3" and forced to leave his wife. 近日,号称“国民美女”的杨洋被同届快女选手爆料曾当“小三”并逼男友抛妻。
This dogged expansion is likely to continue. Lenovo's Mr Yang says the company is always on the look-out for other suitable targets. 联想这种锲而不舍的扩张很可能会持续下去。杨元庆表示,联想一直正物色合适的收购目标。
Yang Li said she and her lover had been together for two years when he told her he was married and a father. 李洋说她和她男朋友在一起两年以后,她男朋友告诉她他是已婚的而且是一名父亲。
The elderly to essence dry when, with Yin Yang Qiao for law, discipline can be filled over the years of a confrontation. 老年人若到精气干涸之时,用阴跷种阳之法,对峙修炼可填补积年之亏本。
Double eyelid surgery will remove fat from around Mr. Yang's eyes and he will be able to see the world much better. 双眼皮手术可以抽取眼部周围脂肪,术后杨大爷就可以更清晰地看世界了。
We had this ability to be kind of a yin and yang on problems: one guy would say that's unsolvable, and our roles would flip back and forth. 在解决问题上,我们是阴阳相济的:其中一个人可能会说这个问题没法解决,然后我们的角色就会此消彼长。
Yang, who graduated from Ohio State University, was one of 12 real estate developers among the top 40, Forbes said. 毕业于俄亥俄州立大学的杨惠妍等12位房地产商跻身前40位富豪之列。
It quoted Mr Yang saying his second child was "a gift from God" and said he had ignored officials who wanted the fetus aborted. 杨支柱在文章中说,他将第二个孩子视为上天给他的礼物,因此他没有理会要他打掉孩子的领导。
For a week, Mr. Yang each day left his house, a place with worn brick floors and portraits of Mao, and went to the mine seeking information. 一个星期里,杨世荣每天都离开自己铺着破旧地砖、挂着毛主席像的屋子,来到矿区打探消息。
' he said. Yang uses his i Phone on China Mobile's 2G network and says he has no plans to get a 3G plan with Unicom. 杨在他的iPhone手机上用的是中国移动(ChinaMobile)的2G网络,他表示没有使用联通3G套餐的计划。
Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's chief executive, has no interest in Yahoo unless Mr Yang is no longer around to cause trouble. 除非杨致远不再挑起事端,否则微软(Microsoft)首席执行官史蒂夫-鲍尔默(SteveBallmer)无意收购雅虎。
In a statement, the police insisted that they had searched fruitlessly for Mr. Yang, then told his wife he should turn himself in. 而当地警方的一份声明称,他们没有找到杨家勤,警方告诉他妻子,让她丈夫投案自首。
From the time of Shang Yang onward, Ch'in's steadily growing power made it only a matter of time before it would triumph over its rivals. 从商鞅时代起,秦的国力不断壮大,以致它战胜其他敌国只是一个时间问题。