
英 [jau]
  • n.
  • 网络尧;幺;姚期智



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院士“光荣榜”——一群不如瞎猫的行... ... 沈元壤 shenyrsocrates.berkeley.edu 姚期智 yaocs.princeton.edu 张立纲 aachangust.h…


HSK Level 6 vocabulary list ... 6 要点 yao4 dian3 6 要命 yao4 ming4 5 要是 yao4 shi5 ...

跪求每个姓氏的香港英文拼写_百度知道 ... YANG 杨 YAO YAT 日, 逸, 溢 ...


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... [yao2] 洮 洮 [yao2] 崤 [yao2] 淆 淆 ...

Mr. Yao, one of the previous owners, claims that Mr. Cabo agreed to assume the bulk of the center's debts when he took over the business. 前业主姚先生声称,卡波先生在接手培训中心的时候就已经同意要承担中心之前欠下的大部分债务。
"You know what, I had two offensive fouls tonight, three last night, two at the Minnesota game . . . and you can go on, " Yao said. 你们知道,今晚我有两个进攻犯规,昨晚3个,在森林狼2个…你可以在往前数。
Yeah he looks a bit clumsy early on, but you know Yao will get it going and dominate this Pacers interior eventually. 是的,刚开始姚明看上去有点拙笨,但是你知道姚明会找回状态的,并最终统治步行者的内线。
They both have good track records of being able to score, it's going to be a matter of how well they fit with TMac and Yao. 他们过去都有过得分的能力方面的记录,现在就看他们能否与姚麦完美配合了。
It's easy to forget, now that he's been so absent the last two years, that Yao Ming was once an iron man. 在姚明受伤的这两年里,有些事情似乎很容易被人们忘记:姚明曾经是一个铁人。
Peony as she was not nor yao Yan as dazzling peach, but it has a handsome, rustic, tranquil demeanor and charm. 她虽没有牡丹那样雍容华贵,也没有桃花那样夭艳夺目,但却有着一种俊秀、质朴、安谧的风范与魅力。
Whatever on-court milestones Yao's body never allowed him to achieve, he more than made up for off the court. 虽然姚的身体状况让他无法实现自己球场上的目标,他在球场外却做得更多。
After he noticed the cyclist was trying to memorize the license plate number of his car, Yao returned and stabbed her to death. 当他发现对方试图记住他的车牌号码时,药家鑫将其捅死。
On loan from Madame Tussauds Shanghai for six months, Yao's figure is posed as if he is about to shoot a basket. 这座姚明的蜡像是从上海杜沙夫人蜡像馆租借而来,在纽约的展期为六个月,他的姿势就好像是在准备投篮。
Good to see Yao and Rafer off to great starts, and T-Mac is looking pretty aggressive. This is going to be a great game. 很高兴看到姚明和斯通美妙的开局,麦迪看上去也攻击性十足,这将会是一场精彩的比赛。
Ignoring Yao's need to be involved in the offense, Francis continuously took too many shots and did not distribute the ball. 忽视姚专心于进攻的需求,弗朗西斯总是连续地占据过多的投篮机会且总不分球。
Porcelain tea charm, only in Yao Li, south of tea culture and Jiangnan porcelain culture, it seems to be true integration and interchange. 瓷茶神韵,只有在瑶里,江南的茶文化和江南的瓷文化,才似乎得到了真正的融合和交汇。
All-Star center Yao Ming is out for the season with a stress fracture in his left foot, a stunning blow to the surging Houston Rockets. 来自休斯顿的报道——全明星中锋姚明因为左脚应力性骨折将缺席本赛季,这对于休斯顿火箭队无疑是一个巨大的打击。
PLEASE allow me to set up the conflict for the next Mission: Impossible film, starring Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets. 请允许我来为下部《碟中谍》设计剧情,主角是休斯敦火箭队的姚明。
After Yao Qianyu heard from friends, Yao Qianyu did not marry, and the children. She always unwilling to say. 后从姚芊羽的好友口中得知,姚芊羽并没有结婚,而孩子的来历她始终不愿多说。
"It's a change in protocol, but now he'll be expected to live up to it and stop being such a political busybody, " said Mr. Yao. 姚监复说,“这是一个礼宾排名上的改变,但现在他做的事情得符合这个位置,不能再在政治上当婆婆多管闲事。”
Yao twilight years of the chief's position to his more talented than the Sun. 尧的晚年把盟主的位置让给比自己更有才华的舜。
Just like the last game when he blocked Bryum who fell on the floor and Yao stared down on him. I love it. 就像那天他盖了拜勒姆的冒,然后他摔倒地板上之后,姚明就恶狠狠的瞪了他一眼。我太喜欢了。
Yao and his wife returned to Shanghai on Friday and will leave in the next couple of days to honeymoon in Europe . 星期五,姚明和妻子返回了上海,在接下来的几天,他们将去欧洲度蜜月。
Yao said it was a difficult day for him from the moment he walked into the building. 姚明说,从进入球馆的那一刻,痛苦的一天开始了。
Yea. . . saying they have no chance is a bit ridiculous, considering one of those wins was without TMac and the other was without Yao. 是的,说他们“没有机会”是有点可笑,而且考虑到两场胜利一场没有麦蒂一场没有姚明。
McGrady is nothing but an expiring contract now, and Yao could be remembered as the greatest what-could've-been story the sport's ever seen. 如今麦迪只是一个将要到期的合同球员。姚明可能会被铭记为运动史上史无前例的最最伟大的球员等等。
Yao, who said he counts big reds as a favorite style (he also enjoys sweet wines), has tailored his wines to his tastes. 姚明说他很喜欢红酒(他还喜欢甜酒),并且专门制做了适合自己口味的葡萄酒。
About Yao to the age of 10 appeared in the sky the sun, burned crops, baked dead vegetation, people have no food. 到了帝尧的时代,天上出现了十个太阳,烧焦了庄稼,烤死了草木,人民没有了食物。
"Yao rarely drinks, almost never. Last night he drank quite a bit, " he said. “姚明很少喝酒,几乎从不喝。昨天晚上确实喝多了一点。”他说。
Oh yeah, the Rockets had a good game today, so Yao is the greatest. . . . I'm not a Yao hater, just a Yao realest , he's not the best. . . 是的,火箭今天打了一场精彩的比赛,同样,姚明是最伟大的,我不是一个憎恨姚明的人,只是姚明真的,他不是最好的…
As the NBA draft approached, the grim truth about Yao Ming's(notes) broken left foot hung like an anvil over the Houston Rockets. 随着NBA选秀的临近,姚明左脚伤势的严峻事实像一块铁砧悬在休斯敦火箭上空。
You'd like to see Yao do what Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan or Dwight Howard have done and that's inspire his team to bigger things. 你总是想看到姚明能够做到凯文·加内特、蒂姆·邓肯和德怀特·霍华德所做的事情,他们都能给球队带来莫大的帮助。
What Yao tried to say was that similar to China as it has sought to expand in Africa, Google has had to adapt to local rules in China. 姚坚想说的是,像中国在非洲寻求扩张时一样,谷歌在中国也需要适应当地的法律环境。
Of course, everybody looks at Tracy McGrady taking over again, just as he did last season when Yao was down. 当然,每个人都把目光盯在独挑大梁的Tmac身上,可是上个赛季姚明伤停的时候,他也是这样做的。