you may be

you may beyou may be

you may be

You may be able to break old patterns that have come in the way of love, and also be better at spotting the one that is right for you. 你可能会打破阻碍爱情的旧习惯,同时也将更加善于找到适合你的人。
If other people are involved, you may be a formal or informal leader, or just a member of a group. 如果涉及其他人,你可以是正式的或者非正式的领导者,也可以只是团体中的普通一员。
As you learn how your "tense" muscles feel and how your "relaxed" muscles feel, you may be able to tell when you need to relax. 随着你认识了在”紧张“下、和”放松“下的肌肉分别会有什么感觉,你就可以辨别出在哪些时候自己需要放松了。
It goes with you all . . . wherever you may be. We are just a thought away. 它一直伴随着你们。。。不论你走到哪里。一个想法我们就来了。
You may be able to spot it briefly flying over Utapau, but it has been relegated to a role of tiny background craft. 你可能能粗略地认出它飞过尤塔帕上空,但是它只是沦落为一个极小的背景飞机角色。
You may be an invisible spectator to this scene, or you may merge with your future self, and see out of your future eyes for a while. 你会是这个场景的一个看不见的旁观者,或你会以你未来的自己出现,并以你未来的眼睛看一会儿。
You may be sent out to the advance, flank or rear, and a great amount of flexibility and independent thinking will be required. 你可能被指派为先头部队,也可能负责侧翼或者垫后。你将会碰到很多需要你灵活机动和独立思考的时候。
For another example, if you have Set Measurable Usability Goals, you may be trying to see how well the product is meeting those goals. 再例如,如果你已经设定了可测量的可用性目标,你可以看看你的产品是否切合这些目标。
But I do take this lesson from her: You may be the boss, but you'll get nowhere if you don't bring the men up with you. 但我从她这里得到了这个教训:即使你是老板,但如果你没有男人般的威严,那么你可能也会处于劣势。
You may be thinking, "What's wrong with that? He meant well; he was just trying to be comforting. " 也许你会说,“他说这话没错啊;他只不过想安慰你朋友。”
But if, like me, you're a longtime, die-hard Michael Connelly fan with a slight crush on Harry Bosch, you may be just a bit disappointed. 但是如果像我一样,你是一个长期的顽固的麦克康纳利的粉丝并且有点迷恋哈里博施,你也许会有点失望。
If you have been fired, you may be able to ask a colleague for a reference. 如果你是被开除的,可以让你的同事帮你写介绍信。
You may be assured that if it's our fail, we'll put the matter right. 你方尽可放心,如果是我方的错,我方一定会改正。
Instead of accepting an invitation to a fun social event, you may be smarter to opt for a bit of relaxing time at home. 你可以精明的选择轻松的在家时间,代替可笑的社交活动。
I have a good idea. If you think you may be bored, you can iinviteJiaXian to go with you. I'll pay for the ticket and Hotel. 我有个好主意,如果你觉得无聊,你可以邀请佳贤一起去,车票,住宿费我买单。
The first discovery for some of you may be the fact, and I use the word fact, that God is real. 第一个发现:对于你们一些人来说,也许是事实。我用事实这词语,因为神是真实的。
Firstly you may be wondering at this point how I can be so passionate about your particular case. 首先你也许会怀疑为什么我会对你的特例如此充满激情。
Listen out as the celestial music begins that you may be ready to participate in the first dance of this your ascension parade. 仔细倾听来自天宇的音乐,当它开始的时候你们会准备好参与到那第一场扬升欢庆的舞蹈中。
Essentially, this process that you may be saving yourself a decent amount of money, in the long run. 基本上,这个过程你可能挽救自己一份象样的金额,从长远来看。
Then you may be able to help the animals and man in a greater and deeper sense. 那样你就能更广泛、更深入地帮助动物和人。
Similarly, as a result of the act itself is usually hidden motive and had an ulterior motive, so you may be using friends, play down. 同样的情况下,由于本身的行事动机通常隐密而别具用心,所以你可能会被朋友利用、贬低。
You may be impressed with the kindness of another person today and find yourself looking at him or her with starry eyes. 今天另一个人的善举可能会给你留下很深的印象,你会发现自己觉得他非常迷人。
If you think you may be depressed, talk to your doctor or seek help from a mental health provider. 如果你认为你可能意志消沉,那么请与你的医生倾诉或者向心理健康服务提供者寻求帮助。
If you are lucky enough , you may be able to see a mirage from Penglai Pavilion . 如果你运气好的话,能从蓬莱阁上看到海市蜃楼。
At large stations you may be able to get tickets for the next train, at smaller stations you do not get. 在大站你可能能买到下一趟车的票,在小点的车站就得不到。
Work while it is called today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow. 趁今天还没有过去,努力工作吧!因为你不知道明天会有多少事务缠身。
You may be trying to access a printer to which you do not have rights. 您可能在试图访问您没有访问权限的打印机。
You may be a bit of a perfectionist, and difficult to live with. 你可能有点完美主义的倾向,而且很难去忍受(别人)。
If you've answered "yes" to any of the questions above, you may be facing some difficult decisions regarding starting a home-based business. 如果您回答“是”对任何上述的问题,你也许会遇到一些困难的决定就开始了以家庭为基础的生意。
You may be surprised that it is i who am bringing this message to you and not one of the 'galactic beings' as they are termed. 你们可能会惊讶,是我把这讯息带给你们,而不是一个正如他们被命名为的“银河的存在”。