you think

  • 网络你认为;在你眼内的我;你说呢

you thinkyou think

you think


色拉英语040 Why am I on a tree - 听力课堂 ... That’s what…! 那是…! You think …? 你认为…? Hahahaha! 哈哈哈! ...


if u... ... I have no doubt 可我坚信不疑 You think 在你眼内的我 Im so full of it,full of it 脾气暴躁情绪无常 ...


生活大爆炸第一季第二集_2The Big Bran... ... -Sheldon:Sarcasm? 讽刺我吗? -Leonard:You think? 你说呢? ...


象他云云的职业(Professional)玩珠峰(Everest)的,你想想(You think)看,CPA是不是(Is not)很渣滓?扑克仍是分红好 我不过玩 …


吸血鬼日记对白第7集 剧... ... My head hurts 我头疼 You think ? 你就这么想的? What are you doing here 你来这儿干什 …


《穿普拉达的魔鬼》电影对白精... ... And for what? 这是为了什么 You think? 你想吗 That’s what you’re wearing? 你就穿这个 …


英语翻译求高... ... “即使这样” = even so “你以为”= you think “处处危险,时时危险”= It is dangerous everywhere and anytime. ...


胖美人闪了你的眼的英文怎么说_翻译... ... Still mad about the guy? I’m sorry. 还对那位生气呢啊?我道歉。 You think? 是吗? ...

What did you think of his methods, what was he trying to get out of you? 你当时是怎样看待李安导演的方法的,他到底想从你身上挖掘出哪些东西呢?
Do you think celebrity endorsement can help you to understand more the characteristic of product? 你认为代言人可以帮助你更了解产品的特点吗?。
So you are from out of town, what do you think when you come to Canberra and you see art like this? 那么,你是外乡人,当你来到堪培拉,看到这样的艺术形式,会有些什么感想?
Whatever you think about using grating words, at the end of the day it's actually better not to say whatever, if you know what I mean. 不管你对使用恼人的词语怎么看,到头来最好还是不要说“whatever”(无所谓),你懂我的意思吧。
If you say that someone is on the side of the angels, you mean that they are doing what you think is morally right. 如果你说某人在天使的边上,低劣的他们是你所想的道德上正确的做你。
Whether or not you think it's neglect is a different matter: a Newsvine poll posted on Thursday is split almost down the middle. 你是否认为这是不作为是另一回事:周四进行的Newsvine调查结果几乎一分两半。
The cinema was not as far away from here as you think. 电影院离这儿并没有你想像的那么远。
Use this time to take an inventory of yourself and see if there are any personal areas you think you could improve in. 用这点时间给自己列一张清单,看自己身上是不是还有你能够提高的地方。
Just when you think China is starting to behave more like other large economies, something leaps out to remind you that it is not so. 就在你认为中国的行为方式开始更像其它大型经济体时,有些事情会跳出来提醒你情况并非如此。
how much time is the most suitable do you think when taking exercise every time? 你认为每次锻炼多少时间最合适?
What makes you think you were qualified for this position? 什么理由使你有这个资格来做这个职位?
The first sentence tells the interviewer virtually nothing except that you "think" you are an expert. 第一个句子什么也没有告诉那个面试你的人,只是向他表明你“认为”你是一个专家。
But if the thing you're passionate about, you think, "Boy, there's only a critical time window to get involved, " sometimes it does work. 但是如果事物你到处是热情的,你想,“男孩,只有一扇紧要关头的时间窗户可以积极叁与了,”有时它做工作。
Other times you think you have landed in a valley and it turns out to be the planet's mouth. 有时你认为你降落在一个山谷里,结果却是这个星球的血盆大口。
You think that you are making yourself happy but the truth is that you are trying to really make someone else happy. 你自认为使自己开心了但事实上你真正的目的是试图让别人高兴。
Do you think for one moment that her seller would approve of her unwillingness to disclose the apartment number to a prospective purchaser. 略想一下,卖方会同意他不情愿的将房子号码透露给潜在的买主?
So now, let me and all of you think again, do we really have "No Life" ? 所以现在,让我们大家再一起来思考一下,我们过的真的是“无生活”吗?
Mr. Ng: Don't you think it might be an idea to have a microwave oven? Our colleagues can prepare a light meal for lunch if they wish. 吴老师:大家会否觉得购置一部微波炉是个好主意,方便同事有需要时弄一个简单的午餐。
Maria : Anyway, that's just what you think. You don't really know anything. 玛利亚:无论无何,那只是你的想法。你并不是真的知道所有的事。
Yes, it has to deliver value and help people, but it doesn't have to be as perfect as you think it does. 是的,它已经传递了自身的价值,起到了帮助人们的作用,因而它不需要成为你希望它完美的样子。
You think you know me, right? 你觉得你了解我吗?
Sit down and write down the emotions that come to your mind when you think about breaking up with your ex for good. 当你想到和旧情人分手,脑海里会出现哪些想法?写下这些想法会有所帮助。
In addition to the rest of you, you think you still want to have to carry on ah I think you Baby I love you. 除了你休息,你觉得你仍然想继续进行啊,我认为你宝贝我爱你。
Any of these options you can deduct from regime if you think Google penalty will be unwanted. 这些选项可以从制度中扣除,如果你认为谷歌将不需要的罚款。
And even if this does turn out to be a stock picker's market, what makes you think your broker is the stock picker in question? 面且,即使市场确实是一个选股人的市场,你要怎样才能相信你的经纪商就是合适的选股人呢?
If you think Linda Evangelista is over-paying for child care in New York, imagine what she would be paying in London. 果你认为琳达•伊万格丽斯塔(LindaEvangelista)在纽约为幼托服务花的钱太多,想想她在伦敦会花多少钱。
if Chinese, at the moment, you think, we'll not recognize what we've done so far. what more you want us to do? 如果中国在此时你认为我们不知道自己取得了多大的成果你还有什么希望我们做的?。
You might be looking sooner than you think -- and in case you haven't heard, it's not a great time to be unemployed. 你开始找工作的速度也许比想像的更快--也许你没听说过,失业的滋味可不好受。
OK, I'll be back in about an hour. If you think of anything else you need, give me a call. 好的,我一个小时后回来。如果你想到有什麽其它需要的话,打电话给我。
It's where you explain in a paragraph or two why you think employers should hire you and why you are the perfect match for the job. 你可以用1或2段阐述为什么你认为雇主应该要雇用你,为什么你可以很好地胜任这份工作。