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Setting out to update that analysis, Zhao and Running expected to see similar results as global average temperatures continued to climb. 为进一步深化这一研究分析,赵和阮宁本以为由于全球平均气温继续攀升会看到类似的结果。
That Manager Mr. Zhao is a wily old bird , you've got to be extremely careful when you have dealing with him. 那位赵老板可是个老油条,跟他打交道可要分外小心。
Much of that spending has been slow to generate significant returns and is therefore considered to be largely unsustainable, Zhao said. 赵晓说,鉴于支出大,回报慢的原因,它们很大程度上被认为是不可持续的。
Zhao! In these three day, please feel free to ask me to help up in anything if so require! 在这三天里如果大家需要什么帮助大家可以找童趣一句一句的翻译我!
Zhao: Your father was once a soldier during the World War II, but he never told you about this unusual experience. 赵:您父亲曾是二战中的一名军人,然而他却一直没有把他这段不寻常的经历告诉您。
Yan Zhao after the door, although she was involved in more than one star, but all seem to point the finger of blame Gillian. 艳照门发生后,虽然涉及的明星不止她一个,但所有的矛头似乎都指向阿娇。
Threes are despairing piggy to say: "You see the Zhao do, we gave up, with you how the Mo do. " 三只小猪绝望的说:“你看著办吧,我们放弃了,随你怎麽办。”
Miss Zhao told him to read the word again. 赵老师让他再把这个词读一遍。
Dai area is originally Dai-Rong ethic group region. It had been under Zhao state's rule during the Warring States Period. 代地原本是代戎活动的区域,战国时期一直处于赵国的治下。
Mr. Zhao said he was already planning for his next documentary to be a return to his old way of filmmaking. 赵亮说自己已准备好下一部纪录片,是回归旧路子的做法。
"We drill holes, " said Zhao Zhaoguo, a migrant from Henan province on his way down the shaft. “我们要钻洞,”来自河南的务工人员赵照国(音)乘着升降机在通道里往下降时说。
Zhao Li: The early form of Dunhuang fresco is of central tower style with a major character surrounded by continuous variations of murals. 赵力:敦煌壁画的早期窟型是中心塔柱式的,有一个主像,周围是连续变化的壁画。
Zhao shisan: My affection to you, is like the stars in the sky. Just raise your head, you can see my eyes, and saying: I love you. 赵十三:我对你的感情,就像天上的星星一样,只要你一抬头,就会看到我对你眨眼睛,对你说着爱老虎油。
I joked with Doctor Zhao Xiao who invited me that if I was mounted so high in order not to look short. 我对请我去的赵晓博士开玩笑说,你是不是嫌我个子矮,垫这么高。
Only Gu dictator hands in the sky wipe in the pocket, heel in the behind of Zhao Tie Zhu, came out a hospital. 独孤皇天双手擦在口袋里,跟在赵铁柱后面,走出了医院。
Then, I sat around Zhao neither hot nor cold, deputy director of the land: Where the boss, The resumption of the long dry your daughter? 这时,坐在我身边的赵副局长不冷不热的说:敢问陆老板,您这个干女儿收了多长时间了?
More funny scene took place in 3 minutes, Amir cross Road Closed Area, Zhao Peng rescue when the ball rebounded onto Scott network. 更为搞笑的一幕发生在3分钟后,埃米尔横传禁区中路,赵鹏解围时将球踢在斯科特身上反弹入网。
Zhao said the information was not at hand but would be forwarded shortly through email or SMS. 赵说,这些资料是不是在手,但会通过电子邮件或短信转发不久。
For Mr Zhao and his wife, 20 years of living apart is a price worth paying, if their children do not have to do the same. 对赵平化和他的妻子来说,只要孩子们将来不用像他们一样为了生计四处奔波,20多年的辛勤付出十分值得。
He had contracted hepatitis, he said, and Zhao wanted him to rest rather than return to his job as a porter at a Beijing railway station. 孙说,他患有肝炎,而妻子让他休息,不要再回北京火车站做搬运工。
To test whether or not they were loyal to him, Zhao Gao presented a stag to the young emperor one day and deliberately said it was a horse. 为了试探大臣们是否对他忠心,一天,赵高送给皇帝一头阉割过的公鹿,故意说这是匹马。
Mr. Zhao defended the size of his corporate park as necessary for his business and said it was not a real estate investment. 赵先生辩解说他的公司园地的面积是必要的,那些土地不是房地产投资。
Zhao is a grassroots micro blogger. He worked out his own method to turn his micro blog into an Internet hit. 赵成是一名草根微博博主,他以独特的方式让自己的微博成为了网络热门。
Zhao: I wanna know how much it cost to have a meal, including the most expensive dishes. 赵本山:你们这个酒店,如果要吃一顿饭,要多少钱。最贵的要点上要吃多少钱。
Liu Chan entourage think of the demise of native country, very sad, but Sima Zhao Liu Chan said: "The music here, do not think Shu. " 刘禅随从人员想到灭亡的故国,都非常难过,刘禅却对司马昭说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”
one another by the arm with your eyes closed down the stairs, when our hearts are very nervous, fear of knock the Peng Zhao. 一个闭着眼睛另一个搀扶着下楼,这时我们的心情都十分紧张,生怕磕着碰着。
Zhao: Well, it's very nice. . . I've already found a flatshare. . . and I'm quite comfortable, thanks. 赵:很好。我已经找到了一个合租公寓,非常舒适,谢谢。
The source also said that Danyang Zhao has been low - key, so the matter entirely out of personal growth in the course of a pursuit. 该人士同时表示,赵丹阳向来低调,做这件事完全出于个人成长过程中的一个追求。
"Who wins this clean energy race, " Mr. Zhao of Sunzone said, "really depends on how much support the government gives. " “谁能赢得清洁能源的竞争”,神州公司的赵先生说,“事实上取决于政府支持的力度。”
Zhao said he's watching to see how Clinton addresses the growing potential nuclear ambitions of Burma's regime. 赵道炯指出他正等着看克林顿如何解说正在日益增长的潜于缅甸政体中的核能野心。