
美 [zoʊn]英 [zəʊn]
  • n.地带;分区;(尤指有别于周围的)区域
  • v.将…划作特殊区域;指定…为某项用途的区域;将…分成区(或划成带)
  • 网络地区;范围;圈

复数:zones 现在分词:zoning 过去式:zoned

central zone,large zone,inner zone,outer zone,contiguous zone
enter zone,establish zone,reach zone,extend zone,avoid zone


n. v.

1.(有某特色或作用的)地区,地带an area or a region with a particular feature or use

2.(规划的)区域,分区one of the areas that a larger area is divided into for the purpose of organization

3.(尤指有别于周围的)区域,部分an area or a part of an object, especially one that is different from its surroundings

4.(地球表面与赤道平行的)气候带one of the parts that the earth's surface is divided into by imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator


in the zone

处于最佳状态in a state in which you feel confident and are performing at your best


区域(zone):通常,一个区域等同与一个数据中心,一个区域由一个或多个舱(pod)和二级存储构成。舱(pod):一个舱通常指一个 …


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... rendezvous( 聚会处); zone( 区域,地区,地带,地层); zip( 邮政 …


单证常用的英文(包括数量单位) ... yr. year 年; Z. Zone 地区 bxs. boxes 箱(复数),盒(复数 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... zipper n. 拉链 zone n. 区域; 范围 zoo n. 动物园 ...


分区ZONE)在大分区的特定范围内,再分出小分区是削剪操作时的部位。如右图 基本上前额分区、头顶分区、枕骨分区 …


Across large parts of Japan's disaster zone, nearly a week after a gigantic earthquake and tsunami, aid isn't getting through. 在强地震和海啸发生一周后,日本灾区很大一部分地区仍没有等来救援。
This should help the wearer to avoid attracting mujahideen rocket fire if she wanders into a war zone on her way back from the boutique. 如果穿着者走出服装店、去某个战区闲逛,这身衣服应该能帮她避免引起穆斯林游击队火箭炮的攻击。
Meanwhile, the U. S. announced that Libya has "no-fly zone" was extended to Lee near the capital Tripoli, covering the Mediterranean coast. 与此同时,美国宣布已经将利比亚境内“禁飞区”扩大到了利首都的黎波里附近,覆盖了该国地中海沿岸。
A euro zone central bank source told Reuters last week that the ECB would like to see its resources at least doubled. 上周一位央行消息人士告诉路透,欧央行希望资金资源至少翻倍。
The overburden in the mining influencing zone is often composed of red strata and coal beds in many coal mines. 许多矿区煤层采动影响范围内的覆岩层由红层和煤层共同构成。
While all this may send euro zone officials up the wall, economists and market participants are fairly dismissive about it. 在评级机构的举动导致欧洲官员困扰不堪之际,分析师和市场人士对此相当鄙视。
Europe's feuding leaders could hash out a deal to put the single currency and the zone's banking system on a sustainable footing. 相互争斗的欧洲领导人可能会敲定一项协议,在可持续的基础上推进单一货币和区域银行体系。
With a few exceptions, the benchmark cost of credit in each euro-zone country is related to the balance of its international debts. 除个别情况外,每个欧元国家的基准信贷成本与其国际债务的平衡有关。
For experienced exercises, this zone is often also used for warming up. 对于经常运动的人,这个区间经常用来热身。
Multiple biomarkers are only useful when they allow you to zone in on some salient feature relevant to what you are trying to figure out. 多个生物标志物只在对你所探寻的目的相关的一些显著特征进行分类的时候才有用。
The speedy construction of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone represents something of a miracle. 深圳经济特区的快速建设代表着一个奇迹。
However, some residents have refused to leave the area, while others have come in and out of the zone to retrieve personal belongings. 然而,有些居民拒绝离开这片区域,另外还有人回来收拾个人物品,然后又匆忙离开。
His reward was that the euro zone will have two summits a year and its own secretariat. 他的提议是欧元区将会有一年两次的峰会和属于自己的秘书处。
To get anything done, you've really got to guard the home office and its status as a distraction-free zone. 无论如何,你真的需要捍卫你的家庭办公室,让它成为一个完全独立自由的空间。
It is not all to do with America: the euro zone is a mess and manufacturing everywhere seems to be slowing. 不仅美国是这样,整个欧元区也一片混乱,各地制造业似乎也都在减速。
The doctors at the helicopter landing zone treat him in a tent until helicopter operations resume in the early afternoon. 直升机起落场地的医生在帐篷里对他进行治疗,一直等到到下午直升机重新执行任务。
If any euro-zone countries were to break free of the shackles of the common currency, the European experiment would be threatened. 如果有哪个欧元区国家脱离欧元的枷锁,欧洲的这场试验就会受到威胁。
You know that you live in a war zone when you realize that the greatest fears of the children are of what they know only too well. 而当你意识到孩子们最恐惧的恰恰是那些他们最为熟知的事物时,你知道你是生活在战区。
Analysts said images and reports from Japan's disaster zone so far did not suggest a major economic disaster. 分析师表示,迄今来自日本灾区的图片和报导没有显示造成重大经济灾害。
It is not feasible to wait a few days until the body's regulatory mechanisms are used to the new time zone. 等待几天直到身体的调节机制天然适应新时区,这并不可行。
Realise it can be fun to get out of your comfort zone despite what your mind and feelings might be telling you before you get started. 若你能意识到这点,不管你在此之前有什么想法和感情都可以助你逃离安逸。
A flip of the wrist can cause the ball to curve, slide or drive towards the heart of the strike zone. 腕部的投掷能使球走弧线、潜滑或直奔向好球区中心。
The idea was that it was the price of a zone 1 ticket, but you could use it again and again. 当时的想法是,这不过是一个区一票的价格,但你可以反复使用。
Before got to the Navy Wharf, I thought that it was a military forbidden zone! 在没到海军码头之前,我还以为那是军舰列队,军事禁区呢!
Wenger feels Allardyce has brought stability after inheriting a team in the relegation zone when he took charge in December 2008. 温格认为,阿勒代斯在08年年底接手布莱克本之后给球队带来了稳定,而在他接手前布莱克本正处于降级区。
A year ago it was said that the euro zone could take care of two or three small countries but that Spain was too big to fail. 一年前,据说欧元区能够照顾两到三个小国,但是西班牙已经大到不能倒。
The flame consists of two zones: an entrainment zone attached to the burner and a mixing and combustion zone on top of it. 此处,火焰包括两个区域,一个是位于喷口附近的输入区,一个是上部的混合、燃烧区。
And if you extend the demilitarized zone dividing the two Koreas into the sea, Yeonpyeong is only 2 miles south of that border line. 如果将非军事区分成两部分,延坪岛距离中心线只有2英里以南。
It may be that I'm wasting my time trying to establish a theoretical basis for it when in fact it originates in a pre theoretical zone. 可能是因为,我浪费时间试着为这种痛苦建立一种理论基础,而事实上,它却产生一个前理论区域。
In another, that's the worry for the stock market, because much like the Euro Zone, the global economy is all interconnected too. 另一方面,这是股票市场的担忧,因为就像欧元区,全球的经济也都是相互关联的。