Not alone

  • na.… but 不仅…又
  • 网络不孤独;并不孤独;不孤单

Not aloneNot alone

Not alone


Exclusive lover ๓_网名吧_百度贴吧... ... Super man( 超人) Not alone 不孤独- Not lonly 不寂寞- ...


致我们终将逝去的青春 ... You and me 你和我 Not alone 并不孤独 Together 一起 ...


...这次海地发生地震的遽变,【联合公园】又将一首新歌『不孤单』(Not Alone),放上网让歌迷付费下载,最后再将下载费 …


2011年02月新增专辑 ※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 10.Machine Gun( 找回自己) 11.Not Alone( 不愿孤单) 12.Breathe Again( 深 …


不再孤单Not Alone).rmvbby NewChineseClub 69 views 4:54 孤单才知痛by aeolaus 362,368 views 4:40 方季维 - 爱情的故 …


求Jennette McCurdy... ... You’re 你 not alone 不是一个人 Right now it feels like the end of the world 现在感觉像世界末日 ...


...SS501成员朴政珉,近日推出了他的首张个人专辑《我不孤单》(Not Alone),为了与多年来一直支持自己的中国歌迷近距离 …

Holt is not alone is speaking as though Breivik has vindicated every reservation she had ever held about Norwegian society. 并不是只有霍尔特一个人认为布莱维克已经证实了对挪威社会所持有的保留态度是正确的。
But you are certainly not alone in finding it a bit heavy for long periods of reading. 但肯定不只你一个人发现,用于长时间阅读它有些沉。
In such a night, like me, you are not alone into a beautiful, lazy in the inability to look for tomorrow's surprise? 在这样的夜晚,你是不是和我一样陷入美丽的孤独,在无力的懒惰里寻找明天的惊喜?
Given how much other people apparently use theirs, it seems I'm not alone in that feeling. 看看其他人使用iPad那种风势就知道这不仅仅是我个人的感受了。
Celia was glad the lights had been lowered for the slides, then realized she was not alone in using a handkerchief to wipe her eyes. 为了放幻灯,室内灯光变得昏暗,这使西莉亚感到欣慰,她还意识到,用手绢擦去泪水的并不是她一个人。
I need to go to her, to see her, to whisper in her ears with the softest tone that you are not alone, Sister, you are not alone. 我需要去她那儿,去见她,在她身边用柔软的声调耳语,告诉她,姐姐,你不是孤独的,你不只是一个人。
Yet if you could zoom out of this tiny island to gaze across the entire expanse of Asia, you will see that she is not alone. 然而,如果将目光从这个小小的岛国移开,视野遍布整个亚洲,你会发现这样的老妇人并非特例。
Lean against the wind. Were not alone, the heart alone. 逆风而行。人不孤单,心孤单。
Senator McCain's not here. He probably wanted to distance himself from me a little bit. You know, he's not alone. Jenna's moving out, too. 参议员麦凯恩不在这里。他可能想与我保持点距离。你知道,他不孤独。詹娜也搬出去了。
It would have made all the difference if I just took a moment from my busy life to let him know he was not alone. 如果我能从我繁忙的生活中抽出一点时间让他知道他并不是孤身一人的话,也许一切都不同了。
And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. 就是判断人,我的判断也是真的。因为不是我独自在这里,还有差我来的父与我同在。
I'm not alone this time. I'm very happy one of my church friends came along with me to the convention. 这次不只我自己与朱妈妈成行,更高兴的是我也带著我教会的好姊妹一起。
By the way, this is not a woe-is-me story, but rather an honest account of my experience and I am not alone with a story like this. 顺便说一下,这不是一个“悲哀的我”故事,而为我的那些经验提供了一个诚恳的理由,象我这样拥有这样故事的人并不只有我一个。
Observing all this from the great beyond, Susie gradually figures out that she's not alone in her victimhood. 当苏西在乐园中置身事外地观察着这一切时,她渐渐体察到受害的并不只是她自己。
For several minutes again there was that sense of just me out there on top of the water. But now, not alone. 数分钟之后,那种唯有我在水面的意识再次涌现,但是我现在并不孤独。
Mark: Maybe I would not stay with you, but you are not alone, grandpa and I would look at you from the heaven. 也许我不能在你身边,但是你不是孤身一人,我和爷爷会在天堂看着你。
Caste politicians are not alone in arguing that this makes a nonsense of the system. 种姓主义政客不无讥讽地称这一制度毫无意义。
There's not much question at all that there is life throughout the universe. I'm totally sure we are not alone. 宇宙中遍布生命,这没有太大的疑问。我完全肯定,我们并不孤独。
Good luck to all my fellow citizens in the earthquake-stricken area! You're not alone, for all of us are always with you! 祝福地震灾区的同胞们!你们并不孤单,因为我们永远和你们在一起!
We'll walk this road together through the storm, just to let you know that you're not alone. 狂风暴雨我们一同走过,只想叫你知道,在你身边始终有我。
"Listening to others really helped me to say I'm not alone, " Sanders said. "I thought to myself this is a great way to be an advocate. " “倾听别人确实帮我说出了我并不孤独我暗自想这是让我成为提倡者的一个很好的方式”,桑德斯说。
He is not alone. He has his beloved girl in his heart. But he can only put her in heart, because who will live with him as wonderer. 他倒不只是一个人,心里放着自己所爱的姑娘。然而,只是放在心里,谁会愿意跟随他过这样的生活。
You are not alone on your travels and other souls who have been chosen to be part of your experiences, will find their way into your life. 在你们的旅程之中你们永远不孤独,其他的灵魂一直被选择成为了你们体验的一部分,将会以他们的方式进入你的生活中。
All I wanted was to be home in bed, not alone in the wilderness with a dead elk that I was responsible for killing. 我只是想回家睡觉,现在却一个人待在荒野里还撞死了一头麋鹿。
This time, individuals want to have to accompany a good, good hope the heart is not alone. 这个时候好希望有个人陪,好希望心里不是孤单的。
While you are probably not alone in trying to find the answers, some issues are more common than others. 虽然您很可能不是试图找到这些问题答案的唯一的人,但一些问题与其他问题相比更为常见。
America is not alone when it comes to the imposition of protectionist policies as the result of political influence. 这种政治影响力导致保护主义政策的情况不仅发生在美国。
'Cause you are not alone, and I am there with you. And we'll get lost together till the light comes pouring through. 因为你并不孤独,而我会和你在一起。我们会一起迷失直到满天阳光灿烂。
If financial organisations are belatedly trying to train more staff in these skills, they are not alone. 如果说金融机构正努力(虽然有点为时已晚)培训更多员工、使其具备上述技能,他们也并非唯一这样做的机构。
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you're not alone. 如果你对上述任何问题的答案是“是”,你并不孤独。