none of that

  • 网络不许那样;别那样;不要那样

none of thatnone of that

none of that


英语题,有关nothing,none的选择题_百度知道 ... None of that! 不许那样! None of your business! 不关你的事! ...


英语俗语集合_Nocturne_新浪博客 ... keep to the point 言归正传 None of that 别那样 it was high time 是...的时候了 ...


英语课件高三英语... ... eg. Out with it! 有话尽管说! eg. None of that! 不要那样! eg. None of your nonsense! 不要胡说八道! ...

"You may be a qualified candidate, but none of that matters if you walk into that interview lacking confidence, " he added. “你可能是一位合格的候选人,但如果面试时你不自信,那一切资历都不重要。”他补充道。
There will be none of that in future as there will be a different system that makes for quick decisions in the best interests of everyone. 这些在未来都不会存在,因为将会有一个完全不同的系统,那时将在最快的速度体现出每个人的最高利益。
But you'll have to do it like a real cowboy, none of that sidesaddle stuff. 随意奔跑,噢,当然了,得象个真正的牛仔,不能侧着身子
None of that means that the researchers understand quite how the little insect became the boom box it is. 但这并不意味着研究人员已经弄清楚为什么小小的昆虫能成为大喇叭。
Having friends, and slumber parties and buddies, and just hanging out, there was none of that for me. 拥有朋友,享受和好伙伴在一起开派对的快乐,甚至外出随便逛逛,这些都不属于童年的我。
It is a bit of conventional wisdom that undecided voters seek comity in their leaders. There was none of that in Tuesday's debate. 没拿定主意的选民往往期望领导人有所礼让,这多少算是一个常识。但周二的辩论没有半点礼让的意味。
But none of that was the problem for which she was at risk of being fired. The real problem was that she didn't think she had a problem. 不过以上都不是她真正面临解雇危机的问题。最大的问题是她不觉得自己有问题。
Angel said he would show me the best hamburger joint in the city. "Real meat, none of that big corporation cardboard crap. " 安琪说要带我去城里最好的汉堡店,“上好的肉,不是大公司那种装在纸盒里的垃圾。”
None of that, though, changed fundamentals affecting companies' underlying businesses, whether in retail, media, autos or technology. 但是,这些都没有改变影响着公司主要业务的基本面,无论是零售、媒体、汽车还是科技行业。
But none of that changes the fact that a security scheme on which most people regularly rely has a fairly exploitable hole. 但这并不能改变这个事实:大多数人所信赖的那个安全系统其实还存在着不小的漏洞。
But, somehow, none of that adds up to me, to what I think India really can aim contribute in the world, in this part of the 21st century. 但是,不知何故,所有的事一起呈现出來,我都不认为,印度为21世纪做出了真正的贡献。
"We get fresh vegetables from the local market - none of that processed Western food, " he said. “我们都是从菜市场买菜的,那都是没有加工过的蔬菜,”他说。
The thing is, if I had never sat down at the kitchen table and started HowStuffWorks, none of that would have been able to happen for me. 事实是,如果我从未在厨房的桌子边坐下来开始这个网站,上述这些都不会发生在我身上。
None of that excuses the mess it has made of its banking system. 地中海国家没有一个原谅这种银行体系制造的混乱。
None of that delegate's arguments seem to hold water. 那个代表的所有论点,看来都是站不住脚的。
I thought he wanted to ask why I didn't correct their exam papers or maybe he wanted to ask for leave or. . . It was none of that. 我想他会问我为什么不讲解他们的考试试卷或者可能他想请假还或者…但都不是。
They don't want none of these poor working folks to have none of that. 他们不会给我们这些穷哥们其中的任何一样。
Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatebed to blow me and my tent away, but none of that happened. 几分钟之内,风力增强成怒号的风暴,我和我的帐篷都似乎会被吹走,但什么也没有发生。
None of that alters the fact that the total amount paid is in many cases quite mind-boggling to people outside. 所有这些都不能改变以下事实:在许多情况下,支付总额会让外部人士感到难以置信。
Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatened to blow me and my tent away, but none of that happened. 几分钟之内,狂风怒吼,像是要把我连帐篷一起卷走,但还好没事。
She will have at least two very expensive mobile phones, both Nokia or Ericson - none of that cheap Chinese shit. 她有只少两部巨贵的手机,诺基亚或者爱立信,反正不是中国的那些廉价垃圾货色。
Let me assure you, my friends, none of that will be necessary this time. 让我向你保证,我的朋友,那些措施没有一样在这一次是需要的。
None of that, just a simple smart way of showing what she's doing and maybe explain a little bit of why she had to leave or whatever. 我一点也不要,就只用一个简单而聪明的方式去显示她在做着什么或者解释一下为何她必须离开还是怎样,那就够了。
None of that is good for a White House that claims to be winning the war on terrorism. 对声称快消灭恐怖主义的白宫,以上报告无异当头一棒;
Obama's fans in Europe were counting the days until Bush left office, but in China there was none of that sense of relief. 当奥巴马的欧洲支持者掰着手指计算布什离职的日子时,中国人却丝毫没有这种如释重负的感觉。
None of that mattered to Dong Hua, a sales executive from Zhejiang waiting in a ticket line at Beijing South station. 这些都没有影响到董华(音),一位来自浙江的,正在北京南站等待购票的销售主管。
What you heard, none of that is true. I was sick of my friends riding me, so I said things to shut them up. I didn't mean any of it. 上次你听到的那些,没有一句是真话。我只是厌烦了我那些朋友们对我指手画脚,所以说了那些话想让他们闭嘴。我真的不是那个意思。
None of that makes it into Mr Stross's account, which at times reads like a diligent summary of news articles. 所有这些都未记入Stross先生的书中,而他的书有时读起来像媒体文章的细心摘要。
Outside, Jerusalem teems with people and noisy souvenir sellers of all kinds but none of that touches the Garden. 园外人潮拥挤,出售各式纪念品的小贩高声叫卖,但这一切都不能打破园子的幽静。
None of that worked! It all became way too computationally expensive, plus the languages kept changing, and the idioms and all that. 这些都不是很管用,计算上的花销太高了,加上语言也是在不断变化之中的。