nothing to lose

  • 网络一无所有;王牌任务;再无可失

nothing to losenothing to lose

nothing to lose


奥斯卡百年金曲典藏_摄氏温度_新浪博客 ... Sutter's Mill 打击 Nothing to Lose 一无所有 Over The Rainbow 跨越彩虹 ...


蒂姆·罗宾斯_百度百科 ... 无懈可击 Arlington Road 王牌任务 Nothing to Lose 肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption ...


再无可失Nothing to Lose )》 (1997) ...Davis 'Rig' Lanlow 《痞子大逃亡(Truth or Consequences, N.M.)》 (1997) ...Edd…


Somewhere I Belong -... ... (So what am I?) 我应该成为怎样的人 (Nothing to lose) 没有失去 (When this began) 当这一切开始 ...


zuno金俊浩——放开我nothing to lose)歌词+高清MV#歌词 你可能也喜欢 分享到: 举报 浏览(901) 评论(3) 转载 2012好听 …


迈克学... ... 08 Its Gonna Make Sense( 爱无止尽) 09 Nothing To Lose不会失落) 10 Take Me To Your Heart( 让我靠近 …


... Hot like Mexico 爱的烈火有如置身墨西哥 Nothing to lose 对我毫无损失的选择 Don’t call my name 别再叫我的名字了 ...


What Makes People Loot?... ... socio-economic 社会经济学 nothing to lose 没什么可以失去的,什么都不怕 Quizzes 英语小测 …

Mr. Medvedev said the U. S. has nothing to lose by imposing additional sanctions, as it has no ties with Iran, unlike Russia and China. 梅德韦杰夫说,对伊朗实施更多制裁,美国不会因此有任何损失,因为与俄罗斯及中国不同的是,美国和伊朗没有任何联系。
At least you have nothing to lose by looking and you can always discard what you find if it does not appear to be useful. 如果没有发现什么问题,您至少也不会有什么损失。
Just hear me out. You've got nothing to lose, right? My name is Jester, and I know a thing or two about this place. 请听听我的建议吧,对你没有任何损失,不是吗?我的名字是杰斯特,关于这座建筑略知一二。
'Free' makes us feel good and 'free' has no downside; it we didn't pay we've got nothing to lose if our decision turns out to be wrong. “免费”让我们感觉良好,同时它也没有不好的一面。因为我们没花钱,所以,如果我们选择错了,我们也不会损失什么。
"I'm a lousy gambler, " he said with a shrug. "But maybe I'll do better now, knowing there's nothing to lose. " “我是个烂赌鬼,”他耸耸肩,“这样也许反而更好,因为我没什么可再失去的了。”
As long as one is willing to put their own national, state and the cause of mankind, so, he would have nothing to lose, not to mention it. 一个人只要是愿意把自己交给民族、国家和整个人类事业,那么,他就没有什么得和失,胜败就更不用讲。
And I feel like I have nothing to lose; I'm going against. . . you know, someone that's ranked higher than me. . . 我感觉我没什么可输的,我会与…你知道,排名高于我的人对手…
Don't be afraid to do traditional exercise on a regular basis, because as long as you do it properly, you've got nothing to lose but weight. 只要你正确地进行锻炼,那么你一定能达到减肥的效果,所以不要害怕定期去做一些传统的锻炼。
To think, people tried to dissuade me from going there, but I had nothing to lose, just like (Cagliari's Marco) Giampaolo today. 想一想,人们都试图阻止我,不让我去那里,但是当时的我已经没什么输不起的了,就像现在的詹帕罗(先卡利亚里教练)一样。
That, and the fact that they had nothing to lose other than the most tolerant and broadminded gay place in town, explains why. 此外,除了镇上最包容开放的同志酒吧外,他们已经一无所有了,这两点就是暴动发生的原因。
It is no real surprise that {0} are favourites for this match but the opposition are not to be underestimated as they have nothing to lose. 它不是真正的惊奇那{0}是这一个比赛的喜欢事物但是反对派是不是当他们什么也没有失去,低估。
Only the true innovators would dare, because innovators play fearlessly, as if they have nothing to lose. 只有真正的创新者才敢这么干,因为创新者无所畏惧,就好像他们没什么好输似的。
Marguerite, alone at Bagneres with her maid, and in any case having nothing to lose by compromising herself, granted the Duke what he asked. 和玛格丽特一起到巴涅尔去的只有她的侍女,再说她也不怕名声会受到什么损害,就同意了公爵的请求。
Since you know that this is your last hour and you have nothing to lose, try to gain some bravery - at least now. 由于你知道这是你最后的一个小时而你没有什么好损失的,尝试增加一些勇气,至少现在。
If they decide they have nothing to lose, this ploy could now turn out to be a weakness. 假如他们判定自己不会失去任何支持,这个想法现在可能变成一个弱点。
"From Huawei's standpoint, there's nothing to lose, " he said by telephone. "To some extent, they've tried everything else. " 他在电话中说到:“从华为的角度来看,(这样做)并不会有什么损失。从某种程度上说,他们已经试过了其余所有的方法。”
They are already assured of last place in Group A so come on Levski, nothing to lose! 他们已经无疑是a组的榜尾了,所以列夫斯基,加油啊,你们没什么好输的!
Bill figured he had nothing to lose, so he filled a jar with a urine sample and went to the drug store. 比尔想这样自己也没什么损失,于是他盛满一罐尿样去了那家药店。
The best thing about the service is, there is nothing to lose as there are no promises or charges during the quoting process . 此项服务的最好之处是在估价过程中不需要任何的承诺或者付费,也就是说什么也不会失去。
As he says in the novel, he's a member of the "I've-got-nothing-to-lose-generation. " 正如他在小说中所说的,他是——失去一切的一代人——中的一员。
You've got nothing to lose, right? I mean, you're going to quit anyway, so what's the worst that could happen to you? 你没什么可失去的了,是吗?我的意思是,你反正已经准备辞职了,所以没可能发生比这更坏的了?。
And after all, if you enjoy music, there is nothing to lose by trying, and everything to gain! 毕竟,如果你喜欢音乐,没有什么可以失去的尝试,并赢得一切!
He had nothing to lose by carrying out a dead mother's hope. 他把死去的母亲的心愿了却,于他是没有损失的。
You've got nothing to lose, and a whole new occupation to gain. 你不但不会有任何损失,还会得到一个全新的职业。
But I thought we had nothing to lose by exploring every option. 不过,我认为,要抓住所有可能的机会,况且这对我们也没有什么损失。
Michelakis says his department gets thousands of emails from people saying they have nothing to lose, but that's not how he sees it. 米开拉其斯所在的医学系就收到了数千份电子邮件,人们纷纷告诉他,他们早就一无所有,还在意什么危险。可他却不这么看。
You have nothing to lose except poor health, a heavy carbon load and a heavier karma. 你不会有任何损失,失去的是不佳的健康状况,沉重的碳负荷以及较重的业力。
Tell her that you love her. You've got nothing to lose, and you'll always regret it if you don't. 告诉她,你爱她!这样做,你又不会损失什么,否则,你将遗憾终生!
Someone who has seen the death of a single child now has nothing to lose. 一些人看到独身孩子的死亡现在一无所有了。
From my perspective such people have absolutely nothing to lose, however. 在我看来,这样的人其实根本没什么可失去的。