
美 [ˌoʊvərˈteɪk]英 [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈteɪk]
  • v.超过;赶上;(在数量或重要性方面)大于;(不愉快的事情)突然发生
  • 网络追上;超车;压倒

过去式:overtook 过去分词:overtaken 现在分词:overtaking 第三人称单数:overtakes

overtake lorry,overtake vehicle



1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)超过;赶上to go past a moving vehicle or person ahead of you because you are going faster than they are

2.[t]~ sb/sth(在数量或重要性方面)大于,超过to become greater in number, amount or importance than sth else

3.[t][oftpass]~ sb/sth(不愉快的事情)突然发生,突然降临if sth unpleasantovertakes a person, it unexpectedly starts to happen and to affect them


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... entrance n. 入口处 overtake vt. 赶上 crazy a. 疯狂的; 愚蠢的 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... navigation n. 航海, 航空, 驾驶 overtake v. 追上, 超越 pedal n. 踏板, 脚蹬子 ...


急求……交通事故英语作文_百度知道 ... ⑤ ambulance 救护车 ① overtake 追上;赶上;超过 ④ windscreen (汽车等的)挡 …


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 实习司机 L-driver 超车 overtake 吊销 revoke ...


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... overslept 睡过头 overtake 赶上;压倒;突然 来袭 overtook 赶上;使无法忍受; ...


新概念英语第三册单词总汇  - 豆丁网 ... undertake 着手做,进行 overtake 突然袭击 amber-like 琥珀色的 ...


以o开头的英语英文单词 ... overstrike 过打印 overtake 追上,赶上;压倒 overthrew 的过去式 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... navigation n. 航海, 航空, 驾驶 overtake v. 追上, 超越 pedal n. 踏板, 脚蹬子 ...

Despite the fact that she had her knee severely bruised . she still managed to overtake most of the other long distance runners. 尽管她的膝盖严重擦伤,她还是赶上了大多数其他长跑者。
Based on purchasing-power parities, the Chinese economy is now expected to overtake that of the U. S. within six or seven years. 根据购买力平价计算,目前的预计是中国经济将在六七年后超越美国。
That driver is trying to overtake. Slow down a bit and let him pull ahead . 那个司机像是要超车,开慢点,让他过去。
The United Nations is trying to help the Somalis convert the vintage tapes to compact discs before humidity and time overtake them. 联合国正在帮助索马里将这些旧录音带转换成光盘,以防它们受到湿气和时间的侵袭。
To overtake the sun, er lang shen haste makes waste, a mishap, the front of that mountain carrying-pole eye is shouldering the fork. 为追上太阳,二郎神忙中出错,一个闪失,前边那座山的扁担眼被担叉了。
The current obsession with how soon China's economy will overtake that of the United States is absurd. 当前有关中国经济将如何尽快超越美国的痴心是荒谬的。
Obama has let events overtake him, exactly as he allowed the health policy debate to spin out of his control in the summer and early fall. 准确地说,在夏天和入秋那段时间有关医保政策的讨论渐渐地脱离奥巴马控制的时候,他已经落后于各大事件的发展。
These tactics have made it possible for the company to overtake other better-known telecommunications component manufacturers. 这些策略使华为完全可能赶超其它更出名的电信元件制造商。
The survey did not specify in its questions which nation people believe will match or overtake the United States. 该调查并没有就其问题明确指出,亚洲人认为哪个国家将赶超美国。
Some describe how their cars' batteries can suddenly die while trying to overtake or labour up a hill. 一些车主详细描述:当试图超车或缓慢艰难爬坡时,车电瓶就突然失效。
Goldman Sachs continues to forecast that China will overtake the U. S. in terms of GDP in 2027, just as it recently overtook Japan. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)进一步预测说,中国的GDP将在2027年超过美国,正如它最近超过了日本一样。
Initial investigations revealed that the driver was driving at high speed, trying to overtake, crashed into the oncoming bike team. 初步调查显示,肇事司机当时驾驶汽车高速行驶,试图超车,撞入迎面而来的自行车队。
That driver's trying to overtake. Slow down a bit and let him pull ahead. 那位司机想超车,开慢一点,让他超到前面去。
The Rabbit treating the whole matter very lightly , said he would first take a little nap , and that she should soon overtake the tortoise . 兔子认为比赛太轻松了,他说他先打个盹,然后很快的可以追上乌龟。
Winning means so much to you that, no matter how much another person tries to overtake you, you swim faster to thwart him. 取胜对你是如此重要,不管有人多么想要超过你,你都会游得更快,把他比下去。
As for those learning more slowly, we cannot look down on them. As long as they keep at it, they can overtake us if we pause for a moment. 对学不会的人,我们不能轻视,如果他发愤精进,我们只是稍微停一下,同样会被他追过去。
Colin: A young man in a sports car pulled out to overtake a bus and collided head-on with a truck travelling in the opposite direction. 科林:一个年轻人开跑车,转到另一条车道上,要超越一辆巴士,和迎面而来的卡车撞个正着。
Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 蛇就在妇人身后,从口中吐出水来像河一样,要将妇人冲去。
See will overtake, was the heavenly queen mother pulled out of gold zan row, his feet immediately appear a surfy tian he. 眼看就要追上,却被王母娘娘拔下的金簪一划,他脚下立刻出现了一条波涛汹涌的天河。
Allow others to overtake if they want to. Do not drive on a footpath or pavement by the side of the road. 如其他车辆有意超车,应该让路。切勿驶上行人径或路旁的行人路。
The nation will take a "considerable" time to overtake the U. S. in terms of final consumption, combining goods and services, Huang said. 他还表示,以将商品和服务考虑进去之后的最终消费量而言,中国依然需要相当长的时间才会超越美国。
I will sing them all, all! " said the mother. " But do not stop me now--I may overtake him--I may find my child! 我将把这些歌唱给你听,都唱给你听!“母亲说。”不过请不要留住我,因为我得赶上他,把我的孩子找回来。
I sincerely hope that I could get a chance to overtake my responsibility to fight as a man in the blue sky. 我也衷心的希望,我能得到这样的机会,在我心驰神往的蓝天之间、白云之上,扛起肩上的责任,作为一个真正的男人去战斗。
"Good-bye, Ida, " said the bridegroom's mother with a laugh; and the carriage rattled away at a good pace, in order to overtake the others. “再见,艾达。”新郎的母亲笑着道别;马车踢踢踏踏地奔驰了起来,急着去追赶前面的车辆。
Being as we are the factory of the world, the current ratio is completely normal. Just as it's normal that we stand to overtake America! 我们既然是世界工厂,现在的比例是完全不正常的,将来应该超越美国才正常嘛!
The rapid growth of online advertising is expected to see the sector overtake US newspaper advertising in terms of size by 2011. 网络广告迅速增长,预计规模将在2011年前超过美国报纸广告。
The German Dragon will find it hard to escape to its cavernous lairs, for vengeance for its treason will overtake it. 德国的龙会发现几乎不能逃脱它巨穴似的窝,为了复仇,为了它的叛逆,会赶上它。
In one clip, a truck is speeding through the water, trying to overtake a Land Cruiser. 其中一个画面,卡车在水中加速,试图超过一部。
You should never overtake on the left of or weave in and out of a line of traffic which has stopped or is moving slowly. 遇上一排已停下来或慢驶中的车辆时,切勿从左面超车,或左穿右插行驶。
if your girlfriend does not listen to your words, turn round to walk, be sure to overtake her, if really still love, leaving her a person? 如果你的女朋友不听你的话,转身走了,一定要追上她,若真的还爱着,丢下她一个人你又如何放心呢;