美 [skrim]英 [skriːm]
  • n.尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音;可笑的人(或物)
  • v.(因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫;(向某人或为某事)高声喊
  • 网络惊声尖叫;夺命狂呼;呐喊

复数:screams 现在分词:screaming 过去式:screamed

hear scream


v. n.

1.[i][t](因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫to give a loud, high cry, because you are hurt, frightened, excited, etc.

2.[t][i](向某人或为某事)高声喊,大声叫to shout sth in a loud, high voice because of fear, anger, etc.

3.[i]发出大而尖的声音;呼啸而过to make a loud, high noise; to move fast, making this noise


scream blue murder

不停地叫嚷(尤指叫屈、鸣不平)to scream loudly and for a long time, especially in order to protest about sth


强力推荐惊声尖叫scream)系列我知道你去年夏天干了什么 系列


10、《夺命狂呼》(Scream)(又名《惊声尖叫》)——这一系列也很精彩,因为故事发生在校园里,所以很让人感到亲切, …


好个呐喊SCREAM)呀!!!哈哈哈哈哈~ 有这种弟弟还真得挺不赖的!


高中英语必备单词 _316 - 豆丁网 ... schoolmate n. 同学;校友 scream vi. 尖声叫 n.尖叫声;喊叫声 scurvy n. 坏血病 ...


呼字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 呼吸系统〖 respiratorysystem〗 呼啸〖 whistle;whizz;scream〗 呼嘘〖 breathe;respire〗 ...


SCREAM中文意思_百度知道 ... Oh brother please have mercy 哦 兄弟 请发发慈悲 SCREAM 嘶喊 Tired of injustice 受够了不 …


《背诵为王全套文本》全文在线阅读及txt下载 ... race 比赛 scream 尖声喊叫 handle 处理 ...

The prejudice in this trial had been SCREAMING, and the loudest scream came in the form of that verdict. 偏见在庭审上已昭然若歇,最明显的就是那个判决形式。
It might be helpful to yell or scream as you're beating the pillow. I would only recommend you do that if no one will hear you. 也许击打时喊叫有助于排解怨气,不过建议你在无人听见的情况下做。
"If any of my colleagues or friends from Google are here, " she said, "I invite you to jump up and scream and yell at me. " “这里如果真有我在谷歌的同行或者朋友,”她说,“我请你马上站起来,对我大喊大叫。”
And with each report from her mother, Kinzie would scream into the phone and do a little dance of triumph. 随着妈妈的每一次汇报,坎齐都会在电话中尖叫,跳一段舞来庆祝胜利。
Most of her wants to scream out in desperation, begging him not to leave her alone. 多数她在失望想要尖叫,乞求他不留下她单独。
The rage exploded in her head, surged into her muscles, and burst forth from her mouth in a wordless scream. 暴怒在她头脑中炸开,涌如她的肌肉,并从她嘴中以不成语言的尖叫爆发出来。
He had been walking in circles for what seemed to be hours, fighting the pains, using all of his focus so that he would not scream in agony. 他似乎已经绕着圈儿走了好长时间了,与阵痛对抗着,集中所有的精力不使自己因为痛苦尖叫出来。
They do not come running to help when someone lets out a mental scream. 当某人在心中大声尖叫时,他们并不跑来相助。
The frightened animal let out such a godforsaken scream that I half expected to be surrounded by every bear in the mountains. 受惊吓的动物发出凄楚的叫声,我差点以为山里所有的熊都要来包围我了。
They thrash and roll on the surface of the sea and scream piteously as they look up to see arrogant men gloating over their suffering. 牠们在海面上拍打翻滚凄惨地喊叫,看著船上傲慢的人们,正因著牠们的磨难在忘情欢呼。
As you and your friends begin to cry and scream with fear, you begin to notice strange sensations all over your body. 当你们开始因为害怕而哭喊时,你开始注意到奇异的感觉遍布你的身体。
A brief scream was stifled as her throat closed up and she tried desperately to escape to turn to scratch him with her nails. 她的喉咙被勒紧时发出了短暂的尖叫声,她拼命想挣脱开来:转身,用指甲抓他。
He feels even more like a man when he advances in the direction of his fears, as if sailing on the winds of an inner scream. 当他战胜恐惧时,就像一个在暴风雨中航行的勇士一样,让他更像一个男人了。
As the lieutenant looked up and saw more of the objects descending on them from directly above, he began to scream. 当中尉有所觉察并看到更多的物体从头顶而降的时候,他尖叫了起来。
Red sits in the dark, a bundle of nerves, trying to hold himself still. He feels like he might scream or shake to pieces. 瑞德坐在黑暗中,极度紧张,他在努力的控制自己,生怕自己会尖叫、颤抖起来。
She did not move, and when Troy stretched out his hand to pull her towards him, she fell back with a quick, low scream. 她一动未动,托伊伸手去拉她时,她迅速发出一声低沉的叫声,向后倒去。
There was no scream, no sign of agony, just his crumpled body on a slab of sidewalk with his eyes wide open. 没有尖叫,没有激愤,有的只是他瘫倒在路边石板上的尸体,和圆瞪着的双目。
Friends whose house the lovers met in recalled how Ava would scream at Frank and he would slam the door and storm downstairs. 把房子借给这对情侣幽会的朋友回忆,艾娃朝弗兰克尖叫,他大声关门然后冲下楼梯。
Reluctantly, she let go of his arm. And as she turned to leave, she heard Karen scream from across the grotto. 她不情愿地松开了他的手臂。当她转身要走时,她听到了凯伦从洞穴那头发出的尖叫。
At last he began to scream and cry. His mother hurried into the room to find out what was the matter with him. 他拉了又拉,并很生气那个坛子,但没有用。最后,他开始尖叫和哭泣。他的母亲匆匆的走进房间,看他是出了什么事。
Though if I hear one more publisher whinge that they "cannot find the translators" , I shall probably scream. 然而要是我再听到又一个出版商在抱怨“找不到译者”的话,我就该尖声惊叫了。
Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice. 突然,在风雨嘈杂声中,传来一声女人惊恐的狂叫,我听出那是我姐姐的声音。
The subject appears to be in mid-scream, but she was actually bound in this position before burial. 扫描的女子似乎正在尖声嚎叫,而事实上这就是她包扎埋葬时的姿势。
Although at work my life of its beginning seem to be so confusion because the children cry and scream, so impermanent rules it look for. 虽然在工作之初我的生活因为孩子们的哭闹而显得那么混乱,那么的无常规之寻。
George is not a sexy name. George is what you name your teddy bear, not the name you wanna scream out during climax. 乔治可不是个性感的名字。乔治是你给毛毛熊取的名,而不是你高潮时想要喊出的名儿。
I had a good loud scream, and I sucked in air, preparing to use it, but my throat was so dry I wasn't sure how much volume I could manage. 我的尖叫相当地响亮,我深吸了一口气,准备让它派上用场。但我的嗓子实在太干了,我不敢肯定我能发出多大的音量。
Or not prejudiced enough to scream when a Negro went toward her in a deserted subway station a few hours past midnight. 或者,在一个午夜已过多时,空旷无人的地铁车站,当一个黑人走向她,她根本就不会歧视到要大声喊叫的程度。
Her great fear and dread would cause her to scream at the alien-looking entities to leave them alone. 她非常害怕和恐惧会导致她在外国人看实体尖叫让他们孤独。
Willie Stevenson used to scream at him for never giving a one-two! 史蒂文森那时候就经常因为他不进行二过一配合而对他大声嚷嚷。
'But why don't you scream now? 'Alice asked, holding her hands ready to put over her ears again. “可是你现在为什么不叫喊?”爱丽丝问,扬起双手准备再次把耳朵捂住。