
美 [səˈlut]英 [səˈluːt]
  • n.致敬;致意;(尤指士兵和军官之间的)敬礼;鸣礼炮
  • v.致敬;(尤指军队中)敬礼;表示敬意
  • 网络行礼;欢迎;行礼致敬

第三人称单数:salutes 现在分词:saluting 过去式:saluted

salute flag


v. n.

1.[i][t](尤指军队中)敬礼to touch the side of your head with the fingers of your right hand to show respect, especially in the armed forces

2.[t]~ sb/sth致敬;表示敬意to express respect and admiration for sb/sth


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... play a tick on sb 开某人玩笑;欺骗案人 salute vi 行礼致敬;敬礼 kiss n 吻 ...


高中英语第一册词汇表 ... spread vt. & vi. 伸展;传播 salute vi. & vt. & n. 敬礼;致敬 criticize vt. & vi. 批评;责备 ...


行字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 行乐〖 indulgeinpleasures;seekamusement〗 行礼salute〗 行李〖 baggage;luggage〗 ...


A Bug's Life_Nicole_新浪博客 ... applause 鼓掌 掌声 salute 欢迎 致敬 赞扬 tribute 称赞 颂词 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... play a tick on sb 开某人玩笑;欺骗案人 salute vi 行礼致敬;敬礼 kiss n 吻 ...


新概念英语2单词表 - 豆丁网 ... recognize v. 认出,识别 salute v. 致敬,致意 signal n. 信号,手势 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... distance n. 距离,远处,远离 salute vi. vt. 致敬礼,祝贺 distant a. 遥远的,疏远的 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... saline 含盐的;咸的 salute 行礼,敬礼;礼炮 sanction 批准,认可,赞许;制裁 ...

JR: Yes, you would call it a Roman Salute, but a lot of people see that as a Fascist salute. 的确,你可以叫它“罗马式军礼”,但很多人把它看作是法西斯式敬礼。
Thank you for accompanying WWE for the past 20 years, today you leave WWE to leave the wrestling ring of the last day here I salute you. 谢谢你带我们在过去的20年间,今天你离开我们离开摔跤场斗个你死我活的最后一天在这里我都问你们安。
Despite not coming from fascist countries, French and Canadian Olympians gave what appeared to be the Hitler salute at the opening ceremony. 虽然并非来自法西斯国家,但似乎法国和加拿大的运动员在开幕式上行了纳粹礼。
As we passed beneath the flags of the Italian republic and the European Union, the two carabinieri at the door gave him a formal salute. 当我们从意大利国旗和欧盟旗帜下走过时,门口的两位宪兵向他行了一个正规的军礼。
The Soviet model used a bayonet of its own and was known as a gadget of a very high quality. 苏联的Salute相机使用的是自己的卡口,具有超高的质感。
We seem to hear the sound of gun salute of festivity, soaked in the sea of jubilation. Thanks to own mother, bless own mother! 我们仿佛听到了欢庆的礼炮声,我们仿佛置身于欢腾的海洋,感谢自己的母亲,祝福自己的母亲!
The sun in the sky has a smile on his face and he's shining to salute to the American race. 天空中的太阳笑脸盈盈,它将会普照美国的各族人民。
To the funeral site, that person on the top surface and lay the mat ready to salute, and his companions have also learned to like him. 到了治丧场所,那个人就排在前面,伏在席子上准备施礼,他的同伴们也都学着他的样。
Jin Lanshu more be called " nightly queen " , all black path elements see she did not bow salute weigh her " eldest brother " . 金兰淑更被称为“夜间女王”,所有黑道分子见到她没有不弯腰行礼称她“大哥”的。
The national flags of both countries fluttered in the wind. The sound of salute and national anthems of the two countries echoed in the air. 两国国旗迎风飘扬,响亮的礼炮和两国国歌久久回响。
When the sun were across the western sea, facing the East, he gave his last salute. 当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。
Let me go to bed, then, ' answered the boy, shrinking from Catherine's salute; and he put his fingers to his eyes to remove incipient tears. “那就让我上床睡觉,”那个男孩子回答,避开凯瑟琳的招呼,退缩着;又用他的手指抹掉开始流出的眼泪。
But, between us, when we salute the car and ask him to start or to keep going even with that funny noise, we call him Grandpa. 每次我们赞美着这辆车并发动引擎,或一路开着它的时候,尽管车子发出的噪音很有趣,在我们当中,我们都叫它爷爷。
And the program will salute the rescuers heading for the devastated regions, trying to save lives. 节目将向工作在抗灾地区拯救声明的救援者们表示致敬。
All that are with me salute thee: salute them that love us in the faith. The grace of God be with you all. Amen. 请问候那些在信德内爱我们的弟兄。愿恩宠与你们众人同在!
The little prince clapped his hands. The conceited man raised his hat in a modest salute. 小王子就拍起巴掌来。这位爱虚荣者就谦逊地举起帽子向小王子致意。
A leader was carrying an inspection in a psychosis hospital and all the patients but one cheerfully gave him a salute. 领导正在视察精神病院,病人都欢呼致意,只有一个病人不理不睬。
You've been slaving away at this for more than a decade, and I salute you and your colleagues for what you do. 你们已经投入研究这一领域有十多年了。我得向你和你的同事致敬,以及你们的研究成果。
Somehow, Mulberry managed to wrangle that color and put it on a handbag, and for that, I salute them. 不知何故,桑树管理的缠斗,颜色,放在一个手提包,又为这一点,卖包包网站我向他们致敬。
Death appeared to him with large epaulets , and he almost made the military salute to him. 好象死者带着宽大的肩章出现在他眼前,逼得他几乎对他行了个军礼。
I wish to also salute all the Fellows present today for your outstanding achievements in promoting human progress. 在座的各位会员,同样以自己的杰出成就造福社会。我向你们表示崇高的敬意!
And I salute the Thai people on the restoration of democracy, which has proved that liberty and law reign here in the "Land of the Free. " 我为泰国人民恢复民主制度向他们致敬,这证明了自由和法律主宰着这片“自由之土”。
Soon the soldiers began to squat when moving. The soldiers ceased to salute officers and no one was called by rank anymore. 不久士兵就开始蹲着行军,停止向军官敬礼或是不再叫对方的军衔等等。
And he despised his political masters to the point where he refused to salute his commander-in-chief, President Harry Truman. 而且,他根本看不起搞政治的领导,甚至见到总司令杜鲁门总统都拒绝行礼。
Unhappily, the fancied salute of her lips encircled him with the breathing Clara. 不幸的是,这个嘴唇表示的敬礼使活生生的克莱拉又包围了他。
It has been more than fifty years since I took a stand on the flag salute, but I would do it again in a second. 我在向国旗行礼这件事上采取这个立场已经有50多年了,而我仍然会毫不犹豫地再次那样做。
the best story I've heard all day. I really salute you. I'm going to give you a visa. 我整天听到的最好的故事。我真的行礼你。我要给你一个签证。
Some young people dressed in black shouting "Russia for Russians" and stretched out his right arm Nazi salute. 一些身穿黑衣的青年高喊“俄罗斯人的俄罗斯”并伸出右臂行纳粹军礼。
Soames had hung out a board marked "Trespassers will be prosecuted" , and he barely acknowledged the young fellow's salute. 索米斯脸上已经挂一块“闲人免进”的牌子,年青人行礼时他只勉强点一下头。
LanZhi (DiMeiShunYan salute to her mother-in-law) : mom, I'm going to cook a meal, today we eat noodles do? 兰芝(低眉顺眼给婆婆行礼):妈,我这就去做饭,我们今天吃面条行么?