The fall

  • na.人的堕落
  • 网络坠入;坠落;秋天

The fallThe fall

The fall


你说的是坠入the fall)吗?参考资料: 评论| gaib31 |七级采纳率46% 擅长:出国/ …


《华丽的坠落The Fall)》(未获提名)《钢铁人》(二项提名)《澳大利亚》(一项提名)《圣战家园》(一项提名)《慾 …


  第二是堕落the Fall),创世记一章27节说:「上帝就照著自己的形像造人,乃是照著祂的形像造男造女。」是上帝创造具有 …


秋天the Fall)黑核桃  ( Black walnut)黄桦 (Yellow birch)桤树  (Alder)粗皮山核桃  ( Shagbark)朝鲜蓟  (Artichoke…


gorillaz(街头霸王)-秋游记(the Fall)15.seattle Yodel17 14.california And The Slipping Of The Sun gorillaz(街头霸王)-秋游记(t...


陨落The Fall)3520年前后,伟大的大奥师伊奥勒姆失踪了。


... The Temptation 诱惑 The Fall 秋季 The Trial 审判 ...


覆灭The Fall)  随著接连失去了带冠者伊尔塔葛瑞姆,艾拉薇·伊瑞赛尔,丝琳希,以及王冠之剑,迷斯卓诺真正的覆灭开始 …

Don't give me a promise you know you'll never keep. Go and find it all and I'll see you in the Fall. 别给我承诺,你知道你守不住它。去寻找一切吧,我会在秋季来看你。
Although drawn downwards by the heavy weight which hastened his rapid descent, it seemed to him as if the fall lasted for a century. 有重物拖着他,加快了他下降的速度,但他仍觉着下落的时间似乎持续了一百年。
It's too bad the curtain as the fall, it's been a perfect night with you. 作为秋天它是太坏的帷幕,和你一起它是精彩的夜晚。
The world's most photographed do not get up again after the fall, but did not get up the courage. 世界上最可拍的事不是跌倒后爬不起来,而是没有爬起来的勇气。
Perhaps the greatest consequence of the fall of that strange monument was the birth of a different mindset. 也许,那个怪诞纪念物的倒塌所带来的最重大后果,是一种不同的精神状态的诞生。
Part of that gain has come from the fall in Treasury yields, to which corporate bonds are benchmarked. 世纪债券价格上涨的原因之一是美国国债收益率下降。公司债券是以美国国债为基准的。
Selling to foreigners is particularly sensitive at the moment, as China gears up for the Communist Party Congress in the fall. 当中国正在准备今年秋季召开中国共产党代表大会的时候,卖给外国人就是一个相当敏感事情。
The world's most photographed is not the fall did not get up the courage to post, but never thought to get up. 世界上最可拍的是不是跌倒后没有爬起来的勇气,而是没有想过要爬起来。
In his conversation this week, Mr. Hurd said the last time the two saw each other was in Boise, Idaho, around the fall of 2009. 赫德在本周的谈话中说,上次两人见面大约是在2009年秋季,地点位于爱达荷州的博伊西市(Boise)。
Its too bad the curtain as the fall, its been a perfect night with you. 窗帘要拆下来那太糟那和你在一起的夜是完美的了。
And with the fall of the Iron Curtain, elections indeed swept the world. Yet democracy doesn't seem to have delivered on its promise. 然而,当铁幕落下,竞选真正席卷全球后,民主却好像没有带来它曾经期许的自由与幸福。
The cradle of your birth and sustenance is now prepared for an overhaul which shall lead to the fall of all that have chosen to fall. 你们诞生和赖以生存的摇篮,现已为一个大检修做好准备,这将导致所有那些选择跌落者的跌落。
Like the rest of the industry, Shell has been hit by the fall in oil and gas prices over the past year and a squeeze on refining margins. 与业内其它企业一样,壳牌在过去一年深受油气价格下降和精炼利润率缩减的打击。
President Medvedev of Russia said the fall of the wall had told the Russian and Germany put their enmity behind them. 俄罗斯总统Medvedev还表示,倒闭的柏林墙告诫着德国和俄罗斯要放下憎恨。
Yes, the fall in residential investment has whacked the GDP figures, but the market seems to be settling down again. 住房投资的下降也的确沉重地打击了GDP数字,不过市场似乎再次安定下来。
NADIM SHAHADI: "I believe that the trigger for this was the fall of the statue of Saddam Hussein. This was a huge shock to the region. " 我认为这一切的导火索是萨达姆塑像的倒下,这是对该地区的一个巨大冲击。
OPEC then began to add extra barrels in the fall of 2007, seeing that supplies were tight and prices were beginning to soar. 在2007年秋季,由于看到供应吃紧,价格开始上涨,欧佩克开始增加产量。
SPIEGEL: The impression we have at the moment is of a breathtaking acceleration of history, similar to the fall of the Berlin Wall, in 1989. 镜报:我们当下的印象是历史正以惊人的速度加速前行,与1989年的柏林墙倒塌非常相似。
In the fall after the beginning of her acquaintanceship with him she married Doctor Reefy and in the following spring she died. 在她开始和他交往之后的那个秋天,她嫁给了里费医生,然后在下一年春天她就死了。
Indonesia has been a wobbly place to do business since the fall of President Suharto in 1998, but things are getting especially rocky now. 印度尼西亚一直是不稳定的地方做生意,因为秋天总统苏哈托于1998年,但事情正在特别是岩石现在。
In the fall of 2000, the company came out with an all steel series and an all titanium series. 2000年秋季起,该公司推出了钛钢系列、全系列。
He told me that he was planning to buy ten acres of land in Port-au-Prince for a new school, which he hoped to have open in the fall. 他告诉我,他正计划在太子港买10英亩土地,建一个新学校,希望能在秋天开始上课。
We took our seats by a table in his office, and he began to explain the crisis from two years earlier, with the fall of Flight 447. 我们在他办公室的一张桌子旁边坐了下来,他谈起了两年前法航447航班失事所造成的危机。
He began to prophesy during the reign of Jeroboam II and continued until near the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel in 721 BC. 何西阿在以色列国王耶罗波安二世(JeroboamII)在位期间开始预言,其活动一直延续到以色列国灭亡之时(西元前721年)。
It had been a difficult week for the Club as they coped with the fall-out from the 1-0 defeat at Upton Park. 上周对于阿森纳是艰难的一周,他们要面对在厄普顿公园球场0:1告负的不利局面。
The dollar's slide accelerated in the fall, when the U. S. appeared to be limping toward recovery, as other economies walked, or even ran. 美元跌势在秋天有所加剧,因为在朝向复苏迈进的过程中美国似乎是一瘸一拐,而其他国家已是大步流星了。
Since the establishment of community mental control agencies, the relapse rate of schizophrenia was more visible in the fall. 建立社区精神病防治机构以来,精神分裂症的复发率有较明显的下降。
In the fall of 1865, Bowser gave an address in Brooklyn alluding to her infiltration of the Confederate White House during the war. 1865年秋天,包泽给了一个位于布鲁克林的地址,暗示了战时,她渗透到了南方最高领导层。
A common shooting games, mouse operation, must act quickly, otherwise these little guys will be very easy to escape the fall. 一款常见的射击游戏,鼠标操作,动作要快点,不然这些小家伙会很容易逃跑掉的。
When he (Magic Johnson) tried to make a comeback in the fall of '92, the fears of some outspoken N. B. A. players forced him to call it off. 1992年秋季魔术师的约翰逊想重返N.B.A.,但由于一些直言不讳的球员(怕被染上艾滋病),使他打消了这个念头。