the rose

  • 网络玫瑰;歌声泪痕;蔷薇之恋

the rosethe rose

the rose


奥斯卡最佳女主角奖_百度百科 ... 贝特·米德勒( Bette Midler) 《玫瑰》( The Rose) 《花村》( McCabe & Mrs. Miller) ...


一百首最经典的电影歌曲 哈尔滨时光影迷会 电影 ... 斯纳维尔 NASHVILLE 1975 歌声泪痕 THE ROSE 1979 吉尔达 GILDA 194…


蔷薇之恋》(The Rose)[26集全][DVD-RMVB][附NG花絮加蔷薇周记] 《纽约四少》(Four.Kings.Season1)[YDY出品]更新到第7 …


爵士红伶5(CD)-音乐-亚马逊中国 ... 02 500 Miles 500 英裹 03 The Rose 玫瑰花 04 You've Got A Friend 你有个好朋友 ...


奥斯卡最佳男配角奖_百度百科 ... 佛德列·科里士( Frederic Forrest) 《玫瑰狂热》( The Rose) 积斯庭·亨利( Justin Henry…


1593年,一座位於伦敦泰晤士河南边的玫瑰剧院The Rose)因为瘟疫被关闭了约十二个星期后才重开,它的老板汉斯乐为此 …


5.寂寞星球的玫瑰(The Rose)6.The Voice Within7.我的秘密(My Secret)8.末日 The End9.Twinkle II10.Say It Loud 观看歌词 曝 …

and then the two passed round to the rose trees, whence he gathered blossoms and gave her to put in her bosom. 然后,他们两个人就转到玫瑰那儿,他摘了一些玫瑰花朵,递给苔丝,让她戴在胸前。
Do you know I have been waiting for you? If you really care about me, why do you keep the rose trembling in the wind. 你知道我在等你吗?你如果真的在乎我,又怎会让玫瑰在风中颤抖······
But Li is not shy in showing off the rose which adorns her chest -- she told fans it is the symbol of her love for her husband. 但李不炫耀的玫瑰,点缀她的胸部害羞-她告诉歌迷,是她对她丈夫的爱的象征。
A bee emerged from the heart of the rose, circled my head twice and flew off across the garden. 一只蜜蜂从玫瑰的花蕊中飞出来,在我头顶上盘旋两匝,穿过花园飞走了。
After the meeting, we be to which le adjwen to the Rose Room of the hotel to a buffet dinner. 开完会后,咱们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐。
XII Come to me, as you come Softly to the rose bud of coals Of my fireplace Glowing through the night-bound forest. 来吧,当你来到,轻轻地抵达,我炉火中热碳的玫瑰蓓蕾,在入夜的森林熠熠生辉。
This little film in the "Rose" was originally used to conquer the hearts of men physically, and finally conquered the man's love of death. 巴黎最后的探戈本片中的这朵“玫瑰”最初使用肉体征服了男人的心,最后用死亡征服了男人的爱情。
He took out his knife and cut away some of the dead wood from the rose trees. 他掏出小刀割去一些已经枯死的枝条。
Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and just before it was ready to bloom, it died. 这么一想,他伤心起来,就忘了给玫瑰浇水。于是,玫瑰就在即将开花之时死了。
He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he did not, the girl with the rose. 他在寻找那个他了解内心但却素未谋面的女孩,那个戴着玫瑰花的女孩。
A: Of course. Love is not just between man and woman. This kind of love is one of the most Beautiful kinds just like the rose. 爱不仅仅存在与男女之间,然而爱情却如盛开的玫瑰花般是最美的。
She sat down on the sofa next to me, tore the petals from the rose, cast them up in the air above us and called out "Three! " 她挨着我在沙发上坐下,扯下玫瑰花瓣,并扔向空中,嘴里喊出“三!”
In Germany, should not be arbitrarily give as gifts to the Rose or Rose, the former said the courtship, the latter dedicated to Mourn. 在德国,不宜随意以玫瑰或蔷薇送人,前者表示求爱,后者则专用于悼亡。
'It isn't polite for us to begin, you know, 'said the Rose, 'and I was really wondering when you would speak. ' 我们先开口就失礼了,我很想知道你什么时候愿意讲话。
He always says to the rose-bush, "You give flowers all the time. I shall do more than to give roses. " 他总是对玫瑰花丛说:“你总是在开花,我要做比开花更有意义的事。”
"Ah, if it were but a little pussy-cat! " said she; but the rose tree, with its beautiful rose came to view. “我希望那里面是一只小猫!”她说。可是看见的却是一朵美丽的玫瑰花。
Pearl, seeing the rose-bushes, began to cry for a red rose, and would not be pacified . 珠儿看见了玫瑰丛,开始叫着要一朵红玫瑰,而且怎么哄都不听。
Yet, speaking from the Rose Garden after the report was released, President Obama said the economy was moving in a "positive direction. " 就业报告发布后,奥巴马总统在玫瑰园发表讲话时却称,(美国)经济正在向“积极的方向”推进。
He took to biting the rose buds now, and tearing them away from his teeth with a hand that trembled like an infirm old man's. 他现在开始咬着玫瑰花苞,又用手把花从牙齿中扯了出来,他的手颤抖着象一个虚弱的老年人的手一样。
He broke off the rose and pressed it in a book, and so carried it away with him to another part of the world, to his distant Fatherland. 他折下这支玫瑰,把它压在了一本书里,就这样带着它去了世界的其他地方,去了他的祖国。
He went down to the country where she was living with her family, and brought her back to the rose-covered little house by the lake. 他下乡到她娘家把她接了出来,也搬进湖边那盖满了蔷薇花的小白房子里。
Mr. Obama noted that he had gone to the Rose Garden the day after the attack to say "this was an act of terror. " 奥巴马指出,袭击后的第二天,他就去白宫玫瑰园发表了讲话,说明了“这是一起恐怖行为”。
"I expect a great deal from you, " said the rose-tree. "May I ask when it will appear? " 玫瑰于是说:“我对你大有期望,能问问那个时代会什么时候出现吗?”
Lick your hand, think of me in all my familiar places, think about all the pieces of string, and think about the cotton and the rose. 舔舔你的手,想想我在所有我熟悉的地方,想想所有的绳子,再想想棉花和玫瑰。
I put the rose red rabbit on his door, that's me in the disappearance of this time in his own hands to do. 我把那个玫瑰红色的大兔子放在他的门口,那是我在消失的这段时间里自己亲手做的。
Metaphor: In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
"You frighten me, " said the rose-tree. "I have never thought of that. " “你吓死我了”玫瑰树说:“我从没想过那个。”
his little son found the dead bird, and buried the lovely songster in the grave of the great Homer, while the rose trembled in the wind. 他的小儿子看到了这只死鸟。他把这只小小的歌手埋到伟大的荷马的墓里。那朵玫瑰花在风中发着抖。
I needed a little tradition of my own to keep me grounded. It turns out the Rose family has a restaurant thanksgiving. 我需要保持点自己的传统让我安心。看起来罗斯家喜欢餐厅式感恩节。
It's amazing that the rose keeps fresh like he first saw it for such a long time, time seems keep still with it. 奇异的是,玫瑰花竟然一直鲜艳如初,就像他第一次见到它的时候一样,时间仿佛也在它身上静止了一般。