talk that

  • 网络说那种荒唐的话试试看

talk thattalk that

talk that


...+韩语歌词(喜欢外语的朋友交流一下吧) ^_^bigbang_...(Talk that) (Talk that)说那种荒唐的话试试看(Talk that)不要妄想我会相 …

All this talk that she's going to leave her husband is just gossip. 她将离开她丈夫这一说法只是流言蜚语而已。
Q: There has been a bit of talk that engagement hasn't worked, that we need to focus more on sanctions, on punishments. 问:一直有些舆论,说接触并没有奏效,我们需要更侧重于制裁和惩罚。
S& P said the error wasn't triggered by 'any ratings surveillance activity, ' quashing talk that it was set to downgrade France. 标普说,出现这样的失误并不是因为正在对评级进行任何评估活动,进而平息了有关标普打算下调法国评级的议论。
And I know you're not into all that. I heard your lyrics, I feel your spirit. But I still talk that ca-a-ash. 而我知道你根本不在乎。我听过你的歌词,感觉到你的精神。但我仍然谈论金钱。
Their talk that day had not been very pleasant; words very like high words , had passed between them. 他们那天的谈话并不很愉快;双方之间语言激烈。
Less than a week later, the Internet was buzzing with talk that the Finnish company was planning to go public in New York. 此后不到一周,互联网上就开始热议这家芬兰公司拟赴纽约上市。
This is not the kind of talk that public sector labor unions and partisans of the entitlement state like to hear. 但是,公共部门公会和国家福利部门的人不喜欢这套。
To see kids be able to talk that way with eachother, with no doubts, with consoler. That never happend, when I grow up in this country. 看到这些孩子们能够与其他人,没有疑虑地,带着安慰地交谈,这一切在这个国家在我长大的时候却是不可能的。
It was precisely because Kathleen was a woman to whom I could talk that I kept silent. 正因为凯丝琳是个与我心照不宣的女人,所以我才保持缄默。
There was some talk that he was talking to either his mother or somebody about different trades. 有人说他告诉他母亲的方法和告诉别人的方法不同。
It was the talk that mattered supremely: the impassioned interchange of talk. Love was only a minor accompaniment. 最要紧的还是谈话,热情的谈话,爱情不过是件小小的陪衬品。
If you've established a good rapport with your child and he suddenly doesn't want to talk, that's a sign of trouble as well. 如果你与小孩间建立了良好的关系,他突然不想同你说话了,也是麻烦的征兆。
So I wove "The dog peed on my speech" into my introductory comments for the talk that morning, which gave everyone, including me, a laugh. 于是,我在早餐会的开场白中写下了这样的话:“我的讲稿被狗尿湿了”。这让包括我自己在内的与会者都不禁莞尔。
Indeed, there is already talk that emerging markets could be the next bubble to be inflated by loose monetary policies. 事实上,现在传言纷纷称新兴市场不过是宽松货币政策所鼓吹出来的有一个肥皂泡而已。
"I worry about these questions every night, " she said during a talk that was short on specifics and long on platitudes . “我担心这些问题,每天晚上,”她说,在谈话的细节和长短陈词滥调。
There is talk that President-elect Barack Obama may reorganize the American aid apparatus, perhaps turning it into a cabinet department. 有消息说当选总统奥巴马会认可美国的援助机构,也许会把它变成国会的一个部门。
The lawyer told Deal Journal that it's just plain talk that will get Washington out of this. 他说,只有谈判能让华盛顿摆脱这种局面;
In his remarks, Mr. Xiong avoided any of the heated nationalist talk that has shadowed the Chinalco-Rio deal in both China and Australia. 熊维平在讲话中回避了在中国和澳大利亚两地给中铝公司和力拓交易蒙上阴影的民族主义言论。
Hurry up and bag that. " You don't talk that way to me or any other checker. " 你不会对我或对任何一个收银员这样说话的。
There is talk that the next Cabinet member to be replaced could be Treasury Secretary John Snow. 有人说,另一个可能被替换的内阁成员是财政部长斯诺。
The positive energy that they vibrate will start affecting the self talk that you engage in as well. 它们震动产生的巨大能量也会开始影响你忙碌的自我交谈。
Don't be fooled by his talk . That low - down four - flusher is not really a movie producer. 别被他的话骗了。那个无耻的骗子不是真的电影制片。
Taste the predestination incoherent talk that the solitude isn't sad to see. 品味孤独并不是悲视者的宿命呓语。
The only real talk that takes place is to reiterate what is considered to be " normal " . 我们唯一所要谈论的是“何为正常”。
Even within the United Kingdom, there is talk that Scotland should look at establishing such a fund to manage oil wealth. 甚至在英国内部还有人建议,苏格兰应该设立这样一支基金,以管理石油财富。
Not good at small talk? That's fine, because you might be really good at playing games or cooking or even eating! 不擅长讨论发言,没关系,也许你擅长玩游戏,煮饭,甚至吃!
David Silva has moved to quash talk that he is unsettled in England and looking for a return to his native country. 大卫•席尔瓦正试图打消有关他可能将离开英国并打道回国的传言。
It's just that sort of talk that had you sent here. 正因为这些论调,你才被发配到这里。
He talk that city as if he has been himself. 他讲起那个城市来就好像本人去过那儿似的
The voice of life in me cannot reach the ear of life in you ; but let us talk that we may not feel lonely. 我心中的生命之音,不能被你心中的生命之耳听见,但让我们交谈,如此我们才不觉得孤单。