
美 [ˌeɪ ˈem]
  • abbr.上午
  • 网络午前;早上;由午夜至中午



1.午夜至正午,上午,午前(源自拉丁语 ante meridiem)between midnight and midday (from Latinante meridiem )


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... am n. 铝 a.m. adv. 上午,由午夜至中午 amateur adj. 业余的 ...


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 393 hour n 小时 394 a.m. 午前,上午 395 hundred num 百 ...


PETS1词汇表_百度文库 ... cool a. 凉爽的,凉快的;冷静的;冷淡的 v.使变冷,使冷却; A.M. ad. 上午,午前 able a. 能够, …


谁有简单的英语小短文啊!!_百度知道 ... P.E. 体育 A.M. 早上 be heart 用心记 ...


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... am n. 铝 a.m. adv. 上午,由午夜至中午 amateur adj. 业余的 ...


初一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... hour n 小时 394 a.m. 午前,上午 395 hundred num 百 396 ...


美国短篇故事125篇txt免费下载_读后感... ... Christmas,19451945 年的圣诞节 4:05 A.M. 凌晨四点零五分 ANMALS 动物 ...

At 1. 30 a. m. they arrived at Portsmouth. Edward got out of the car and a voice said: 'The King is here! ' 凌晨1点30分,他们到达朴茨茅斯。爱德华走下汽车,只听一个声音叫道:“国王来了!”
As usual, he tuned his radio for the 7 a. m news broadcast before he began to get washed. 就像平常一样,他在开始洗漱前,将收音机调至早晨7点的新闻广播。
Other reports said the fire broke out on a city bus at about 8: 30 a. m. (0030 GMT) as it passed near the city zoo. 另有报道称,公交车大火发生于早上8:30(格林威治时间0:30)。当时该公交车正在市立动物园附近行驶。
It was expected to check in with air traffic controllers at a. m. GMT but did not do so, the Brazilian air force said in a statement. 巴西空军在一份声明中说,原本应该在格林尼治时间早上3:20分与空中交通管制的负责人进行联系的,但是飞机却没有再联系空中交通管协站。
Sometimes Mr. Munson comes home drunk, and his wife yells at him and then gets him up for work at 6 a. m. 有时候老李醉醺醺的回家,妻子对他大喊大叫,还要在早上6点把他叫起来。
Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said he expected to have 'all the streets' in the city plowed by 7 a. m. Thursday. 纽约市卫生局局长约翰-多尔蒂(JohnDoherty)称,他希望全城所有街道的雪能在12月39日清晨7点之前全部清扫完毕。
It was 3 a. m. when a 95-year-old Bartlesville woman heard somebody break the glass on her front door and push the door open. 这个95岁的妇女住在巴特尔斯维尔,凌晨3点,她听到有人打破前门的玻璃,想要把门推开。
It was a long, hard night, but around 7 a. m. , something happened: The wind chimes outside his mother's window started to chime. 这是一个漫长的夜晚。早上7时左右,发生了一件奇怪的事情:他母亲卧室窗外的风铃开始发出“叮叮当当”的声响。
We finished the "Star Sign Guide To Your Legs" by 4 a. m. Downtown was an empty set. I felt like a New York copywriter now as I drove home. 到凌晨4点,我们终于完成《美腿星座指南》的稿子。回家的路上空荡荡的,我开着车,感觉自己就像是一个纽约撰稿人,感觉很好!
"I think I can help you , " said the minister, "Be dressed and ready to go tomorrow at 8 a. m . " “我想我可以帮你”牧师说,“明天上午8点,穿戴好准备外出。”
Enter Keerti Rathore, a professor at Texas A&M University, who found a way around the problem through genetic engineering. 得克萨斯A&M大学的恩特·契尔蒂·拉索尔教授找到了一种藉由基因工程克服此难题的方法。
He had no intellectual respect for religion, but songs of Shy[=a]m[=a], the dark Mother, would bring tears to his eyes. 他在理智上,对于宗教没有什么尊重,但是《黑母亲之歌》会使他眼里噙满了泪水。
He can stay up until 3 a. m. , as he said he would do last week, but no amount of planning will account for him. 他会熬夜知道凌晨3点,他说他上周就是这么做的,但是再多的作战计划也不能使他感到满足。
I never understand why patients are woken up between 5 and 6 a. m. to be washed but it seems to be the general rule in hospital everywhere. 我总是不理解为什么病人们都在早上5点和6点之间被叫醒进行梳洗,但这似乎是各地医院的惯例。
The building was declared safe by 10: 30 a. m. and the children were allowed to return, although the elevator remained out of commission. 大楼于上午10:30分宣布处于安全状态。尽管电梯还不能使用,但孩子们都可以返回了。
Xinhua News Agency said the bus veered off the road, plunging some 40 yards into a valley in mountainous Guizhou province at 7: 40 a. m. 新华社报道,早晨7:40行驶在多山的贵州省的这辆客车偏离了公路,掉入约40码深的山谷中。
The problem was that McGovern began to talk at 2: 48 a. m. , or prime time in Samoa, as the humorist Mark Shields quipped. 问题是,麦戈文到了凌晨2点48分才开始演讲,按照幽默作家马克.谢尔德的说法,那是萨摩亚的黄金时间。
Sometimes I'm stuck in traffic for 45 minutes! But, as you know, the company requires all employees to be at work by nine A. M. sharp. Fay表示理解,说自己有时也会stuckintrafficfor45minutes,有时路上会堵45分钟,可是公司要求员工九点准时到办公室。
The shooting range in July a. m. , outside at sleet light sleet, is a few slogans on the wall, the just seasoned fighter of a group of men. 七月上午的射击场,外面在下着小雪,墙上是几条标语,一群男人正在行军。
I'll be in solid meetings for the next few days, so 8: 00 a. m. was the only free spot in my calendar to get this done. 接下去的几天里我都会很忙,因此早上8:00是我的日历上我唯一有空做这件事的时间。
By 7 a. m. my contractions still weren't regular, but I felt like the baby was trying to be born out my back. 到早晨7点的时候宫缩还是没有规律的,但我感觉就像婴儿正尽力从我北部钻出来似的。
Mr. Perkin carelessly lost his suitcase at 9: 30 a. m. this Saturday when he took a bus from Yingze Street to Jin Ancestral Temple. 本星期六上午九点半,Perkin先生乘公共汽车从迎泽去晋祠时,不慎将手提箱丢失。
She studied electrical engineering as an undergraduate at Southern Illinois University and for her doctorate at Texas A&M University. 她在南伊利诺伊大学(SouthernIllinoisUniversity)攻读了电机工程的本科学位,又在德州农机大学(TexasA&MUniversity)拿了博士学位。
He says it was shortly after 7: 00 a. m. when he heard the sound of an explosion that he thought was an earthquake. 他说,刚过早上7点时,他听到了一声爆炸,他以为是地震了。
By 6 a. m. the next day, she was in a blind at the foot of a tree where Connell served as deer spotter and relayed information to her. 翌日清晨还没6点,她埋伏在一棵树底的隐蔽处,康乃尔在那里充当观鹿手,并通风报信给她。
Don't hound him with IMs, break into his email, or hook up with him when you're both lonely at 2 a. m. hoping you'll get back together. 不要给他发信息、不要非法进入他的电子邮件、不要在凌晨2点你们都很寂寞的时候打电话给他说你想要和好。
More surprising, I was allowed access to the Internet, and I stayed up until 6 a. m. trying to figure out what was going on in the world. 更惊奇的是,他们允许我上网,我一直熬到早上6点来理清这个世界上到底发生了什么。
Mr. Woodford said he received notification Thursday night of an emergency board meeting 9 a. m. Friday at the Olympus headquarters in Tokyo. 伍德福德说,他周四晚间接到通知,周五早上在奥林巴斯东京总部召开临时董事会会议。
He got up at 3 a. m. to be bused to the square but it was worth it to catch a glimpse of Yao Ming, he said. 他说,他凌晨3点钟起床,乘坐公共汽车到达广场,能看见姚明,很值得。
About three dozen people had gathered before 8 a. m. , when the public was allowed to enter, hoping to be among the first to visit. 早上8点之前就有大约三十多人聚集到公墓前等候,他们希望能够在开放后第一时间拜祭肯尼迪总统。