
美 [ˈraɪtər]英 [ˈraɪtə(r)]
  • n.作家;作者;著者;写…的人


famous writer,british writer,french writer,professional writer,female writer



1.作家;作者;著者a person whose job is writing books, stories, articles, etc.

2.写…的人;执笔者;撰写人a person who has written a particular thing

3.写字…的人a person who forms letters in a particular way when they are writing

And when he won a collegiateliterary prize, Norman Mailer knew that his true calling was as a writer. 并且,当他赢得了学院的文学奖后,诺曼.梅勒认识到他的真正使命是要做一名作家。
Do not know a good writer to Ukraine in the other home-dug graves when properly examined whether the ancestors of his brilliant masterpiece. 不知道好来乌编剧在挖别人家祖坟时是否好好研究过这本自己祖上的光辉名著。
The article is to see the reader, if not the audience, the article also just wonderful writer again in the side pleasure alone! ! ! ! ! 文章就是写给阅读者看得,如果没有观众,文章再精彩也只是作家在一旁独自享乐!
To acknowledge that going it alone is not always the best course is, in this writer's opinion, half of the battle towards greatness. 我们不得不承认,单独出外并不是最好的办法,对笔者来说,仅是圣战的一半。
The writer, a fine arts major, who now runs a finance company, says it was all a labor of love. 学美术出身,现在经营一家金融投资公司的作者说写小说只是爱好。
He decided to leave the company to strike out on his own as a writer. 他决定离开公司,自己去闯一条写作的新路。
This suggestion might seem to put an extra burden on a writer, but the opposite is the case. 这个建议听起来似乎让作者又多了一份负担,然而实际上刚好相反。
As an example, one client came to me with writer's block. She had trouble with anxiety when she sat down to write. 有一个例子,一位客户因为写作障碍而找到我。当她开始写作时她总是感到焦虑。
As a writer, I was used to being detached, but I was hit by a wave of sadness as I tried to say goodbye. 作为作者,我过去一直习惯于超然事外,但是当我试着说再见时,一股悲伤涌入我内心。
One guy was a writer, and he wrote a story on me. And I'm actually going out with him this weekend. 有个作家,他写了个关于我的故事,于是我决定这周末和他约会。
If you've been reading Dumb Little Man for a while, you might have figured out that I'm a writer. 如果你已经浏览“阿呆小矮人”网站有一阵子了,那么你会发现我是一个作家。
The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspired by his experience with a girl on a farm. 这位作家于1950年因出版一本小说而一举成名,小说的灵感来自于他的一位姑娘在农场的经历。
This period was one of his influence American writer Thomas pynchon s is his student. 这个时期受到他影响的一个美国作家托马斯-品钦是他的学生。
Even as a child, without any prompting from others, I wanted to be a writer and, indeed, I turned out a good deal of the usual juvenilia. 就算是在少年时期,在没有任何外界刺激的情况之下,我仍然想要成为一名作家,并且,我也实实在在的把自己的注意力转向了大量的阅读少年读物。
Try to grasp what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole. 尽力从整体上把握作者在书里要告诉你的东西。
If you are a writer, you should not only write a song a week, but spend twice as long improving it as you do writing it. 如果你是作曲家,你不能一周只写一首歌,而是应该花两倍的时间来改进。
It is the noble sentiment in her book more than the fact of her being a female writer that brought her the great fame. 这本书使她声誉突起,不仅是因为她是一位女作家,而是因为书中的高尚的情操。
Becoming a published writer is sort of like trying to find a cheap apartment in New York City: it's impossible. 成为一个能出版作家点有象尝试到纽约市找到一个便宜公寓。这是不可能的。
Windows Live Writer is a desktop application that makes it easy to publish rich content to your blog. WindowsLiveWriter是个桌面应用程序,可以轻松发布丰富的媒体和内容到你的博客。
Mr Willetts is not the only writer to worry about baby-boomers crashing through society like a flash flood. 威利特斯先生不是唯一担心婴儿潮一代会像山洪暴发一样冲击社会的作家。
The writer-director often invests his scripts with the sort of advice a concerned clergyman might give the wandering faithful. 作家,导演往往与投资有关的咨询意见一牧师可能会给他的流浪忠实排序脚本。
Lee pushed on, taking detailed tasting notes of every wine she came across in her job as a food and wine writer. 作为一位美食与品酒作家,李志廷不遗余力地为她遇到的每一款葡萄酒进行详尽的品鉴记录。
Betty: I don't know. Mark Twain was an important writer , but he isn't known as a great thinker like Confucius. 贝蒂:我不知道,马克·吐温是一位重要的作家,但他不像孔子那样作为一个伟大的思想家而闻名。
And yet, to paraphrase American writer and humorist Mark Twain, reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated. 但是,套用美国作家和幽默大师马克·吐温的话说,关于其死亡的报告被严重夸大。
Once, one of my friends told me that he saw an article having very new concepts whose writer is Li Xianting , in the magazine, fine arts. 有一次,一个朋友告诉我,在《美术》杂志上看到了一篇文章,观念很新,这个作者是栗宪庭。
In other words, no journal-keeping by a writer who harbors any sort of ambition is going to be entirely innocent. 换句话说,一位充满野心的作家所保留的日记,里面的内容都不可能清白得如同白纸一张。
This was the book that made him as a writer and also the book that brought "ciao" into English. 就是这本书,使海明威成为一个作家,也是这本书把“ciao”这个词引入了英文。
She heard the rapid click of the type-writer, and when Martin let her in, found him on the last page of a manuscript. 她听见打字机急速地敲打着,马丁请她进去时她发现他在打着最后一页稿子。
The writer: I've looked at the oyster, and I'd like to buy it. (to Clay) How much do you want for it? 作家:我已经看过那牡蛎,想买下来。(对克莱)你要多少钱?。
It's just a writer on one side of the world, and an editor on the other, serving this up to the Hyperspace community. 它只有一个作者在地球的这一边,一个编辑在地球的另一边,他们一起把片场日记放到超空间网站上。