when i was a little girl

  • 网络那时年纪小;当我还是个小女孩的时候;当我还是一个小姑娘的时候

when i was a little girlwhen i was a little girl

when i was a little girl


第二届金鹏奖主竞赛单元终... ... 中国内地 China 那时年纪小 When I was a Little Girl 最佳动画短片 The Best Animation Shorts ...


remote_ren_新浪博客 ... I wanted one.|我也想有一张 When I was a little girl,|当我还是个小女孩的时候 ...


This & That ... When I was a little girl, 当我还是一个小姑娘的时候 Take time to realize 好好想一想 ...


康泰... ... 17: 杜鹃( The Cuckoo) 18: 当我小的时候( When I was a Little Girl) 19: 在那儿,在岩石上( Up There on the Rock) ...


Revenge... ... 宽恕" Forgive." 当我还小的时候 When I was a little girl, 我对复仇的理解 my understanding of revenge was ...


Glee 欢乐合唱团 第二季 第四集... ... 当我还青春年少* *When I was a little girl 曾有只旧洋娃娃* *I had a rag doll ...


Glee... ... 这不算是问题吧 But it's not like it's a... problem. 但我还是小姑娘的时候 When I was a little girl, ...

There was no fashion when I was a little girl, so I never dreamt about anything having to do with it. 我小的时候,还没有时装这一说,因此从来没有想过和时装有关的任何事情。
My mother used to drive me to a lot of movies when I was a little girl, and I ended up seeing a lot of the great films of the 60s and 70s. 当我还是个小女孩的时候,妈妈经常开车带我去看电影,直到我60、70岁的时候我才不再看电影。
When I was a little girl, I felt so happy that I thought everyone was just as happy as I. 当我还是一个小女孩,我感到非常高兴,我认为每个人都像我一样高兴。
When I was a little girl, I thought that if none of your family or friends knew you were dead, then it's like not really being dead. 我小时候觉得,如果你的家人和朋友都不知道你死了,那就好像你还活着。
The thing that I most wanted to do is being a policewoman when I was a little girl, I thought the best way is to be an athlete. 当我还是一个小女孩的时候,我最想做的所有的事就是当一名警察,我决定做好的方法是成为一名运动员。
But I can tell you this: I wake up with the sun and the birds chirping, just like I did when I was a little girl. 但我可以告诉你这一点:我醒来与太阳和鸟啁啾,就像我当时我是一个小女孩。
"What is happening now is as frightening as when I was a little girl, " said Mrs. Alcala. "What future will the children have? " “现在国家的情况让我感到很害怕,就像我小时候那样”,她说。“孩子们以后又将面对怎样的未来呢?”
When I was a little girl, I liked to think. Sometimes they were illusions; sometimes they were beautiful dreams; and sometimes my ideals. 当我还是一个小女孩,我就喜欢想。有时是幻想、有时是美好的梦想、有时却是我的理想。
when I was a little girl I never learned to work, and now I cannot do anything right. 我从小就没干过活,现在我什么事都不会做。
sentence: I 've do my own things by myself when I was a little girl, I believe the proverb "God gives the cow , but not by the horn" . 我从下就开始独立做自己的事情,我相信上帝赐予你牛,但不会牵引到家。
"Actually, she used to make up songs on the piano for me when I was a little girl, " I interjected. 另一个朋友回答道。“事实上,她过去常弹钢琴为我作曲,那时我还是个小女孩。”
As far as I am concerned, when I was a little girl, the most attractive thing on my birthday was to have my favorite fish. 至于我担心,当我还是一个小女孩,最有吸引力的事情是我的生日有我最喜爱的鱼类。
No one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl. All little girls should be told they're pretty, even if they aren't. 我小的时候从来没有人说我长得漂亮,我们应该告诉所有的小女孩她们长得漂亮,即使她们并不漂亮。
When I was a little girl, I loved to sing songs and dance along with songful music. so, I dreamed of a wonderful singer or dancer. 当我还是一个小女孩的时候,我喜爱唱歌和随着好听的音乐翩翩起舞。因此,我梦想成为一个很棒的歌手或者舞蹈家。
But I've thought of this question when I was a little girl. 不过当我是小孩子的时候,我就想过这个问题。
when i was a little girl, i'd like to ask questions. 我当小的时候,我喜欢问问题。
When I was a little girl, I'd stay up late watching them, to see if they'd move. 我还小的时候总会盯着它们看到很晚看它们是不是真的会动
I thought of Daddy, who did all he could to fill my needs and desires when I was a little girl. 我想到父亲,他在我是小女孩时,尽一切可能来满足我的需求和欲望。
I always wanted to be an inventor when I was a little girl. 当我是个小姑娘时,我一直想当一名发明家。
When I was a little girl , I didn't dream of a life of stryggle and frustration . 孩提时,我不曾梦想过自立而充满挫折的生活。
I used to play firecrackers when i was a little girl. watching this picture reminds my happy memories . 在我的记忆里,很少有小女孩玩鞭炮啊,她们一般都是躲在一边捂住耳朵看。
When I was a little girl, I lived on a farm in the north of England. My parent's farmhouse was very large and had three floors. 当我还是个小女孩的时候,我住在英格兰北部一个农场里面,我父母的农舍非常大,有三层楼。
My nickname is Aunt C (antsy)! When I was a little girl and they'd say dinner's ready, I'd run around the house ten times first! 还是小姑娘的时侯,别人说晚饭好了的时侯,我都已经绕着房子跑了十次了。
I'm really, really tall, so when I was a little girl, I trained hard in dancing, football and basketball. 我是一个实实在在的大个子,所以,小的时候,我参加过大量的舞蹈、足球和篮球训练。
When I was a little girl, I liked to rub a dandelion flower under my chin to make my chin turn yellow. 我小小的时候很喜欢把蒲公英的花擦在我的下巴,为了使下巴显得鲜黄色了。
When I was a little girl, I liked listening to my mother sing beautiful songs. 当我是个小女孩的时候,我最喜欢听妈妈唱那些好听的歌。
So when I was a little girl, I had a couple of very strange habits. 当我还是个小女孩的时候,我有些特奇怪的习惯。
when I was a little girl, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me. 首先,当我还是个小女孩的时候,我总是想做一名教师。这个想法让我很着迷。
When I was a little girl, I had a tea tin for my treasures. 我还是个小姑娘的时候,有一个装我的宝贝东西的茶筒。
So my grandfather told me when I was a little girl, "If you say a word often enough, it becomes you. " 小时候,祖父曾经告诉我说,“要是你经常说某个字,那个字就是你的写照。”