
美 [ˈwɜrði]英 [ˈwɜː(r)ði]
  • n.大人物;要人;知名人士
  • adj.值得(或应得)…的;值得尊敬的;值得注意的;值得敬仰的
  • 网络值得的;有价值的;九鹿王

比较级:wortheir 比较级:worthier 最高级:worthiest 复数:worthies

worthy cause,worthy opponent


1.~ (of sb/sth)值得(或应得)…的having the qualities that deserve sb/sth

2.[ubn]值得尊敬的;值得注意的;值得敬仰的having qualities that deserve your respect, attention or admiration

3.值得尊敬的,有价值的(但不太令人感兴趣或激动的)having good qualities but not very interesting or exciting

4.~ of sb/sth有(某人或事物)的典型特征typical of what a particular person or thing might do, give, etc.

5.值得…的;适于…的deserving, or suitable for, the thing mentioned


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... worthwhile a. 值得花时间的 worthy a. 有价值的;值得的 would aux.v. 将;愿;总 …


英语字根表 - 豆丁网 ... dict,dit=to say 说 dign=worthy 有价值的 divid,divis=to divide 分割 ...


西服套装 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】 ... 爵士恋人 JAZZAMOR 九鹿王 WORTHY 杰克琼斯 Jack Jones ...


考研阅读精读笔记(2006-2007)_一舟_新浪博客 ... sight n. 景点;景象;视力 worthy a. 可敬的;值得的 penny n. (英国金钱 …


worth与worthy的区别_百度知道 ... adj. 值……的 worthy n. 杰出人物;知名人士 worth n. 价值;财产 ...


医学翻译词汇十八 ... worth 值,价值 worthy 有价值的,配得上的 wound 创伤,创口 ...


在职硕士英语词汇_百度文库 ... undergo 经历;经受;忍受 [ worthy 有价值的;可尊敬的;相称的 [ wound 创伤,伤;伤口;伤疤 ...

'If this tragedy prompts reflection and debate, as it should, let's make sure it's worthy of those we have lost, ' he said. 他说,如果这场悲剧引起反思和讨论(这也是应该的),那就让我们保证它对得起我们失去的那些人;
She said that she was not worthy of the honor they had offered her. 她说她不配接受他们所给予的荣誉。
Pakistan has proven to be a worthy proxy for China as it continues its own march towards consolidating its national strength. 对于中国来说,随着它朝巩固国家力量继续着自己的步伐,巴基斯坦已经被证明是一个相称的代理。
Today, cancer cases have been recovered, but is still worthy of the name of a terminally ill AIDS. 时至今日,癌症已有康复案例,而艾滋病仍是名副其实的绝症。
There was an ancient servant of her father's, who had lived under him for many years, and whose fidelity was worthy of full confidence. 她的父亲有一个老仆人,曾经在他手下多年,忠心耿耿,完全可以信赖。
If he manages to stay alive for just a while longer, that pilot could be a worthy opponent. 如果那个飞行员能想办法把存活时间再拖长那么一点点,那就是个有资格跟我对抗的人了。
How could any of them truly prevail in pulling you down? For you know that you are an object worthy of love. The rest is just packaging. 他们怎么能真正战胜你击倒你呢?因为你知道你是值得被爱的,其余的只是一层包装罢了。
Thank you to the thousands of marvellous volunteers. Your competency, your kindness and your smiles are worthy of a gold medal! 感谢我们的志愿者,你们的工作能力、热情、微笑为你们赢得了金牌。
Since the first two techniques do not require prioritization of traffic, they are not worthy of a discussion on traffic bottlenecks. 由于前两种技术不需要按流量的优先级进行处理,所以我们将不在有关流量瓶颈的问题中讨论它们。
Those who think in terms of the physical think of returning to what mankind terms modern civilization, as though this were a worthy goal. 那些只考虑物质享受的人,打算回到人类称为现代文明,就好像这是个有价值的目标。
Even if it was just a novel way to pass the time as the washing machine ran through it's yle, Mr Lee's idea would be a worthy one. 虽然这只是在洗衣机工作时用来打发时间的一种新颖的方式,李威晨的这一创意仍然是有价值的。
Earthly things may be worthy of a dash of earth-shattering, is not to like dust, all of these look back on the case. 尘世有几许事可堪惊天动地,还不是去似微尘,所有种种回头再看,就那么回事。
We are committed to working closely with you, for you and your LOVER design a worthy of collection, integration of their style of wedding. 我们致力于与您紧密合作,为您和您的LOVER设计一场值得珍藏、融合自己风格的婚礼。
You owe it to her to be worthy of such devotion. 她把这些都献给了你,你会觉得受之有愧。
If made into a 5*5CM music box, plus speakers worthy several cents only, the sound quality simply can't compete with that of computer. 把它做成一个5*5CM的音乐盒,加上用的是几毛钱的喇叭,音质的效果肯定没办法跟在电脑里比。
until coming to the broad, flat, armorial tombstone of a departed worthy -- perhaps of Isaac Johnson himself -- she began to dance upon it. 终于来到一位逝去的大人物——说不定正是艾萨克-约翰逊本人——的宽大、平整、带纹章的墓石跟前,在那上面跳起舞来。
The physician had a thought or two of his own, but dismissed the matter as worthy of no further discussion on his part at least. 那医生有一点自己的看法,但是没有说出来。至少就他而言,他认为这事情不值得继续讨论下去了。
Women "ticked" about 10 per cent of men as worthy of further investigation, regardless of the quality of a particular crop. 无论特定群体的质量如何,女性都会将大约10%的男性“标记”为可以进一步考察。
So saving for college, though a worthy goal, isn't always a realistic one when a week might as well be a lifetime. 虽然存钱上大学是一个很不错的目标,但我们的目标绝对不局限于它必须是现实存在的东西,也不局限于要在固定的时间内完成。
You have to be able to read if those around you, and the company you work for, are worthy of the truth. 你要有能力判断那些你周围的人,你所服务的公司,值得你说出真相。
Now Naomi had a relative of her husband's, a worthy man of the clan of Elimelech, whose name was Boaz. 拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒的亲族中,有一个人名叫波阿斯,是一个大财主。
This is the only way realistically for a developer to have the certainty of a contract with a credit-worthy counterparty. 对于风电企业来说,这也是和一家信誉良好的合作方签署合约的唯一现实途径。
The story of comb would not be worthy of mention, but for a closely related word no one today associates with it. 梳子的故事不值得在这里讲,不过我们要讲一个密切相关而现在没有人想到的词。
choose the best and most worthy of your master's sons and set him on his father's throne. Then fight for your master's house. ' 接了这信,就可以在你们主人的众子中选择一个贤能合宜的,使他坐他父亲的位,你们也可以为你们主人的家争战。
Then he said to his slaves , The wedding feast is ready , but those who have been called were not worthy . 太二二8然后对奴仆说,婚筵已经齐备,只是所召的人不配。
Again we see that the best trophy for a Celt was the head of an enemy worthy of praise and even lamentation. 我们再一次看到了凯尔特最佳奖杯是一个敌人,甚至悔恨值得赞扬和头部。
He noticed that there was but one shop open in that street, and, a matter worthy of reflection, that was a pastry-cook's shop. 他注意到这条街上只剩下一间商店是开着门的,并且,值得令人深思的是,那是一间糕饼店。
Please select an amount that you think Maxthon is worthy of and click the Donate button. All online transactions are safe and secured. 请选择你认为合适的金额点击捐款按钮。所有在线交易安全可靠。谢谢!
Perhaps a worthy cause, but not the sort of thing on which one builds a middle class. 这也许是个有价值的事业,但不是建立一个中产阶级所应做的事。
I was delighted, and replied modestly. "You think too well of me! Am I worthy to be your friend? " 我高兴且谦虚地问道:“您太看得起我了,我配做你的朋友吗?”