
美 [ˌeɪ ˈeɪ]英 [ˌeɪ'eɪ]
  • abbr.同“ack-ack”;同“antiaircraft”
  • 网络花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid);丙烯酸(Acrylic acid);美国航空(American Airlines)



花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid)

...发育特别是脑神经发育和视神经发育起着重要作用,同时花生四烯酸(AA)还具有一系列的保健作用,对人们的健康有着重要意义. …

丙烯酸(Acrylic acid)

丙烯酸系水基粘合剂是由丙烯酸(AA)、甲基丙烯酸(MAA)及其众多衍生物单体的聚合物与共聚物所制成的胶粘剂。其主要单体是 …

美国航空(American Airlines)

8.美国航空(AA)提供广州-东京-洛杉矶服务(通过代号共享航班) 9.美国联合航空(UA)提供广州-香港-洛杉矶服务 10.日本航 …

再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia)

再生障碍性贫血(AA)常用实验室检查再生障碍性贫血(AA)常用实验室检查再生障碍性贫血(AA)常用实验室检查 中国学术期.. 热 …


美国铝业(AA) 通用电气(GE) 耐克(NKE) 沃尔玛(WMT) 联合包裹(UPS) 宝洁(PG) 波音(BA) 杜邦(DD) 通用动力(GD) 霍尼韦尔(H…

佐剂性关节炎(adjuvant arthritis)

应用佐剂性关节炎(AA)大鼠模型和Ⅱ型胶原诱导的关节炎(CIA)小鼠模型,通过观察足爪肿胀和踝关节组织病理变化评价对RA的 …

氨基酸(amino acid)

生物化学常用英文缩写 - 豆丁网 ... A/G ratio 白蛋白-球蛋白比率 AA 氨基酸;变应性哮喘; AAA 美国变态反应学会 ...

After the encirclement of the German 9th Flak Division at Stalingrad it was the only Axis AA defence unit in the area. 在德国第9高炮师陷入斯大林格勒的包围圈后,罗马尼亚防空部队成为轴心国在该地区唯一的防空部队了。
Oh, and I should also mention that this mouse is said to last around nine months on two AA batteries. 噢,我应该还告诉你,这个鼠标用两节AA电池可以利用差不多九个月。
Hammering on this topic reminds me how I once sent a patient to AA who told me that those meetings ruined him as an alcoholic. 谈这个话题时,我想起了我送一个病人去匿名戒酒者协会时,他说这个聚会差点把他当酗酒者给毁了。
Goren said that the airline has seen a "positive trend" since the disputes broke out in terms of traffic to AA. com. Goren指出美国航空已经看到了“良好的发展趋势”,因为自从这场纷争爆发后,AA.com的流量大增。
AA Corporation shall not be obliged to pay an invoice of Seller if the invoice has no reference to the order number. 如果发票中没有订单号,AA公司则没有义务向卖方支付该发票的金额。
It has a gray back, a black-and-white head and a pale yellow breast with a black stripe and weighs only about as much as a AA battery . 牠有著灰色的背部、黑白相间的头部,淡黄色的胸脯上有一条黑色条纹,体重相当于一颗三号电池。
The beauty of it is that you do not have to understand the complexities of secure AA access to a telecom HSS server. 此处的好处在于,您不必了解对电信HSS服务器的安全AA访问的复杂性。
Overall, a grubby 3 percent of the 18, 080 AA members surveyed admitted to washing their cars just once a year or not at all. 总体来看,18080位汽车协会会员中有3%的邋遢车主承认他们一年才洗一次车,或从来不洗车。
"There is not a dispersed ratings scale in China, everything seems to be rated double or triple A, " he said. “中国市场的信用等级过于集中,似乎所有债券的评级都是AA或AAA,”他表示。
I would like to know if he ate you how much time these drugs in AA? 我想知道他吃了这些药多少时间你们AA的?
Hitherto, AA was the only big American international airline not to seek bankruptcy protection. 迄今为止,美国航空是美国大型国际航空公司中唯一一家没有申请破产保护的公司。
"It happened in an area with no previous record of severe weather events, " said the AA. AA公司说:“发生这场灾害的卡布鲁克以前从来没有恶劣天气的记录。”
Our RM and AA almost spent their entire time daily in the office and yet the machine are broken down. 我们的RM和AA每天几乎花了他们所有的时间,但是这些机器仍旧抛锚了。
(Sorry, AA) And, of course, seatguru (another TripAdvisor property) reviews are also included with a separate click. 当然了,单独点击一次,还可以显示出seatguru(TripAdvisor的另一工具)点评。
The most direct impact on the Zaha is still the Architectural Association School in London (AA). 对扎哈最直接的影响仍是伦敦的建筑联盟学院(AA)。
If you use a set of fully charged AA size batteries to provide voltage and current they last only a few hours. 如果您使用的是一组全充的AA电池来提供电压和电流,那么它们只能支撑几个小时。
If it is due to the tough Norwegian friends do not open, I remember AA system. 如果实在碍于朋友介绍的情面挪不开,记得AA制。
She was out again the next evening for a Thursday night AA meeting, where X17 caught up with Brit exclusively. 第二天晚上,即周四她又出去赴约,当时x17独家报道了该消息。
It wants to see illicit chang'aa replaced with a safer commercial version. 公司期望用安全的商业模式代替非法的chang’aa酒。
To produce as much power as a standard AA-sized battery, for instance, would require a Power Paper battery of about a square foot in size. 例如,要生产出与标准AA型电池电量相当的纸张电池,它的面积大约要有一平方英尺。
This procedure is intended to be reviewed close to Mechanical Completion to capture lessons learnt from AA parent companies. 打算在接近机械完工时审查本规程,以从AA母公司搜集经验。
Ireland is now trading at the implied rating of "BBB, " down six notches from its current rating of "AA" where it traded in January. 爱尔兰CDS现在的隐含评级为“BBB”,较目前的“AA”评级低六个级距。
Considering the elastic deformation of the barrel, the AA gun is simplified into a multi-rigid body dynamic model. 同时考虑身管弹性变形,建立了火炮发射时的多刚体动力学模型。
Clean excavated material shall be used for land reclamation or earthwork where practicable and subject to approval by AA. 可行时,经AA批准,开垦土地或土方工程应使用干净的挖掘物。
TEM images and IR spectra show that the AA was polymerized on the surface of PS particles and core-shell structure formed. TEM照片和红外光谱表明AA在PSt粒子表面聚合形成表面羧基化的核壳结构粒子。
AA Roadwatch said traffic in the capital was not exceptional and did not build up until the evening rush hour. AA道路监察局说首都的交通并不异常,直到晚高峰时间才会出现塞车现象。
CONCLUSION: AA inhibits L-type calcium current and shortens action potential duration, which may contribute to its cardiovascular effect. 结论:花生四烯酸能抑制L-型钙电流,缩短动作电位时程,这可能是其心血管作用的重要机制之一。
The device is powered by two AA batteries, which seem to last a very long time even when the display brightness is adjusted to maximum. 这台装置还有一个UBS端口,可以连接个人电脑,在网上进行更新。供电采用的是两节AA电池,即便把显示器亮度调到最高水平,电池似乎也可以使用很长时间。
AA Metatron, Lord Melchizedek and I, AA Michael, form a Trinity of Consciousness at the universal level. 机管局梅塔特隆,主麦基洗德和我,米迦勒,形成了三位一体的意识在普遍水平。
Revealing mistakes: The gas flame used to simulate muzzle flash can be seen in a Japanese AA gun . 可以在日本的高射炮上看见用来摹似炮口的闪光的气(有说明是什么气体)焰。