
美 [æsk]英 [ɑːsk]
  • v.问;请;求;请求
  • 网络要求;询问;拜托

第三人称单数:asks 现在分词:asking 过去式:asked

ask question,ask favor,ask permission,ask advice,ask price
ask politely,ask calmly,casually ask,constantly ask,repeatedly ask


《Friends》词汇表A ... snatches v. 攫取n.攫取 asks vi. 询, 问, 要求 geek n. 做低级滑稽表演的人 ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... askew 歪斜的 Asks 询问,请求,要求,开价 badge 徽章,标记 ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... askew 歪斜的 Asks 询问,请求,要求,开价 badge 徽章,标记 ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... askew 歪斜的 Asks 询问,请求,要求,开价 badge 徽章,标记 ...


请把中文翻译成英文~~~谢谢了!!... ... 7:拜托,拯救这片灵魂 Asks,to save this piece of soul 3:请拯救我 : Please save me ...


1. 绿书 CD-ROM 较不熟的单字 II.... ... debates 争论 asks 提问 criticism 批判 ...

The prince speaks kindly to Rapunzel. Soon, she is not scared anymore. The prince then asks her to marry him. Rapunzel thinks for a moment. 王子亲切地跟蕾伴柔聊天,很快地,她再也不害怕了。接着王子就向蕾伴柔求婚,她想了一下。
It is just a question of time before he asks for the keys back. 他何时向辛格讨回车钥匙只是时间问题。
However, her boss asks her to leave for being too "perfect" a woman. 然而,她的上司要求她离开过于“完美”的女性。
How no matter I others are the look, I walk own road, others do not come to manage, similarly also asks them to leave own road. 我不管别人是如何眼神,我走自己的路,别人也别来管,同样也让他们走自己的路。
After a few more songs, Angel asks if I'd like to join her out on the front porch where it's quieter. 几首曲子之后,安吉尔问我是否愿意与她去前面的门廊走走,那里安静些。
After doing these and reporting back to your former executive assistant, she asks you to help out goblin miners at a nearby cave. 干完这些事然后回去找你的前执行助理,她会叫你去帮助附近一个洞窟里的地精矿工。
The next day, she goes to McDonald's. She orders her lunch and asks the young man at the counter, "How old do you think I am? " 第二天,妇女去了麦当劳,她点了午餐后问柜台后的小伙子:“你瞧我有多大岁数?”
He is obviously drunk and staggers up to the bar, seats himself on a stool and, with a belch, asks the bartender for a drink. 他显然喝醉了,摇摇晃晃坐在了酒吧的登子上。他打了个嗝,让服务生来一杯酒。
The transaction manager first asks each enlisted resource manager if it is prepared to commit the transaction. 事务管理器首先向每个登记的资源管理器发出询问,了解它是否准备提交事务。
A simple friend hates it when you call after he or she goes to bed . A real friend asks you why you didn't call him or her so long. 一个普通的朋友讨厌你在他或她的电话后睡觉之类的地方,这是真正的朋友会问你为什么不打电话给他或她这么长。
On the way, Dong Yong discovered the wife has been pregnant in the body, hurries asks for the water to relieve thirst for her. 途中,董永发现妻子已怀孕在身,赶忙去讨水为她解渴。
In C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, one of the children asks if Aslan the lion, the savior of Narnia, is safe. 在鲁益师的《狮子、女巫、魔衣橱》中,其中一个孩子问,纳尼亚王国的救主狮子王阿斯兰是否安全。
The robot babysitter even has a cell phone to call a parent when the child asks for his mother. 这个照看小孩的机器人甚至还装有移动电话,当孩子找妈妈时,可以用它打电话给父母。
She has thoroughly researched what is involved and asks me to call her to discuss options. 她已经彻底研究了相关的方方面面,并叫我打电话给她来讨论。
The man in the tree comes down. With a smile he asks his friend, "The bear puts its nose so close to your ears. What does it say to you? " 在树上的人下来了,他微笑地对他的朋友说:“熊吧鼻子离你的耳朵那么近,它对你说什么了?”
First she wants to finish the training she just started. So she asks me to arrange a curettage for her. 她想先把刚刚开始的进修学业完成,所以她希望我能给她安排刮宫手术。
Asks you to tell me, our calculates anything, if you do not love me, please do not take me to crack a joke, I do not like. 请你告诉我,我们这算什么,要是你不爱我,请你不要拿我开玩笑,我不喜欢。
Do not be surprised if he asks you to leave. 如果他要求你辞职,不要感到惊讶。
Joy has not been there long before Tao asks for her hand in marriage, Maoist style. 乔伊在那里呆了没多久,冯涛就以那个时代经典的方式向她求婚了。
Anything such a man asks shall be granted, his kind is so rare that no employer can afford to let him go. 这样的人所有的要求都能得到满足,他们的善良如此珍稀,任何老板离开他们都损失惨重。
The little kid asks me to say hello to you and looks forward to seeing you as early as possible. 小家伙们让我向你问好,并急切的盼望着早日能见到你。
I always say that if one person has a question and asks it, the answer is going to help thousands of people who had the same question! 我总觉得一个人碰到了问题而且会问别人的话,问题的答案会帮助成千上万的有同样疑问的人!
He asks how much you would pay us to let you die. 他问你愿意付多少钱让我们杀了你
Patty asks for forgiveness, but Palmer orders her to pack up and leave the hotel immediately. 派蒂请求他的宽恕,但帕默命令她收拾东西,立即离开酒店。
'How much time will you spend thinking and worrying about it? ' asks Bill. “你有这个想法之后,担心了多长时间?”比尔又问道。
Uncomfortable, he asks for leave to take me to see a doctor, and buys an ice-cream as an award on back way. 不舒服时,他请假带我去看医生,回来路上买冰激凌做奖励。
At one fairly empty establishment, the young songstress notices me as a white European and asks what I would like her to belt out. 在一家几乎空无一人的酒吧,女歌手注意到我是欧洲人,问我要听什么歌。
asks one university student. With nerves jangled from years of upheaval, nicotine is often the first and only comfort. 事实上,在这些年的动荡不安中,尼古丁一直是人们首选的也是唯一的精神慰藉。
where the assignee refuses to make up in light of the market evaluation price and asks to terminate the contract, it shall be supported. 受让方不同意按照市场评估价格补足,请求解除合同的,应予支持。
The lawyer pulls the drapes, dims the lights and asks in a hushed voice, "How much do you want it to be? " 律师拉上窗帘,弄暗灯光,然后低声问道,“你想让它等于几。”