
美 [əˈbaʊt]英 [ə'baʊt]
  • prep.关于;左右;大概;涉及
  • adv.大约;左右;将要;到处
  • adj.即将…的



1.大约;左右a little more or less than; a little before or after

2.将近;几乎nearly; very close to

3.到处;处处;各处in many directions; here and there

4.凌乱地;四处;到处in no particular order; in various places

5.闲着;无所事事doing nothing in particular

6.在某地;附近;周围able to be found in a place

7.向后转;掉转方向;掉头facing the opposite direction


thats about all|thats about it

我要说的就是这些;我的话完了used to say that you have finished telling sb about sth and there is nothing to add

Trying to straighten out a crazy boss is like trying to soothe a starving cheetah that's about to consume you for dinner. 纠正一个疯狂的老板,犹如抚慰一头正准备把你当晚餐的饥饿猎豹。
But, busy though his official duties may keep him, he said he does not spend much time thinking about being anything but what he is. 但是,忙碌的公事让他身不由己,他说,他很少有时间想自己成为普通人后会是什么样子。
Dragging it on like this is not the way because if you think about it, wealthy people can hold on, but a few storms and the poor will lose. 这么样拖下去实在不是办法,因为啊,你想啊,有钱人扛得住,穷人来个几下暴风骤雨就歇菜了。
The school to which Margarite had transferred when she moved back in with her mother was about 15 miles away. 玛格丽特搬回母亲住处时办理转学的那所学校离家里约15英里远。
Get back in touch with the thoughts and feelings you used to have about your spouse while you were dating. 回想一下你们过去约会时你对配偶的印象和感觉。
The Bank of England may have lost some credibility of late, but it has not lost the argument about spare capacity. 英国银行最近可能丧失了些信用度,但其关于闲置生产能力的言论却非虚妄之言。
You know when I said I knew litter about love? 你知道我以前说过,关于爱,我懂的很少
It would be better for him to talk to his parents about his problems. 他把自己的问题同父母谈谈会比较好。
I do not know how you think, perhaps you will say I am silly, talk about my unreasoning passion. 我不知道你怎样想,或许你会说我傻,说我痴情。
"There were reindeer on his boxer shorts, " he said, making a joke about how all the deer were red- nosed from blood. “他短裤里有只驯鹿,”他说,接着开始取笑所有的驯鹿是如何被血染成红鼻子的。
I argued that this was the wrong way to think about the matter. 我认为这么思考问题是不对的。
Anything written about electronics will probably be at least partially out of date by the time it appears in print. 任何有关电子学的东西等到印成书出版时,很可能至少部分东西已过时了。
I did not want to complain about anybody, because all this there has never been wrong, including their own. 我没有想抱怨谁,因为这一切本来就没有错,包括自己。
It's easy to feel embarrassed or anxious when talking about sex, but you need to be sure you have all the right information. 谈到性很容易使人感到尴尬或者焦虑,但是你需要确保你获得了所有正确的信息。
Without a logical articulation which does not bring in any prejudice about what is to be wished for the subject, what do you know about it? 假如主体所被期望的需要,没有这个不属于任何偏见的逻辑表达,你们要如何能够知道呢??
All this points to the only certain thing about Obamacare: that this is just another episode in the long saga of health reform. 所有这些都指向了奥式保健的唯一定事:即这仅仅是旷日持久的医改长剧中的小小一幕。
He has reacted well to the news about his condition and is ready to fight for his comeback. 对于身体状况的恢复情况,他积极回应,并希望能复出继续战斗。
The young man was very miserable. He had no money about him. All his savings had been stolen. 这个年轻人很惨。已落到了身无分文的地步,因为他所有的积蓄都被偷了。
What does it say about the state of the tech industry that this comes as a refreshing surprise? 对于科技产业的状态作为一种令人耳目一新的惊喜,这说明了什么?
Critics have continued to complain about this use of federal money; on July 27th a judge dismissed another lawsuit on the subject. 批评人士继续抱怨联邦资金在这个领域的使用,7月27日一名法官驳回了又一起针对干细胞研究的诉讼。
Don't apologize for what you are about to say. Begin with a bang and get straight to the point. 不要为你所说的感到抱歉,以精彩开头,并且直奔主题。
Given how much time we spend on them, maybe a bit more passion about our keyboards from all of us wouldn't go amiss. 鉴于我们每天要与键盘打如此长时间的交道,对键盘的关注超乎寻常一些恐怕不算有毛病吧。
No one in his life, except maybe Tanya, would recognize him now, sitting on this stranger's bed, about to have sex with a man. 除了坦尼娅,不会有人能认出他的现在这个模样:坐在陌生人的床上,即将和一个男人上床。
At the same time, he remains realistic about how much the foundation can achieve. 同时,李连杰对基金会能够达到的程度,保持客观的态度。
The best thing about it was that you didn't have to be a size zero to try it. 学钢管舞最好的一件事就是你的身材好坏并不会影响你去尝试它。
Bruises along the underside of his arm throbbed impatiently and he felt like he was about to puke again. 他胳膊下面的瘀伤没有耐性地悸动着,他感觉自己又要吐了。
You could get the data in an element, work with its children, find out the value of an attribute. . . and that's really about it. 您可以从某个元素中获得数据,操作其子元素,找出某个属性的值等,全部都是这方面的操作。
About a bird in a cage with a mirror, a simple twist on the handle at the side that makes it come and go at the magician's insistence. 关于一鸟在一个有镜子,就在一边处理,使得它来来去去,在魔术师的坚持简单扭曲笼。
That was one of the first things I learned about him when we married thirty-one years ago. 我对他【的第一次了解(最初了解的一个方面)】还是当我们三十年前结婚的时候。
I asked her: "The submitted one? You are responsible for that. " Forget about it. What she said had to be an improperly prepared excuse. 我问她:“就是我上交的那一份吗?那是你们的职责。”别提了。她所说的无非是一个欠准备的借口。