
美 [ˈæŋɡ(ə)l]英 ['æŋɡ(ə)l]
  • n.角;角度;观点;斜角
  • v.钓鱼;斜移;斜置;以(某角度)报道
  • 网络天使;角钢;角落

复数:angles 现在分词:angling 过去式:angled

interesting angle


n. v.

1.角the space between two lines or surfaces that join, measured in degrees

2.斜角;角度the direction that sth is leaning or pointing in when it is not in a vertical or horizontal line

3.角度a position from which you look at sth

4.观点;立场;角度a particular way of presenting or thinking about a situation, problem, etc.


CSS参考手册v4.0.1_web前端开发参考手册系列 ... 长度( Length) 角度( Angle) 时间( Time) ...


他是一只叫做天使Angle)的吸血鬼。在这部经典的电视剧集中,大卫·伯伦纳兹饰演一名有着灵魂的吸血鬼,做为恶魔,他会 …


考研常见词根 -非常英语学习网 ... angustation n. 狭窄 angle n. 角, (喻)观点 animalcule n. 微小动物 ...


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... anger n. 怒,愤怒 angle n. 角,角度;(看问题的)角度,观点 angry a. 发怒的,愤怒 …


石油钻井词汇 - spaceboy77的日志 - 网易博客 ... anchor 锚 angle 角钢 annular return velocity 泥浆返回流速 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... anger n. 愤怒 angle n. [数]角,角落 angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的 ...


MATLAB函数大全 ... all 所有元素非零为真 angle 相角 area 面域图 ...

Well, most likely, when you are moving on a circle, you are going to use the angle along the circle to tell you where you are. 当你在圆上移动的时候,最方便的就是通过角度来确定你在圆上的位置了。
The filament winding angle when the fiber volume fraction of hoop orientation was equal to that of axial orientation was calculated. 最后计算了轴向取向和环向取向纤维体积含量相等时缠绕角的值。
An officer bumps a fleeing car at an angle to spin it out of control, forcing it to stop. 警官驾车以一个特别的角度轻轻碰撞逃跑的车辆使其打转并失去控制,迫使它停下来。
Another potential advantage results from the fact that the plane is already tilted to a large angle of attack as it rolls down the runway. 另一个潜在的优点,是飞机在跑道滑行时,机翼已经有一个较大的迎角。
The angle-measuring technique related is a research program with new principle and new method, which had been examined and appraised. 本文的测角技术是一项新原理、新方法的科研课题,现已通过评审鉴定。
Yesterday, wears a pair of eyes blurred, sat down at 252 sit on my custom left tail window Angle songs, sleep. 昨天,带着一副迷离的眼神坐上252,坐到我习惯的左尾靠窗角听歌,睡觉。
A piece of round or square-section bar must be bent through a specified angle without it cracking to be accepted by this test. 一个圆的或方截面试棒被弯曲一个规定的角度不发生开裂,被视为该试验合格。
The angle of a shot depends upon the effect the film maker is trying to achieve. 镜头的角度取决于拍片人想要获得的效果。
Nor did she all herself to hold her head at an angle, or to let it fall, or to lean her chin on her hand. 她也不歪着头,也不地下头,或者把下巴捂在手里。
I wish investors can look at their investments from a rational angle instead of that of a gambler; if not, you are destined to lose. 希望投资者都要以理性的眼光来投资,不要以赌徒的目光来投资,否则一定会赔钱。
There was no indication visible to me of the angle, so I fired rounds of which I never really knew where they landed. 根本没有任何可见的角度表示,所以我放了几炮但不知道它们落在了那儿。
Rubbing machine is only used for whetting small knife or cleaning the sharp angle. Tools should be firstly rouged in grinder. 磨刀机只能磨小刀或刀具尖位清角时用,刀具应在砂轮机先开粗。
In any case , position the angle of the ROPE at the most natural, and easy to imagine attitude for you. 在任何情形中,将绳子的角度置于你觉得最自然和容易想象的位置。
There was no relationship between the change degree of the ocular surface structure and sensation and the area or the angle of the blebs. 患者年龄和性别与术后滤过泡形态及眼表结构和舒适度的变化程度无显著相关性。
The place, position or angle, formed by the meeting of two converging lines or surfaces; a projecting angle of a solid object or figure. 由两条线或两个面相交形成的地方、位置或角度,固体物质或形态。
Everybody knew that Angle is the angel meaning, I hoped that I forever can look like the angel equally happily, joyful, is carefree all day! 人人都知道角度是天使的意思,我希望我永远会像天使一样快乐,快乐,整天无忧无虑!
Despite the fact that she was balancing on tall, chunky heels, she still had to gaze up at an acute angle to look Diane in the eyes. 虽然踩着又高又粗的鞋跟,但要看到黛安娜的眼睛,她还是得仰起头,保持锐角角度。
The angle between the cutting edge of a tool and a plane perpendicular to the working surface to which the tool is applied. 倾角:某工具的切边和与使用这个工具的工作面垂直的飞机之间的角度。
As your parents see the matter in a different angle, they probably will not consent to the plan. 由于你的父母对这件事的看法和你不一样,他们很可能不赞成这个计划。
In specular reflection, light rays bounce off the surface of an object at the same relative angle that they approached it. 在镜面反射中个,光线从物体表面反弹回的反射角与入射角相同。
Both the actors and the spectators should try to see life from a different angle and their life would be purified and sublimed . 无论演员和观众都应该体验一番,换着角度看人生,才能得到净化乃至升华。
Ready to introduce Cambodia with four articles on angle of my own view! 准备分四次向朋友们介绍我眼中的柬埔寨!
When the defender faces an attacker in the air, he focuses on trying to force a header from a bad (or even really bad) angle. 当后卫攻击者所面临的空气,他的重点是试图迫使标题从坏(或什至非常糟糕)的角度。
But he is seen from a striking angle, as though Dali were looking down on him from above his head. 但他被认为是从一个引人注目的角度,仿佛大理要找他从上面下来他的头。
All the legendary Rolling Stones albums were recorded in the room we were in, so we used that as an angle to lure him in. 一些传奇乐队滚石的唱片是在我们所在的屋子里录音的,我们以此为诱饵诱惑他进来。
Lie Yang West Ramp, the sky dimming, reflecting the white light of the earth are slowly faded out of the original Lingling angle corner. 烈阳西斜,天色渐暗,反射着白光的大地也慢慢褪出了原来的菱菱角角。
You should now be able to lift the lower end of the PCB and pull it out in a flat angle. 您现在应该可以解除低端的PCB拉在一个平面的角度出来。
He than set out his pace to tell us the stock market, but in a different angle -- the bubble of the stock. 他比阐述了他的步伐,告诉我们股市,但在不同的视角-以股市泡沫。
The steady-state response of a vehicle is often evaluated by the steady-state yaw velocity and front wheel angle at a equal speed. 汽车等速行驶时,常用稳态横摆角速度与前轮转角之比来评价其稳态响应。
The complete combinatorial method is often used to separate the bias errors of the polygon and angle-measuring system. 全组合方法能够把测角系统的角位置误差和棱体的工作角偏差有效地分离出来。