
美 [əˈbʌv]英 [ə'bʌv]
  • n.上;天上;前述
  • adv.上文;在(或向)上面;在(或向)较高处;更多
  • prep.胜过;大于;在(或向)…上面;(因善良或诚实正直而)不至于
  • adj.前文述及的;上述的
  • 网络在……上面;在…之上;在……上方

above example,above floor,above definition,above paragraph,above equation


1.在(或向)…上面at or to a higher place or position than sth/sb

2.(数目、数量、水平、年龄)超过,多于,大于more than sth; greater in number, level or age than sb/sth

3.(重要性、质量)超过,胜过of greater importance or of higher quality than sb/sth

4.(因善良或诚实正直而)不至于,不屑于(做某事)too good or too honest to do sth

5.(音量或清晰度)超过(另一种声音)louder or clearer than another sound


above all

最重要的是;尤其是most important of all; especially

above yourself

自高自大;妄自尊大having too high an opinion of yourself


那些说到心坎里的伤感说说_Tencent Weibo ... 【below】 在下面; 【above】 超过,在...上面; 【round/around】 四处,在..…


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... about 关于,大概 4. above 在…之上 5. abroad 在国外,到国外 6. ...


英语单词音标(小学) ... bright 明亮的 above 在…上方 world 世界 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... about prep. 关于;在…周围 above prep. 在…上面;高于 abroad ad. (在)国外;到处 ...


首页-上品堂茶器艺术馆-- 淘宝网 ... 大品 350以上/ above 1500以上/ above 茶杯/ Pottery Cup ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... about adv. 附近,大约 above adj. 上面的,上述的 abroad adv. 往国外,海外 ...

Above all he had a profound love for a sister who died in 1718, and for his mother, who died in 1730. 他深爱的姐姐于1718年去世,他的母亲于1730年逝世。
Mrs Brooks had not been able to catch any word of farewell, temporary or otherwise, between her tenants at the door above. 布鲁克斯太太也没有听见她的两个房客在门口说什么告别的话,无论是暂别还是久别的话都没有说。
There was not a corner or nook in the ship, above or below, where her fairy footsteps had not glided. 轮船上下,几乎没有一个角落是她那飘飘欲仙的步履没有踏过的。
No Party organization, up to and including the Central Committee, has the right to deprive any Party member of the above-mentioned rights. 党的任何一级组织直至中央都无权剥夺党员的上述权利。
Separate punishments may be meted out on two or more of the above-mentioned acts. 有上述两种或者两种以上行为的,可以分别处罚。
And thanks to the above points and the fact that you can embed PHP in HTML, it's very easy to make something that you can feel proud of. 多亏了以上几点,并且可以让使用者把PHP放在HTML里面的事实,这样就可以在做一些让你自己感到自豪的事情时变得非常容易。
Above the fire place is an old Whiskey advertising mirror that would have originally been situated in an Irish pub. 挂在壁炉上端的是一个很旧的威士忌酒的广告牌,而它原本是挂在爱尔兰的一家酒馆里的。
Examine short information with thumb according to investigating the queer of 90 above, had not enough time, did not change. 根据调查90以上的同性恋者用大拇指查看短消息,来不及了,别换了。
Some of the men above were tragically called Uncle Toms, but now one of them is poised to be the most powerful man in the world. 上面提到的一些人被人悲情地叫做“汤姆叔叔”,但是其中一位却被当作世界最有影响力的人物之一。
But almost in the relevant army who do not need them, everything above board, everything can be "operating under the sun. " 但这在关建军身上这些几乎都不需要,一切光明正大,一切都可以在“阳光下作业”。
How much did you pay for the toys or relevant product mentioned above averagely per month? 你平均每月消费以上的玩具或相关产品多少钱?
Neither of the above examples truly shows off the true power of either Perl or Python, nor was that my intent in a short article. 上面的实例没有真正地表现出Perl或Python的真正实力,这也不是我在这篇短文中的意图。
This led to the idea that having some sort of gateway agent was beneficial and gave a step above the command line. 因此他想到利用网关代理,比命令行更进了一步。
The prices quoted above do not include any taxes, duties, ~s and any other charges of any kind which may be levied. 上述报价不包括税款、关税、进口税及其他各种可能征收的费用在内。
The little fretted stone rose-window above the door was in particular a master-piece of grace and lightness-a star of lace. 小教堂门楣上那镂空的蔷薇花瓣小圆窗,纤秀而优雅,尤为是一件杰作,好似一颗用花边做成的星星。
It might be due to the Halloween weekend, but the above reminds me of the below image. Imagine if Medusa had conodonts instead of snakes. 可能是因为周末是万圣节的关系,上面的图片让我联想到了下面的画面。想象一下,头发不是蛇而是牙形刺的美杜莎。
You'll use each of the above functions in the next section as you formulate the form that you'll create to test the XForms PHP library. 在下一节中,您将使用上面的各个函数设置用于测试XFormsPHP库的表单(稍后创建)。
Above the wind, it was the sky, huge and blue, with sparkling stars. 以上风,它是天空中,巨大的和蓝色,有一对闪闪发光的星星。
That in turn cools the air above the surface of the sea, allowing more cool dry air to descend from above. 紧接着,这会降低海平面至上大气的温度,使得更多低温干燥的空气降落到表面。
that no doubt were of benefit to me, above all when I began to draw comic strips before I learned to write. 这些早期的,关于生动艺术的指点无疑让我获益匪浅,尤其是当我开始画连环画时——那时我还没学会写字呢。
Over the next few days, the skin will start to redden and many small blisters will appear above the skin filled with sheer yellowish fluid. 在未来几天,皮肤开始变红许多小水泡,皮肤会出现上述充满十足黄色液体。
And with respect to you . . . we cannot speak with you of things that are above and beyond that which you are capable of understanding. 也带着对你的尊重…我们不能与你谈论更多的事情,那些超越你们所能理解范畴的。
'I've never seen a storm like this, 'one of them shouted above the roar of the wind. “我从没有看见过像这样的暴风雨!”他们其中的一个用盖过风的怒号的声音喊道。
Just like the above 3 scenarios, losing weight is something that's incredibly easy to understand, yet so many struggle with it. 就像上面三个场景一样,减肥也是非常容易理解的事,但现在还有很多人还在拼命减肥中。
He swam to the little kid, held him, kept his head above the water and swam back to the beach. 他游到那个小孩身边,托起他,把他的脑袋托出了水面游回了岸边。
As described above along the side of each hall reinforced concrete elements and masonry walls serve as the structural backbone of the hall. 如上所述,沿每个展厅侧面,由钢筋混凝土构件和砌筑墙作为展厅的建筑构架。
What we marvel at him, above all, is the ease with which he adjusts himself to new concepts and draws all possible deductions from them. 最使我们敬佩不已的是他能够很容易地使他自己适应新的观念,并尽可能从中得出所有的推论。
The good news is the above symptoms are easy to treat with a prescribed course of antibiotics. 幸运的是这些症状会被治愈,如果你用处方的抗生素的话。
Relations did not drink at all times, of course, the above-mentioned several cocktails and there is no need Juni too. 任何时候喝都没关系,当然,上述几种鸡尾酒也没有必要过分拘泥。
It was not less difficult than the above mentioned to organize the simplest form of society out of such savage and intractable materials. 要把这样一些蒙昧初开、野犷难驯的材料组织起来,形成最简单的一种社会,其困难的程度也不在上述困难之下。