
美 [eɪm]英 [eɪm]
  • n.瞄准;目标;目的;宗旨
  • v.瞄准;旨在;把…指向;把…掷向
  • abbr.(=American Indian Movement)美国印第安人运动
  • 网络瞄准目标;准确度;对准

第三人称单数:aims 现在分词:aiming 过去式:aimed

main aim,ultimate aim,basic aim,primary aim,clear aim
achieve aim,reach aim,accomplish aim,aim blow,serve aim



台球的百科全书 - 缘随萍生的日志 - 网易博客 ... 黑球置点 blackspot 瞄准 aiming 主球走位练习 positionexercise ...


bbc媒体英语Cheeky Monkey 顽皮的猴子 -... ... extraordinary abilities 惊人的能力 aiming 瞄准目标 hit 击中 ...


HR专业英语_百度文库 ... 录用分数线:( cutoff score) 准确度:( aiming) 业务知识测试:( job knowledge tests) ...


礼仪祝辞 Ceremonial Speech ... ... aiming 1. 瞄准,对准 ceremonial adj. 1. 礼仪的;仪式的 ...


测量学专业词汇英语翻译(十九) ... 照像制版术 process technique 照准 aiming 照准 sight ...


保龄球教学影片系列整理... ... 练习好得时间差( Practice Great Timing) 瞄准相关( Aiming) 瞄准基础( The Basic of Lining Up) ...


神经行为检测评价技术发展与... ... 手提转速度测试( santa ana) 目标瞄准追击测试aiming) 简单反应时( simple reaction …

Generate a sense of belonging among the alumni body aiming at expansive and sustained engagement of alumni in the affairs of the University. 培养校友组织的归属感,使越来越多校友持续参与大学事务。
You're not pursuing pie in the sky. You're aiming for a cake that in theory at least, you can both have. . . and eat. 你没有去追求天上掉下来的馅饼,你的目标是得到一块至少在理论上既能拥有又能享用的蛋糕。
Not to let the enemy bomb while aiming at the guarded objective. 是不让敌人的轰炸机能瞄准其地面目标。
Mr Obama says at least 80 per cent of the 3m-4m jobs he is aiming to save or create during the next two years will be in the private sector. 奥巴马先生称,未来两年,他的目标是保留或创造300-400万就业机会,其中80%来自私人部门。
After aiming at my chest I waited a second or two, and suddenly my candle, my table, and the wall in front of me began moving and heaving. 我对准胸膛等了一、二秒钟,忽然房里的蜡烛、桌子和墙壁全都在我眼前晃动、旋转起来。
When you're aiming for separation of concerns, transparency, and flexibility, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is often the right answer. 如果目的是分离关注点、透明性和灵活性,那么面向方面的编程(AOP)通常就是正确的答案。
In a very short time, the world has gone from trying to hold malaria at bay, to aiming for its eradication. 在非常短的时间内,世界已经从试图遏制走向最终根除的目标。
The group is aiming to expand into other provinces of China, a move which could make it a rival for CCTV, China's main state broadcaster. 该集团意在进军中国其它省份,此举可能会令其成为中国最主要的国有广播电视集团——中央电视台(CCTV)的竞争对手。
The Bank made it clear that it was not aiming to bring down three-month lending rates, which are the markets' most acute pressure point. 银行清楚地表明其意并非拉低三个月拆出利率这一货币市场最灵敏地压力点。
While their main goal seems to be aiming resources at their mobile users, can Yelp also compete with Foursquare? 当他们的主要目标似乎是针对手机用户来投放资源的,yelp可以一直与Foursquare抗衡吗?
Just a matter of aiming a bit lower- even if the tanks were behind sand berms the shots were hitting home. 只要稍稍再瞄低一点点——哪怕那些坦克是躲在沙堤后面也会被炮弹轰回老家。
The sites are more interactive, with tests that the computer marks and perfect answers so you know what you're aiming for. 这些网站有更多的交互作用,配有测试题、电脑批阅、还有完整的答案,因此你知道你的目标是什么。
"We were told European countries would be in a fierce tussle for 2018 and that aiming for 2022 would the best choice, " he said. 他说,我们都知道欧洲国家为了2018年的主办权进行了一场激烈的斗争,把目标定在2022年事最好的选择。
The bank was still aiming to achieve "the lower end" of that 15% to 19% target range. 银行筹措资金仍将控制在“低限度”的15%-19%目标范围内。
Mammy: I ain't aiming for you to go after Mr. Wilkes and eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog! 奶妈:我不准你去追威尔克斯先生,还有像农夫一样地大吃大喝,还叫得跟头猪似的!
Jenson, you seem to be very much aiming for third or fourth team here. Is that the position of the team at the moment? 简森,你在这里的目标似乎第三或者第四。那是车队目前所在的位置吗?
Many never intend to stay any longer, aiming instead to parlay their qualifications into a new job and a fatter pay cheque somewhere else. 很多人从不愿待太久,他们的目的是将自己的资本连本带利地投入新的工作之中,在其他公司获取更丰厚的报酬。
Brown was no doubt aiming for a casual kiss on Merkel's cheek, but the kiss instead appeared to fall on the German leader's nose. 毫无疑问,布朗当时只是想在默尔克的脸颊上行“亲吻礼”,但却竟然到了德国领导人的鼻子上。
I could swear she was glad to see us when we came and was aiming to ask us to supper. 我敢担保,我们刚来时她是很高兴并且有意要留我们吃晚饭的。
It's only when playing through an early version of the game that you get a sense of the kind of detail Bohemia are aiming for. 仅仅玩儿了点游戏的早期版本,你就能体会到波希米亚的目标了。
And for a brewer aiming at world domination, a bigger SABMiller might be an even more tempting target. 对于一个想要统占全球份额的制酒商,扩大公司规模可能是更明显的作为了。
Capello says England are aiming for at least a a place in the semi-finals. How do you see England's standing? 卡佩罗曾说英格兰至少能冲进四强。你对英格兰队现在的处境有什么看法?
He continued aiming at him with gun, and got the CD with another hand, again putting it into the computer, to open up the manuscript. 杀手一手把枪继续指着他,另一只手把光碟取出来,重新放进电脑,打开书稿。
One barrelled gun, two barrelled gun, targeted at a deer. It's not the deer that I'm aiming at, but at my love. 一枪,两枪,瞄准一只鹿。并不是瞄准著那只鹿,而是瞄准著我的爱。
Much like the U. S. , China is aiming to address a problematic demographic that has recently emerged: a generation of jobless graduates. 美国类似,中国正打算解决近期显现的一个人口问题:一代找不到工作的毕业生。
As the German force nears, they begin to turn south, aiming to form line broadside to my BBs and bring more of their guns to bear. 在德国舰队靠近之前,他们已开始向南转向,希望能舰船的侧向对我舰队的BB们,目的是有更多的火炮能够有效开火。
Now, some graduate schools are aiming for just such a goal -- at least in the applications process for their M. B. A. programs. 如今,一些研究生院就是在以这个为目标,至少是在它们的工商管理硕士(MBA)项目申请过程中是这样。
The people looking at me were not aiming to frighten me in anyway; they were just intrigued by the 'Lao Wai' on their turf. 但无论如何,那些人看你不是想和你打架,他们只是被在他们地盘的“老外”激起了好奇心。
Your life is like a river. That you're aiming for a goal that isn't your destiny, you'll always gonna be swimming against the current. 你的生命就像一条长河,如果你一直致力于的目标并不是你的命运,你永远是逆流而行的。
The invention relates to a petroleum extraction technology, aiming at a strong sensitivity oil layer water injection well. 本发明是针对强敏感油层注水井的石油开采技术。