
美 [ɑrm]英 [ɑː(r)m]
  • n.臂;手臂;扶手;上肢
  • v.武装;装备;备战;使(炸弹等)随时爆炸
  • 网络胳膊;精简指令的芯片(Advanced RISC Machines);武器

复数:arms 现在分词:arming 过去式:armed

upper arm,right arm,left arm,long arm,break arm
put arm,give arm,cut arm,take arm,hold arm


n. v.

身体部位part of body

1.臂;手臂;上肢either of the two long parts that stick out from the top of the body and connect the shoulders to the hands

机器of machinery

4.臂状物(尤指可移动的物体部分或机器部件)a long narrow part of an object or a piece of machinery, especially one that moves

水;陆地of water/land

5.狭长港湾;(连接较大地区的)狭长地带a long narrow piece of water or land that is joined to a larger area

组织机构of organization

6.[ususing]~ (of sth)分部;职能部门a section of a large organization that deals with one particular activity


cost/pay an arm and a leg

(使)花一大笔钱to cost/pay a lot of money

keep sb at arms length

与某人保持距离;不亲近某人to avoid having a close relationship with sb


日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... ear 耳朵 arm 手臂 hand 手 ...


小学英语单词表总汇_百度文库 ... ear 耳朵 arm 胳膊 finger 手指 ...

精简指令的芯片(Advanced RISC Machines)

A: ARMAdvanced RISC Machines),既可以认为是一个公司的名字,也可以认为是对一类微处理器的通称,还可以认为是一种 …


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... arithmetic n. 算术,四则运算 arm n. 臂;臂状物;武器 army n. 军队;陆军 ...


最全的词根大全 - 豆丁网 ... (dis+courage 勇气) (dis+arm 武装→去掉武装) (dis+pel 推→推开→驱除) ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... area n. 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围,领域 arm n. 臂 , 支架 army n. 军队 ...

反辐射导弹(anti-radiation missile)

针对反辐射导弹(ARM)传统有源诱偏理论的不足,从单脉冲雷达跟踪合成波阵面法线方向的理论出发,对多个辐射源的诱偏公式在 …

He took a microphone in his left hand and help up his right arm to ask for quiet. 他左手拿起麦克风,然后举起右臂示意大家静下来。
The IAB, the research arm of the Federal Employment Agency, thinks 140, 000 a year is possible. 联邦就业局研究机构IAB认为一年可能有14万。
And I swam to him at once. I used one of my arms to swim and helped him with my other arm. 我立刻游向他,我用一只手游,另一只手帮他。
You note that she's exaggerating the body roll by rotating the opposite arm that she's not using out of the water. 注意她将对侧闲置的手臂转出了水面,夸大了身体的滚动效果。
Each arm would be made of a plastic film that could be rolled out onto the surface of the moon, either by robots or by astronauts. 每一个臂状结构都由塑料薄膜造成,可被机器人或航天员铺展在月球表面。
One of the officers remained in a hospital Saturday with injuries to his arm, a spokesman for the Police Service of Northern Ireland said. 其中一名警官因手臂受伤周六仍在医院,北爱尔兰警察局的发言人称。
"Like the gun, " he said, lowering his arm and fixing his gaze on the boys who now looked at him wide-eyed. “这名儿像枪。”说完放下胳膊,盯着已看得目瞪口呆的男孩子们。
T-bag robbed an ice box and put his arm in it before. Then he went into a clinic and forced the doctor to connect his arm with his body. 之前,T-袋子偷了一个装有冰块的箱子,并且把他的胳膊放进里面去了。然后他进了一家诊所,强迫着医生把他的胳膊接到了他的身体上去了。
He moved nearer the edge, stood up, and with a vigorous sweep of his arm, cast out the line. 他走到水边,站起身,用力挥动手臂,将钓鱼线抛了出去。
Weeks ago he would have given his right arm for her to propose to him, and now all that he wanted was for her to leave him alone. 要是几个星期前他一定会挽住她接受她的求婚,但是现在他却只想她能快点离开他家。
In London, expenses for unwinding Lehman's European arm, including legal costs, are estimated to be close to $900m. 在伦敦,估计雷曼欧洲业务清盘的费用(包括法律费用)将接近9亿美元。
The dumb arm would "look" at its hand to see if it was holding a can; if it was it would drop it. 傻乎乎的胳膊会“查看”自己的手是否拿着罐子,是,就会扔进回收筒。
Marshal Saxe wished to arm the French cavalry with a blade of a triangular cross section so as to make the use of the point obligatory. 萨克斯元帅希望给法国骑兵装备剑刃三角截面的剑,使士兵只能刺击。
I guess with the arm you could say that since she stitched herself up she must have done a good job without scar, but what about the back. 我猜对于手臂,你可以说因为她缝合了,她自己必须做的非常好没有疤痕,但是背部呢?
I led her by the arm and she did not resist. 我拉着她的手,她也没有反抗。
The door opened just a crack and a single arm emerged with a ticket in hand. 门开了一条缝,一只手伸了出来,手里拿着一张票。
I was looking at a beautiful rose when a beautiful, large dragonfly landed within arm's length of me. 当我正看着一朵美丽的玫瑰花时,一只漂亮的、大个的蜻蜓停在距我一臂之远的花上。
The problem was that she had to lift her pants up to show it off, so this latest one is now on her arm for easy exhibition. 可问题是她要想展示那个纹身的话得要把裤子提起来。所以最新的这个被纹在了胳膊上,这样更容易展示。
He took Toad firmly by the arm, led him into the smoking-room, and closed the door behind them. 他牢牢抓住蟾蜍的臂,把他带进吸烟室,随手带上了门。
The crowd parted, whispering excitedly; Lockhart dived forward, seized Harry's arm, and pulled him to the front. 人群让开一条路,兴奋地低语着。洛哈特冲上前来,抓住哈利的胳膊,把他拉到前面,
"I said to the animal trainer, 'I'm fine, ' and he said, 'Look at your arm, it's not fine' and all this blood is coming down, " said Chan. 成龙说,“我告诉动物训练师,‘我没事’,他说,‘看看你的胳膊,这个不叫没事’,血都流下来了。”
There was a girl who dreamed to be a professional surfer but was bitten unfortunately on the left arm by a shark. 有个小女孩,从小就希望成为一名冲浪选手,可是却被鲨鱼袭击失去了左臂。
When we got outdoors Fillmore very solemnly took us by the arm and said he had a little confession to make. He looked pale and worried. 一出门菲尔莫便极其严肃地拉住我们的胳膊说他有点儿事要说,他面色苍白,忧心忡忡。
And it has taken an order from Britain's Ministry of Defence, which wants to try the hand out on the arm of a bomb-disposal robot. 英国国防部也已下了一张订单,他们想在处理未爆弹的机器人手臂上试用这种机械手。
Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. 年轻的恋人们在色彩缤纷的花丛中携手漫步;往远处还能看到城市清晰的地平线!
Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. 你也要记念你在埃及地作过奴仆。耶和华你神用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂将你从那里领出来。
As if scalding her arm wasn't enough, she went and broke her ankle the next day. 她烫伤了手臂还不算,竟然在第二天出去摔伤了踝节部。
He had tattooed the name "Marlene" on his upper arm to show how much he loves her. 他将“玛琳”这个名字刺在臂的上方,来表达他的爱。
I was pathetically slow, but I had a pretty good arm and a pair of teammates who could really run. We won the championship at Pickering. 我是皮克林语法学校六人橄榄球的四分卫,我的速度着实慢,但我的胳膊很有力并且团友非常优秀,我们赢得了学校锦标赛。
His gun burst while out on the hills by himself; a splinter cut his arm, and he lost a good deal of blood before he could reach home. 当他独自在山上的时候,他的枪走火了;碎片伤了他的胳膊,在他能够到家之前已经流了好多血。