
美 [sliːp]英 [sliːp]
  • n.睡眠;睡眠时间;眼眵
  • v.睡;入睡;为…提供床位
  • 网络睡觉;休眠;静止

现在分词:sleeping 第三人称单数:sleeps 过去式:slept

sleep soundly


v. n.

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)睡;睡觉;入睡to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body not active

2.[t][nopass]~ sb可供…人睡觉;可供…人住宿to have enough beds for a particular number of people


let sleeping dogs lie

过去的事就不要再提了;不要没事找事to avoid mentioning a subject or sth that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or arguments

sleep like a log/baby

沉睡;酣睡to sleep very well

sleep tight

(尤用以打发孩子睡觉)睡个好觉used especially to children before they go to bed to say that you hope they sleep well


睡眠_百度百科睡眠Sleep)高等脊椎动物周期性出现的一种自发的和可逆的静息状态,表现为机体对外界刺激的反应性降低 …


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... grass 草 sleep 睡觉 during 在……期间 ...


休眠时自动储存: 若勾选此项,则每当系统休眠 (Sleep) 时,游戏会在休眠前自动建立一个新的储存点。等待时自动储存:若勾选 …


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Slave 从属的,从机,从动的 Sleep 睡眠定时开关,静止 Slew rate 瞬态率 ...


温馨童谣_百度百科 ... Winkum,Winkum 眨眨眼 Sleep,Baby,Sleep 睡吧,宝宝,睡觉吧 The Clouds 云 ...


另外,一般未死身对某些法术如催眠Sleep)、诱惑(Charm)等都是免疫的。骷髅的出没地点不定,HD值为1(1-8 HP),…

A lioness lets out a mighty yawn to shake away the sleep and be ready for the wildebeests which were headed in the direction of the pride. 一头母狮打了一个有力的哈欠,它的睡眠被催醒了,准备面对着骄傲地朝着它方向的角马。
To be able to sit by the bed of another, watching him sleep, waiting for nothing else, is to understand where else we might be. 坐在别人的床边,注视着他入眠,别无所求,就可以理解我们可能在的别处。
Stress, mental fatigue and exhaustion can be a result of your work, family life, conflict, or even a lack of good quality sleep. 压力,心力疲惫和精疲力竭可能是由你的工作,家庭生活,冲突,甚至是缺乏良好睡眠引起的。
Jackson's doctor became the subject ofa police investigation after admitting he gave Jackson a powerful drug to help him sleep. 杰克逊的医生在承认他给了杰克逊一些帮助睡眠的强效药物后成为警察调查的对象。
She told the Lord that it was awful, she had to sleep in cold back alleys where there was no food and life was hard. 她告诉主说太可怕了,她必须睡在冰冷的后巷,那里没有食物,生活十分艰苦。
Even when night shift workers try to sleep eight hours during the day to be ready for work, they don't get enough sleep, she said. 她说:即使夜班工人在白天睡足8个小时,为晚上的夜班做好准备,他们也还是缺觉。
If the computer desk work will feel back pain, sleep enough time do not feel relaxed, is likely to be your furniture size is a problem. 如果在电脑桌前工作一会就感觉腰酸背痛,睡眠时间充足却感觉不到轻松,很有可能是您的家具尺寸出了问题。
Now Scrooge found himself back in his own bedroom again. Feeling very tired, he climbed into bed and at once fell into a deep, heavy sleep. 现在斯克罗吉发现他又回到了自己的卧室。感觉非常疲劳,他爬上床立刻就进入了沉睡的梦乡。
Megan looked at me very serious and said: Will mom sleep with me in new bed? 麦根严肃地看着我说:那妈妈会陪我睡新床吗?
Sleep in 18 degrees Celsius temperature below, also easy to turn up, not easy to fall into a deep sleep. 睡眠温度在18℃以下,也会容易醒转,不容易进入深度睡眠。
As the sun began to steal in upon the boys, drowsiness came over them, and they went out on the sandbar and lay down to sleep. 62太阳渐渐升起来,照在孩子们的身上,他们感到困倦难耐,就从林子里走出来,到沙滩上躺下来睡觉。
Yours is not the voice who called me from my sleep, "said the man. " That. . . was a younger voice. 你的声音不是唤醒我的那个声音。“神秘人说,”那是一个年轻得多的声音。
If you find it difficult to avoid the sun, just get a night shift job where you work all night and sleep all day. 如果你实大不想见到太阳,可以找一个夜班工作,天天晚上工作,白天睡觉。
As I began to gather research about sleep, I felt increasingly compelled to give it higher priority in my own life. 当我开始收集有关睡眠的研究时,我越来越感觉到我需要把睡眠当成生活中最重要的事。
He asked her to wear the watch even in her sleep, as this watch, he said, measures the time of love. 他甚至要求她在睡觉时也戴着这块手表,他说:因为这块手表度量着爱的时刻。
This will help you to see where you're losing out on sleep and letting other activities creep in instead. 这可以帮助你发现什么地方是其他的活动让你丢失了睡眠。
I can't sleep. There is a woman stuck between my eyelids. I would tell her to get out if I could. But there is a woman stuck in my throat. 我无法入睡。我的眼睑之间堵着一个女人。如有可能,我会叫她走开。但是我的喉咙里也堵着一个女人。
He is so addicted to computer games, which had lead him to without sleep for three days and three nights. 他是如的迷恋电脑游戏,以至于他三天三夜没睡。
Ari only knew the babyish prayer her mom had taught her to say prior a meal or before sleep. 雅俐只会她妈妈教她的婴孩谢饭或睡前祷告,于是,她说:“谢谢主,给我饮食。阿门。”
Would like to let the sun in their eternal sleep, but wake up the total in the moonlight. 很想让自己在阳光中永远的睡去,却总在月光中醒来。
Its message is usually something like this: relax, recharge, you're working too much, drink water, exercise and get more sleep. 这样的信息就像是:休息,重新充电,或者你工作太多了,喝点水注意运动以及增加睡眠。
Clearly sleep made a difference, but that difference didn't relate to how much time one spent in each of the various sleep stages. 很显然,睡眠会带来差异,但是这种差异与人们花在每一睡眠阶段的时间长短没有关系。
Night has been customary in our mind before she did not sleep, and therefore hope to save the pain of those who have lost young soul. 黑夜已习惯在我们未睡的心灵前叫喊,希望因此而拯救那些有着失落之痛的幼小的灵魂。
At last Alan smiled. 'Aye, ' he said. 'Now we have a chance. Ye can sleep for a while. I'll watch for soldiers. ' 最后艾伦微笑了。“好了。”他说道,“我们现在有个机会。你可以睡一会儿。我来留神当兵的。”
After factoring how much sleep you need, and repaying your sleep debt, factor it into your daily schedule. 在了解你需要多少睡眠,偿还了睡债之后,将它纳入日常时刻表中。
"He took some Valium so he could sleep. That was the only time he could sleep, " she says. “他服了几片安定,不这样他就没办法睡着。”
Don't allow the animal to become too close to you. (He won't let his dogs or cat sleep with him. ) And don't take their behavior personally. (他不让他的狗或猫和他一起睡。)不要从人的角度解读动物的行为。
He'd give up all his comforts, sleep out in the rain, if she said that's the way it ought to be. 他会放弃一切享受,雨天时露宿街头,如果她说应该要这样才对。
You seem to get enough sleep, but you sleep poorly, wake up irritable, and feel tired all day. 你看起来得到了充足的睡眠,但你的睡眠很糟糕、猛然醒来、白天一整天都感觉很疲倦。
It seems to be logical, but how you can improve the quality of your sleep? 这个处方逻辑上行得通,但是你怎样通过实践来提高睡眠质量呢?