around the world

  • un.环球
  • 网络环游世界;世界各地;全世界

around the worldaround the world

around the world


※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 6.Let There Be Love( 爱环绕) 10.Around The World( 环游世界) 11.Circles( 轮回) ...


人教版七年级英语下册重点短语总汇,语法总结 ... in the tree 在树上 Around The World 世界各地 On vacation 度假 ...


英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... around the lake 在湖边上 around the world 全世界 as a boy 当(某人)是个小孩时 ...


悠悠球基本三十招_百度经验 ... 第八级 升降机 Elevator 第九级 环绕世界 Around The World 第十一级 飞碟 UFO ...


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... CD05 Nursery Phymes and Lullabies( 童诗与摇篮曲) CD06 Around the World世界童谣) CD07 Bibles Songs( 圣经 …


环球 | 法汉字典 ... 环球剧场 Théâtre du Globe 环球 around the world;worldwide 环球化 globalization ...


.../06/23 发行2006/07/28 改版01.反转地球(Around The World) 02.著迷(Mesmerised) 03.戴上我的爱(Wearing My Love) 王珞丹 …

During a recent trip to Chengdu, though, I found a traditional cuisine broader, stranger and tastier than its facsimiles around the world. 但是最近我在成都之旅中发现,正宗的川菜与它在世界各地的仿品相比,菜色更多,更独特,也更好吃。
Like hundreds of scientists around the world, Dr. Wherry is trying to develop such a vaccine. 这也是惠理博士以及世界上千百科学家们的研制目标。
The money he got from winning the lottery allowed him to live out his dream of sailing around the world. 他中彩票获得的钱足以让他实现航海环游世界的梦想。
Analysts said the improvement around the world suggested that the recessionary forces buffeting the global economy were starting to abate. 分析师表示,全球制造业活动的改善显示,冲击全球经济的衰退力量已开始消退。
Nonetheless, it will continue to be a source of public apprehension and a factor confronting governments around the world. 尽管如此,它仍将是一个来源市民忧心的一个因素,面对世界各地的政府。
The United States did not single-handedly win the Cold War; the transatlantic alliance did, in concert with partners around the world. 我们并非单枪匹马地赢得冷战胜利;跨大西洋同盟参与了,世界各地合作夥伴参与了。
Yet, by the late 1940s "culturally the city was no longer a magnet for artists and writers from around the world. " 然而到20世纪40年代后期,“文化上,巴黎不再是吸引全世界的艺术家和作家的‘磁铁石’了”。
With access to a PC she could dispense with her reliance on her granddaughter and make new friends around the world. 通过一台个人电脑,她能转移对孙女的依赖,并结交许多外地的朋友。
Dumped by his fiancee the day before his wedding, he subsequently traveled around the world to see what he could learn about relationships. 在结婚前夜被未婚妻抛弃后,他周游世界学习男女关系。
Today, Santa Claus is famous all around the world as the kind, old man who brings Christmas gifts to the children. 今天,圣诞老人以一个善良,年长的老人转为为小朋友送去圣诞礼物的形象闻名世界。
A year on, manufacturers reported that in October, output around the world was rising at the fastest rate for five years. 一年之后,制造商提供的数据显示,今年10月全球产出实现了5年来的最快增长。
The Pakistani schoolgirl hailed around the world for her efforts to stand up against the Taliban is out of the hospital. 因挺身反抗塔利班而被全世界敬为英雄的巴基斯坦女学生已经出院。
At the same time, Mr. Obama said the war in Iraq was a war of "choice that provoked strong differences in my country and around the world. " 与此同时,奥巴马先生说美国在伊拉克的战争是一个“(决策)选择”的结果,而这个“选择结果引起了我的国家与世界其他国家之间的强烈分歧”。
"If there is no wisdom and sweat of scientists around the world, science is not advanced to this, not so prosperous as now, " he said. “如果没有全世界科学家的智慧和汗水,科学不会进步至此,不会如现在这般欣欣向荣,”他说。
Such "zombie" machines can be linked up to thousands, if not millions, of others around the world to create a "botnet" . 这些“行尸走肉”的机器即使不能与几百万台电脑相连也能与几千台世界各地的电脑相连,从而创造了一个“僵尸网络”。
And he won't stop there. Mr Vilsack wants there to be a community garden at each of the department's offices around the world. 并且他的目标不限于此,维尔萨克希望在全世界所有的政府机构门口都有这么一个社区菜园。
My wish is to promote Brunei tourism as i believe i might have a little effect to promote Brunei to many Chinese around the world! 我的愿望就是可以凭借自己的一点点力量,向全球华人宣传汶莱的旅游业!
The matter has come to a head as governments around the world prepare for December's global climate change summit in Copenhagen. 这桩事情已经到了紧要关头,全球各国政府正在为十二月份哥本哈根的气候会谈做准备。
She said, now is the time for you to travel around the world, build up your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun. 她说,现在是时候让你周游世界,通过历练增长自己的知识,享受人生。
It sometimes looks as if investors around the world only want to hold American Treasury bills. Why? 有时候,看上去全球的投资者好像只想持有美国短期国债。这是为何?
Jim, and his wife Paige, drive around the world in a modified Mercedes. 吉姆和他的妻子佩奇,推动全世界的改装奔驰车。
Boeing has customers in more than 90 countries around the world and is one of the largest U. S. exporters in terms of sales. 波音拥有遍布全球超过90个国家的客户,是美国最大的出口商之一。
The tool allows users to visualize how much development aid is provided and received around the world. 该工具便于用户查看全世界提供和接收发展援助情况。
The wife wanted to travel around the world. The fairy waved her hand, and Boom! She had the tickets in her hand. 妻子想周游世界,仙女挥动她的手,轰!她手中就有了旅行的机票。
With economies around the world under siege, it could be at least a year before any of his fiscal policies dramatically affect stocks. 在全球经济深陷重围之时,他的任何财政政策要想对股市产生重大影响,可能都需要至少一年时间。
Traveling around the world is often a cheaper option than a return ticket to a single destination. 通常来说,环游世界都比买到一个目的地的往返机票便宜。
Although Solar Impulse only hopped a little way, it was enough to delight the team who hope to eventually fly it around the world. 尽管“太阳能驱动”号只飞跃了一小段路程,但却足以令企盼能最终驾驶它进行环球飞行的研发小组大为雀跃。
You know, traveling around the world is always my dream. I wanna do it right now. 你知道,环游世界一直是我的梦想。我想现在就去实现。
He was joking, of course, but there is no denying the passion with which soccer fans all around the world follow their favorite teams. 当然他是在开玩笑,但是世界各地的球迷追随他们喜爱球队的热情是无可否认的。
Even after his doctor told him he had lung cancer after, chichester would not give up his old dream of travel around the world. 甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后,奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球旅行的宿愿。