shoot it

  • 网络向它开枪;射中它;萤幕快拍

shoot itshoot it

shoot it


新概念英语第二册... ... a. fire it( 使……爆炸,向她开枪); b. shoot it( 向它开枪,射中它); c. burn it down( 把它烧毁); ...


新概念英语第二册... ... a. fire it( 使……爆炸,向她开枪); b. shoot it( 向它开枪,射中它); c. burn it down( 把它烧毁); ...


- del - - 手机、Android - YK Forum ... HOMERUN BATTLE 3D( 棒球) shoot it( 萤幕快拍) realcalc( 科学计算机) ...


万能的... ... 可以问几个问题吗 may I ask you a few questions 问几个问题啊 shoot it 回答的雷人一点啊 give me a sage answer ...


...、《完美风暴》的主演马克·沃尔伯格担任主角的影片《绝命点射》(Shoot It),以及一部奇幻片《星尘》(Stardust)也将 …

Today NASA launched a suborbital rocket, but had to shoot it out of the sky due to alleged "launch failure. " 今天(指8月22号——译者),NASA发射了一枚亚轨道火箭(suborbitalrocket),但却因为“发射失败”不得不令其自爆。
" No, I think of my grandmother . . . . . . " Who let you shoot, it call be moved by what one sees, who let me always melancholy and moody. “哪有啊,我想到我外祖母了……”谁让你这样拍的,这叫触景生情,谁让我这么多愁善感么。
with craned his neck to want to peck mantis, but do not know to have a child holding catapults under the tree will shoot it. 黄雀伸长脖子想要啄食螳螂,却不知道有个小孩举着弹弓在树下要射它。
In basketball, the ball gets past you and you shoot it. 在篮球中,队友将球传给你,然后你再投出去。
When it was my turn to shoot it, I put my eye right on the scope, unaware that there was any recoil on the gun. 轮到我时,我把眼睛紧贴在瞄准镜上。原来这枪后坐力很猛的。
He shot at a bird , but he did not shoot it. 他向一只鸟射击,但他没有射中。
If a tagged bear is caught two or more times causing disruption, the rangers have orders to shoot it. 假如做过标记的熊回来捣乱被抓住两次以上,护林员就有权力射杀它。
If yao makes another pass despite having an open shot i'm gonna die. yao, EVERYTIME YOU GET THE BALL, SHOOT IT! ! ! 如果姚再传球,即使队友队友有空位的时候,我就去死!姚,每次得到球的时候,一定要投!
We want to fold up the legs and shoot it up for long-range motion. 我们要让机器人把腿像弹簧一样折叠起来,然后弹射出去,做长距离运动。
Can you please provide me some advice on the best way to remove this thing, and why NOD32 did not gut-shoot it at the border ? 你能提供给我一些最好的建议吗,为了移除这个病毒,为什么NOD32没有在入侵前杀死这个病毒呢?
If I shoot it up at a higher speed of course it will get higher. 倘若我抛出的速度更大,物体当然也会飞得越高。
All large animals had to be fenced in. If a pig wandered near the fort, soldiers were instructed to shoot it. 所有的大型动物必须圈养起来,如果有猪跑到城堡边上来的话,士兵将奉命把它击毙。
Before death he was still depressed, why he played father to his name - thirst gong shoot it dead? 临终前他还在郁闷,为什么他老爸给他起名叫-解渴死拍锣呢?
Finally, I decided to shoot it with my 0. 22-caliber rifle, risking the possibility that the shot might ricochet and hit me. 最后我决定冒着子弹极有可能弹飞回来击中我的危险,用我那口径为0.22英寸的步枪射击它。
With a smile, he told his father to get off his horse and go shoot it. "I probably couldn't hit it anyway, " his father said. 他笑着告诉父亲他要下马去射那只公鹿。父亲说:“无论如何我是射不中它的。”
In surveillance videos, for instance, no one stands behind the lens to determine what should be shot and how to shoot it. 在监视录影里,例如,没有立场在透镜之后确定什么应该被射击和怎么射击它。
To pop up and shoot, it's as easy as pushing up on the analog stick and keeping your aim with the right button and firing. 想出来射击的时候,只要用类比摇杆按上再用R键瞄准之后射击就可以了。
The fire arrow damages your opponents with a burst of flame. You can also shoot it into oil to start a fire. 火箭是用爆炸火焰来摧毁你的敌人的.你也可以把它射到油里来放火。
Usually hunters use dogs to make a beast leave the lair and just shoot it down at short distance. 通常猎人们用猎狗将野兽赶出它们的巢穴,然后近距离猎杀它们。
People think that running GE is like driving a stagecoach: if horse number three breaks down, take it out and shoot it. 人们认为,运营通用电气就像驾驶一辆公共马车:如果3号马出了毛病,那么就拿掉它,然后毙了它。
Thanks. I'm sad to see the wound on back. (I didn't shoot it). But take it easy. 谢谢。东西背上的伤大得蛮难过的(我并没有细照出来)…不过又舍不得。慢慢再来吧。
You can shoot it up a little at an angle and the golf ball will come back here. 如果射出角度有些不正,高尔夫球是会偏的。
The old hunter shot at the bear but failed to shoot it. 老猎人向那只熊射击,但没有击中。
Re-screen: To take a picture which is already screened such as a half-tone and shoot it again with a new half-tone screen. 再加网:把一帧已经网点化的图片,如半色调图片,再从新用半色调网拍摄的情况。
But if the US-backed production goes ahead, its directors will leave the picturesque landscape of the peaks behind to shoot it in China. 不过如果好莱坞方面能支持拍摄,导演们就会离开这个风景如画的山区,而转到中国拍摄。
So the first thing I want to do is to shoot it up vertically and how are you going to help me to calculate. . . to tell me how high it is? 首先需要,竖直射出钢珠,你们需要做的是告诉我。,它飞的高度?
Judi: Squamish was my favorite place to shoot, it was beautiful outdoors. 山地车桥段是我最喜欢的拍摄的地方,户外的景色很美。
I'll shoot it to you straight and look you in the eye. 我将直直“射”向你,并注视你的双眼。
This medicine report catch my breath. If one mosquito stop at your arm, you must shoot it to death harshly. 这是我今天看到一篇医学报道,吓我一跳,如果手臂上停了只蚊子,你肯定会一巴掌狠狠拍死?!
If I have a question, I can shoot it over to a friend (usually Joel) on Google Chat, or ask it on Twitter, and get an instant response. 如果我有疑问,我可以直接通过GoogleChat向我某个朋友提问(通常是向Joel),或在Twitter上提问,然后马上就能得到反馈。