
美 [ʃɑp]英 [ʃɒp]
  • v.去商店买;在商店购物;逛商店;(向警察等)告发
  • 网络车间;商城;买东西

复数:shops 过去式:shopped 现在分词:shopping

open shop,run shop,close shop,manage shop
antique shop,local shop,expensive shop,exclusive shop,video shop


n. v.

买东西的地方where you buy sth

1.[c]商店;店铺a building or part of a building where you can buy goods or services

制造╱修理东西for making/repairing things

2.[c]工厂;工场;作坊;(尤指)车间a place where things are made or repaired, especially part of a factory where a particular type of work is done


3.[sing](informal)购物;采买an act of going shopping, especially for food and other items needed in the house


all over the shop

set up shop

开业;开张to start a business


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... relax 放松 shop 商店 assistant 助理 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... relax 放松;休息 shop 商店;店铺 assistant 助手;助理 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... activity 活动 shop 买东西;购物 mall 购物商场;商业街 ...


车字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 车骑〖 rangedchariotandwar-horse〗 车间shop;room〗 车库〖 garage〗 ...


走进狗狗网--纯种狗中文专门网 ... 供求 Supply 商城 Shop 博客 Blogger ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... activity 活动 shop 买东西 mall 购物商场 ...


Magnum Boots ... 官方实践员 Official Field Testers 购买 Shop 品牌历史 History ...

Tiffany English, who runs an eBay shop, found a gift for her brother at Bed Bath & Beyond, then bought it on Amazon using her phone. TiffanyEnglish正在浏览浏览易趣网上商店,为她的哥哥在万能卫浴寝具批发商城找到了一个礼物,然后她会通过自己的自首在亚马逊网站上买下它。
The next morning the barber found a dozen bibles at the door to his shop. 第二天早上理发师发现店门口有一打圣经。
One day Mrs. Smith gave her husband a pair of her shoes which needed mending and asked him to take them to the shop. 一天,史密斯太太把她的一双穿坏的鞋给了丈夫,叫他拿到商店去修。
Seeing my quizzical look, they pointed at a shop. It was a jewellers with no protective grating over the window. All you could do was laugh. 我发现有几个小孩正歇斯底里的笑着,他们看到我嘲弄的目光,于是指了指旁边毫无防护的珠宝店外窗,这种时候,我能做的也只有笑而已。
Flying allows you to quickly return to previous locations to turn in quests, meet up with friends, shop, visit the bank, and more. 飞行可以让你在任务中迅速返回前一个地点,拜访朋友,光顾商店,银行,等等。
When I awoke, I got off the train and went to the nearest coffee shop to write the words and music on a napkin, so I would not forget. 我醒来的时候,赶紧下了火车,来到最近的咖啡店,把所听到的旋律和歌词写在一张餐巾纸上,好让我能够永远地记住它。
"I'm going to buy all the Burlington the bucket shop will let me carry with the money I give him for margin, " he said. “我要买下所有的‘伯灵顿’,水桶店老板同意给我提供本金他拿利润,”他说。
If you had seen Him in the carpentry shop, you wouldn't have had a clue about His deity. 若你在木匠店里看见他,你可能也对他的神性一无所知。
One day all the local grass mowers , who were on their way into town, stopped in his shop, He gave them free sweet cakes and drinks. 一天,当地的割草工都来到镇上,在行人的小食店打尖。行人免费为他们提供了甜饼和水。
That's great. Thanks for the ride. I really appreciate it. You know my car is still in the shop. 太好了.多谢你送我.我真的很感激.你知道我的车还在修
Less happily, the WCC served as a shop-window for Orthodox churches in communist lands which had to parrot the line of their masters. 令人稍稍不喜的是,“世基联”对共产党国家中那些只能随着本国主子的旨意鹦鹉学舌的正教会而言是一扇橱窗。
This shop seems to be open solely for a wealthy constituency. 这家商店似乎单为一批富有的顾客而开。
Within a few years, Franklin had married, has started his own printing shop, and was looked upon as a successful young businessman. 几年过后,富兰克林拥有了自己的婚姻,开办了自己的印刷店,成为了一名受人尊敬的青年实业家。
The man looked at me angrily. 'Well, you can't, ' he said. 'The shop's closing now. You can come back tomorrow. ' 这个人生气地看着我。“不行。”他说,“店铺现在关门了,你明天来吧。”
When they come to a photo shop, the son asks his mother, "Mom, may I ask the photographer to take a photo for me? " 当他们走进一家照相馆时,儿子问妈妈:“妈妈,我可以请摄影师为我照一张相吗?”
I can walk into a shop, pick up something expensive, and then walk out with it without handing over any cash. 我可以走进一家商店,选件贵重物品,然后不付现金就离开。
One day as she was sitting in a coffee shop with her little baby she had an idea for a story that she wrote down in an outline on a napkin. 有一天她和她的小孩坐在咖啡店里的时候,有了故事的灵感,并把故事大纲写在了餐巾上。
I had to do a scene with another girl, really tough, who played a shop clerk. I was supposed to be trying to return something. 我得和另一个女孩对一场戏,她很强悍,饰演店员,我是要去退一样东西。
There is a will, she discovered in a clothing store feeling the look of a sweater for a long time, finally shook his head and left the shop. 有一会,无意间发现她在一间服饰店里摸着一件羊毛衫端详了许久,最终摇摇头离开了店铺。
They called it a Walkman. Today, you might be able to pick one up at a charity shop. 那时叫作“随身听”(Walkman);今天,你大概要到慈善捐赠店里才能找到这玩意儿了。
It was nighttime when he cycled back. To get to the shop faster, he took the route down over Lighthouse Hill. 他往回走的时候已经到了晚上,为了尽快回到铺子里,他抄近道过小灯塔山。
He ran up to the shop only to see that the shop had already closed. 他跑到商店发现已经关门了。
Pointing at her own red coat, Li said she had to wear it in her shop to keep warm but would take it off if she had to venture out. 指着她自己的红外套,李说,在店中,他不得不穿着以保暖,但当她需求外出时,会脱下外套。
Similarly, the door into a chic coffee shop, cup of coffee, relax and enjoy the bustling crowd, full of romantic atmosphere. 同理,推门进入一家别致的咖啡馆,品一杯香醇的咖啡,悠然自得,欣赏着熙熙攘攘的人群,布满了浪漫的气息。
Before he retired, he was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. 他在退休之前,是一家大型商业公司的经理,但是在他还是小孩子的时候曾在小店里工作。
How much is the red dress you have on display in the shop window? 橱窗里摆的那条红色连衣裙多少钱?
Philip Clarke has had a very similar career, starting on the shop floor and working his way up. PhilipClarke拥有一位非常相似的工作经历,刚开始于擦商店地板,这样一路工作晋升过来。
BIE "s mother appeared, and she opened a coffee shop, she did not know the identity of BIE, often bullied him and laughed at him. " BIE的生母也出现了,她开了一家咖啡店,她不知道BIE的身份,经常欺负他,嘲笑他。
The holidays are coming, and I had mentioned that it would be wise not to shop in December, due to Mercury in retrograde. 假期就要来了,我曾提到,这将是最好不要铺在十二月,由于水星的逆行。
But we should then have shut up shop. When you get back into it, you've got to see it out and take a draw. 但是我们本应停止表演。当你重新回到比赛中,你就应该完成它,获得一场平局。