
美 [ˌeɪ es 'eɪ]英 [ˌeɪ es 'eɪ]
  • abbr.(英国)广告标准局;美国标准协会(尤用于额定胶片感光度)
  • n.【男名】男子名
  • 网络美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists);广告标准局(Advertising Standards Authority);抗坏血酸(ascorbic acid)



2.美国标准协会(尤用于额定胶片感光度)American Standards Association (used especially to show the speed of film)

美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists)


广告标准局(Advertising Standards Authority)

编辑本段英国广告标准局ASA)对导儿的广告管制2009年12月,英国广告标准局(ASA)命令导儿撤除它在谷歌(google) …

抗坏血酸(ascorbic acid)

抗坏血酸氧化酶(AAO)可直接氧化抗坏血酸AsA),通过测定 AsA 的氧化量,可计算得 AAO 活力。

美国大豆协会(American Soybean Association)

美国大豆协会asa)称,中国计划对油籽进口实施新的管理政策,旨在使得油籽贸易更加透明,避免油籽进口出现大的波动 …

美国标准协会(American Standards Association)

1928年,美国工程标准委员会改组为美国标准协会ASA),为致力于国际标准化事业和消费品方面的标准化。1966年8月, …

乙酰水杨酸(Acetyl Salicylic Acid)


烯基琥珀酸酐(alkenyl succinic anhydrides)

烯基琥珀酸酐(ASA)作为新型增塑剂,使用三氯甲烷作为聚乳酸(PLA)和乙基纤维素(EC)的共溶剂,采用溶液浇铸法成功制备了聚 …

数据库(Adaptive Server Anywhere)

...关系表及关系结构图 1 实验目的 通过实验,了解 ASAAdaptive Server Anywhere)数据库管理系统,熟悉 ASA 数据库环境…

After four years of college education, graduates must decide whether to pursue advanced education asa graduate student or to start working. 经过四年的大学教育,毕业生必须决定要做研究生继续深造,还是要就业。
Cheune said the claims came as a total surprise and that the ASA had not received any calls. 储恩则表示,这样的声明令他很吃惊,南非田协从没有收到任何电话。
King Asa also deposed his grandmother Maacah from her position as queen mother, because she had made a repulsive Asherah pole. 亚撒王贬了他祖母玛迦太后的位,因她造了可憎的偶像亚舍拉。
He walked in the way of Asa his father and did not turn aside from it, doing what was right in the sight of the LORD. 约沙法效法他父亚撒所行的,不偏左右,行耶和华眼中看为正的事。
But the high places were not taken out of Israel. Nevertheless, the heart of Asa was wholly true all his days. 只是邱坛还没有从以色列中废去,然而亚撒的心一生诚实。
Berber says that, with her husband Asa, she continued to use her Mercedes diesel for weekend trips during the trial. Berber还说道,在试驾期间,她还是选择奔驰内燃机汽车作为和她丈夫周末外出的代步工具。
And Zimri went in and smote him, and killed him, in the twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah, and reigned in his stead. 心利就进去杀了他,篡了他的位。这是犹大王亚撒二十七年的事。
The ASA said the ad must not be broadcast again in its current form. 美国广告标准局表示这则广告不能以现有形式再被播出了。
And there was no more war unto the five and thirtieth year of the reign of Asa. 从这时直到亚撒三十五年,都没有争战的事。
The United States had some $88 billion in short-term liquid liabilities owed to foreigners asa result of the balance of payments deficits. 由于国际收支逆差,美国拖欠国外的短期流动债务高达约880亿美元。
The events of Asa's reign, from beginning to end, are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. 亚撒所行的事,自始至终都写在犹大和以色列诸王记上。
If you think I have the potential of being asa friend, do respond and send me a email. 如果你认为我是一位潜在的朋友,请回应我电子邮件。
"Unlikely is not a good enough word to say with certainty that these imports will be safe, " said Ron Heck, president of the ASA. “就‘不可能’这一措辞而言,还不能肯定地说,这些进口产品将来是安全的”,美国大豆协会总裁罗恩•海克说。
His eyes peer into the middle distance, in what one fan described asa deep and penetrating way, and he strides confidently forward. 他的眼睛窥探中距离在什么之一深刻地,深入地描述的球迷,他自信地向前迈进。
Statoil ASA, the Norwegian oil company, said it had shut its office in the Libyan capital, Tripoli. 挪威石油公司StatoilASA说该公司已经关闭了在利比亚首都的黎波里的办公室。
As the core of airport operation, aircraft stands assignment(ASA) is known as a kind of large scale combinatorial optimization problem. 停机位分配是一类规模较大的组合优化问题,也是民航机场生产调度的关键和薄弱环节。
I thought Ruffs best moment was when he caught Asa Hutchinson red-handed in a telling misrepresentation of fact. 我想,拉夫最高兴的时刻莫过于在阿萨·哈钦森严重歪曲事实时,当场揭穿他。
Mrs Renault first heard about the missing family fortune asa child from her grandmother. 雷诺太太最初是从外祖母口中得悉这笔流失的家庭财产的,她当时还是一个小孩子。
The ant system algorithm (ASA) has proved to be a novel meta-heuristic algorithm to solve many multivariable problems. 蚁群算法是一种解决多变量问题的新型启发式仿生算法。
The character from folktale is a daughterwhodisguises herself asa male soldier to take her father's place in theconscriptionarmy. 这个来自民间故事的人物是一个女儿,她女扮男装替父从军。
Asa token of our appreciation, we will be providing a "Mystery In-game item" to all games who login and play at least 5 PvP matches. 作为一个象征,我们感谢,我们将提供一个“神秘的游戏项目”向所有玩家谁登录名和发挥至少5外汇交易同步交收匹配。
On the next page of the wizard, type the datasource name asa_cons in the connection information section, and click Next. 在向导的下一页上,在连接信息部分键入数据源名称asa_cons,然后单击[下一步]。
A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five as much asa similar Li Ning product. 比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双李宁牌的同类产品价格的五倍之多。
So Baasha killed him in the third year of Asa king of Judah and reigned in his place. 在犹大王亚撒第三年巴沙杀了他,篡了他的位。
Asa result, drum scanners are rarely used to scan prints now that high quality inexpensive flatbed scanners are readily available. 其结果是,很少鼓扫描器用于扫描打印现在,高品质的廉价的平板扫描仪是现成的。
"Chuene may have no other option than resigning as president of ASA, " Davies was reported to have said. “储恩除了辞职别无选择。”报道中戴维斯如是说。
ASA is an exclusive brand name of our company, any organization or individual cannot use or publicize it without permission. 是我公司独有的商品名称,任何单位或个人未经许可,不得使用和宣传。
And Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel. 以色列王亚哈第四年,亚撒的儿子约沙法登基作了犹大王。
the concept of 'the agreed liquidated damages are excessively higher than the loss incurred' asa 30%. 合同法把‘违约赔偿金高于实际损失’的理念量化成30%。
Ben-Hadad agreed with King Asa and sent the commanders of his forces against the towns of Israel. 便哈达听从亚撒王的话,派军长去攻击以色列的城邑。