
美 [əˈsum]英 [əˈsjuːm]
  • v.假设;假定;认为;假装
  • 网络承担;设想;采取

第三人称单数:assumes 现在分词:assuming 过去式:assumed

assume responsibility,assume role,assume liability,assume share,assume control



1.假定;假设;认为to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it

2.~ sth承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力)to take or begin to have power or responsibility

3.~ sth呈现(外观、样子);显露(特征)to begin to have a particular quality or appearance

4.~ sth装出;假装to pretend to have a particular feeling or quality


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... association 联合;联盟;联想 assume 假定;承担 asterisk 星号 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... association 联合;联盟;联想 assume 假定;承担 asterisk 星号 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... association n. 协会,社团, 联系 assume v. 假定,假设 assumption n. 假定,假设 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... association n. 协会,联想 assume vt. 假定,设想 assure vt. 保证,担保 ...


TOFEL词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... association n. 联系 assume vt. 假定;想当然地认为;采取;承担,就(职); assumption n. 假设 ...


英语构词法研究之一:A|英语单词构词法 ... assuage 缓和 assume 假定,假装 assure 确告,保证 ...


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... (shoe 鞋+ (assume 自以为是,认为+ (accord 和谐+ ...


学士学位英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... association n. 协会,团体 * assume v. 假装 v.假定,设想 v.承担,采取 * assure v. 保证,使确信 …

We reserve the right, at our own expense and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defence and control of any claim or action. 我们保留权利,经通知阁下后,由我们自费独自抗辩及控制任何索偿或诉讼。
Do not say "It's easy to think, I know the company, and I'vebeen here for 20 years" . It's really important not to assume that it'sthe same. 一定不要说:“这太容易理解了,我十分了解这家公司,我在这里工作二十年了”。不要想当然地认为制度都一样,这很重要。
Henceforth, I assume that this namespace is bound to the xbl prefix without further comment. 此后,如果没有单独说明,均假定该名称空间被绑定到xbl前缀。
Place to be? -One of my favorite places to be. Yeah. -This art here, having this shot, all this stuff, I assume that you guys put that on? 地方?-我最喜爱的地方之一。是的。-这里的这件艺术品,喝杯酒,所有这一切,我想你们会挂上那个?
But they were prepared to assume that those inside it at least knew what was going on. 但他们乐于假设,至少那些圈内人士知道正在发生的情况。
Let's assume that you are using good judgment as to which customers get credit and how much. 假设你有很好的判断力,能够决定哪些客户可以赊款并能赊多少。
Miliband welcomed Liu to assume his office as Ambassador to the UK and expressed the hope to set up a close working relationship with him. 米利班德欢迎刘大使出使英国,表示希望与他建立起密切的工作关系。
Let's assume for a moment that the class diagram in Figure 1 describes the business objects and the relationships between them. 让我们暂时假设图1中的类关系图描述了业务对象及其相互关系。
In any case, I think it was somewhat presumptuous of him to assume he could just bring along as many people as he wanted. 我认为这起事件中,博客冒昧地认为他可以想带多少人去吃就带多少人。
To achieve this cooperation, members of every new community had to assume a variety of roles covering every aspect of need. 为了共渡危难,每个新社区的成员必须承担各种工作,满足每一个方面的需要。
It would be easy to assume the world was about to run out of copper. 人们很容易就会以为,全球铜资源即将枯竭。
Assume a position similar to that of a push-up, only bend your arms and support your body on your elbows and toes. 想象一下一个类似俯卧撑的姿势,只弯曲你的手臂,用肘部和脚趾支撑身体。
Learn some of the shopping lingo . The more experienced you appear, the more the seller will assume you know how things go. 学几句行话。你表现得越懂行,店主就会认为你很了解行情。
Now, I'm going to abstract from risk. Let's assume that we know that this thing is going to be paid, so it's a matter of simple time. 现在,我将总结一下风险,让我们假设我们知道某个东西将要被支付。所以这是一个简单的时间问题。
In another exchange, the two candidates sparred over who would be the most ready to assume the position of commander in chief. 在另一个交换中,两位候选人争论谁将为假设的主要领导人的位置做好了充分的准备。
"As China becomes a bigger part of the global system it has to assume more responsibility for the global system, " he said. “随着中国成为全球体系中更大的一部分,它必须为全球体系担负更多责任。”
Clinton said Saturday the United States would like to see a Cyprus settlement before the island state is to assume the E. 克林顿说,星期六,美国希望看到塞浦路斯问题的解决岛屿国家是首次承担的欧盟轮值主席国之前,未来year。
if I assume a negative attitude and complain all the time, whoever is working with me is going to feel the same way. 她说,如果我心态消极,一直不停地抱怨,谁与我一起工作都会有同样的感觉。
What did you expect to happen? What was the outcome you were trying to achieve? Don't assume the reader can guess. 你期待发生什么?你想达到一个什么目的?不要假设读者会猜到你的想法。
Please assume like this: each of us, to some degree, is one of the eggs, which composed of an unique soul and a fragile-wrapped case. 请这样设想好了:我们每一个人都或多或少分别是一个鸡蛋,是具有无可替代的灵魂和包拢它的脆弱外壳的鸡蛋。
But if we assume for a minute that physics holds the potential for a revolution in thinking, would we be able to see one coming? 但是如果我们假设物理学仍然有出现革命性思想的潜力,我们究竟能不能等到它出现的那一天呢?
We assume at this point that manually switching between the two would also be possible. 我们估计该产品也可以手动在两个操作系统间进行切换。
It would be easy to assume, at first glance, that the watery rectangle in the center of this image is a harbor. 可以简单的设想一下,第一眼看上去,这张图片上那个充满水的长方形区域应该是一个港口。
If it does, then it's time to be proactive: Assume people are just as annoyed when your site is slow, and then strive to fix it. 是的话就要做好心理准备了:假设人们正因其速度缓慢而不满的Web站点就是您的站点,然后努力转变这种状况。
He was now a married man, ready to assume the responsibilities of a husband. 他现在是结了婚的人,准备负起做丈夫的责任。
I don't know why you assume that more events of the kind are to happen and based on what that you draw such a conclusion. 我不知道你怎么知道还会有更多的事件要发生,你是根据什么得出这样的结论。
The above comments do not assume that children from neighboring countries do not tend to be good and only my own kind is fine. 发表以上这通感慨,并不是想来证明邻居儿女统统不好,而孩子只有自己家的乖。
She said she believed that the response had an evolutionary basis, as we subconsciously assume those who look like us must be relatives. 她认为这种种反应是有进化论基础的,在潜意识里,我们总认为那些与我们相似的人一定与我们有血缘关系。
if it is important enough to discuss when I am playing, I assume that it is important enough for everyone to hear. 如果那件事情必须要在我演奏的时候讨论,我想那也很有必要我们大家都来听听。
The rules in this book allow you and a group of friends to assume the roles of a pack of werewolves, hunting and fighting as one. 根据这本书里的规则,你和你的朋友们可以扮演一组狼人去打猎去战斗。