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He turns and gives a signal nod to another inmate. The inmate moves towards a C. O. overseeing the line-up and punches him in the face. 他转过脸来,对另一个囚犯点头示意了一下,那个囚犯扑向了监督排队的狱警,当头给他一拳。
The C. O. seems a little shocked at what he sees. He springs to his feet and immediately calls for medical assistance. 他似乎被所见到的情景吓住了,突然站起来,立即呼叫请求医疗救助。
One C. O. wets Lincoln's forehead with a sponge while another places a metal halo on his head. 一个狱警用海绵打湿了Lincoln的前额,另一个狱警将一个金属环架在了他的头上。
He took the C. O. aside for a whispered conference . 他把指挥官拉到一边,耳语一阵。
He immediately asks for his shotgun and a C. O. tries to tell him that Pope is already giving orders. Bellick马上要求把他的散弹枪拿给他,一名狱警试图向他说明,Pope已经下达了命令。
The C. O. makes fun of him and denies his request. 狱警拿他开玩笑,拒绝他的请求。
The C. O. puts his hands up, "I ain't a hero for fourteen dollars an hour. You do what you will. " 这个狱警即刻举手投降,“我可不想为14美元一小时的工作逞英雄,你想干什么就干什么。”
As soon as the doctor and the C. O. leave, Haywire pushes past Michael to the toilet and forces himself to vomit up the pills. 当医生和狱警离开后,Haywire挤过Michael到马桶边,迫使自己将药给吐了出来。
Only minutes before Lincoln Burrows' execution, Bellick and Pope stand off to the side as two C. O. s strap Lincoln into the chair. 离Lincoln被执行死刑只有2分钟了,Bellick和Pope站在一边,两个狱警将Lincoln用皮带绑在电椅上。
When C . O . D. Service required , the shipper shall indicate on this waybill , otherwise would be regarded as Prepaid Service. 如果要求运费到付服务,寄件方须在运单中明确注明运费到付,否则将一律视为运费预付;
In the United States, C. O. P. D. is the fourth leading cause of death. But even with these numbers, many people have never heard of it. 在美国,慢性阻塞性肺疾病致人死命占到第四位。但是,如此惊人的数字仍未引起大多数人的注意。
A C. O. locks the metal bars behind them, then disappears around the corner. 一个狱警在她们出来后锁上了金属栅栏门,然后就走开了。
C. O. s Stolte and Patterson pass Bellick on their rounds, debating about where an old football player attended college. 狱警Stolte和Patterson在巡逻,Bellick从他们面前经过,他们俩在讨论一个旧时的橄榄球运动员在哪上的大学。
C. O. JJ yells into his walkie-talkie, "We got a 1098! Inmates over the wall! " 狱警JJ通过对讲机通报,“我们遇到一个1098号情况,有囚犯越过了围墙!”
C. O - All right, people, step inside the door and check yourself for bugs. 好了,所有的人进这个门接受检查。
While nominally an equal partner to all members, Russia has felt like a junior partner in the S. C. O. 虽然在名义上俄国是成员国的平等伙伴,但是在上海合作组织中,俄国感觉自身是个次要参与者。
C. O. Stolte rushes in with a cell phone and hands it to the Warden, "It's the Governor! " 狱警Stolte快步走向狱长,将手上的一个手机递给了他,“是州长打来的!”
Sucre asks why he's not going to open visitation, but the C. O. just says, "Ask your visitor. " 一个狱警将他单独领到了一间安全室,Sucre问他为什么不能进入公开探访区,狱警只说,“问你的探访者。”
Pope hangs up and asks Becky to have C. O. Mack check the parking lot for Bellick's truck. Pope挂断电话,叫Becky命令狱警Mack在停车场查找Bellick的卡车。
But in the last 10 years the S. C. O. has evolved into the most interesting, and perhaps consequential, example of Chinese diplomacy. 但是,在过去的十年间,上海合作组织已经渐渐演化,并沿用最有趣的,或许是最重要的中国外交形式。
Another C. O. shows Bellick the broken tail light as Patterson brings over a local man who says he saw a blue van parked there earlier. 另一个狱警将车尾灯碎片指给Bellick看,Patterson带了一个当地人过来,他说看见早先有一辆蓝色货车停在这里。
Lincoln sits on an examining table while a C. O. rambles about how he plans to modify his truck. Lincoln坐在检查台上,一个狱警正在胡侃他准备改装卡车的计划。
Tweener, raking the yard, moves closer to C. O. Patterson and asks if he's seen Bellick. 在院子里扫地的Tweener走近狱警Patterson,问他看见Bellick没有。
The C. O. R. E. visualizer features Yahoo's original content as well as content written by Yahoo's partners. 可视化引擎C.O.R.E.特征化了雅虎的原创内容以及雅虎合作伙伴提供的内容。
provides delivery name and address , c . o . d . collected amount , signature image and reference numbers. 提供递送姓名和地址、收取的货到付款金额、签名图像和参考编码。
C. O. s escort Geary, dressed as a civilian now, out toward the prison's sally port. Geary现在穿着平民的装束,由警卫们护送向监狱的大门口走去。
Pope hurries to his office where Becky and the C. O. s are standing around a television. Pope匆忙走到他的办公室,Becky和狱警们都围着电视站成一团。
Outside their windows, they see the Warden, Sara and a C. O. move quickly into Michael's cell. 从他们门上的窗户,他们看到狱长,Sara和一个狱警快速地走进了Michael的牢房。
C. O. P. D. , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, blocks airflow through the lungs. 即慢性阻塞性肺疾病--阻碍肺部空气流通。
The Canadian Lung Association Web site explains that C. O. P. D. is the new name for emphysema and chronic bronchitis. 加拿大肺协会网在其网站上解释说C.O.P.D.是肺气肿和慢性支气管炎的新称谓。