
美 [bɪn]英 [bɪn]
  • n.垃圾箱;(有盖)大容器
  • v.扔掉;丢弃
  • 网络豳;箱子;垃圾桶

复数:bins 过去式:binned 现在分词:binning



n. v.

1.垃圾箱a container that you put waste in

2.(有盖)大容器,箱,柜a large container, usually with a lid, for storing things in


五年级下册英语单词表(牛津)_百度知道 ... sixty 六十 bin 垃圾箱 dangerous 危险的 ...

BIN)国,古国名,在今陕西省旬邑县和彬县一带(公羽查:应为陕西省旬邑县境)。就是“七月流火 九月授衣”里的豳国嘿 …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... billow 大浪 bin 箱子 bind 包□ ...


深圳朗文版小学英语单词汇总(1-12册)_百度文库 ... oops / 啊呀,哎哟 bin / 垃圾桶 picture / 图片,照片 ...

模具英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... L 1 beneath 在···下 L 4 bin ,料架 L4,5 boost 推进 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Big bottom 低音扩展,加重低音 Bin 接收器,仓室 BNG BNC 连接器(插头、插座),卡口同轴电 …

WHEN he gave interviews to foreign journalists, which he did rarely, Osama bin Laden had a way of looking down at his hands. 奥萨马•本•拉登很少接受采访,当他接受外国记者采访时,总是习惯地俯视双手。
'When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like a strong horse, ' bin Laden said in the video. 拉登在视频中说,当人们看到一匹强壮的马和一匹瘦弱的马时,人们自然会喜欢那只强壮的。
Addressing a conference in eastern China, the head of the Population Planning Commission Li Bin said the country faced major changes. 在中国东部举行的会议上发表讲话时,中国人口与计划生育委员会主任李斌表示,中国面临巨大的挑战。
" Not laughing at you, Chen Bin, you say his face like a monkey's butt . . . " She said with a smile. “没有笑你,笑陈滨,你说他的脸像猴子屁股……”大妈笑着说道。
Zhang Bin, sometimes you could see straight, can also pierce to the heart of the matter. 张斌,有时你看问题很准,也能一针见血。
Bin Laden, though the most wanted man in the world, had been living in the heart of Pakistan, in security as well as comfort. 本•拉登虽然是世界头号通缉犯,却一直安全而舒适地生活在巴基斯坦的中心地区。
Some of the videos indicate problems with production value. Bin Laden misses a cue in one and another shows him with a wrinkled backdrop. 一些视频也显示了制作水平的问题。本·拉登在一个视频中错过了一个暗示;在另一个视频显示了他满脸皱纹的背景。
Bin became an internet sensation and the face of the shanzhai zeitgeist when a video of him flying his autogyro went viral. 徐斌曾因一段他驾驶自制的旋翼机的视频在因特网上的广泛传播,成为轰动人物和山寨精神的象征。
In the evening, the maidservant came out to empty the garbage bin. She took the strip and went in looking horrified. 到了傍晚,那家女佣人出来倒垃圾,把那纸条揭下来,神色惶恐地拿了进去。
Bin Laden and his courier, Ibrahim Saeed Ahmed, were discovered by U. S. intelligence through a chance interception of an Ahmed phone call. 本拉登和他的信使,赛义德艾哈迈德易卜拉欣,发现美国情报通过一个电话的机会艾哈迈德拦截。
Bin Laden was one of the several people suspected of being involved. 1996, Usama Bin Laden declared a jihad, a holy war against US forces. 本拉登是被怀疑的几个嫌疑犯之一。1996年,乌萨马本拉丹宣布发动反美圣战。
Hou Bin : hear, hear, but I also have been staring up at me, I have the kind of confidence inside. 侯斌:听到了,听到了,但是我一直还在盯着我这个点往上呢,我有那种信心在里面。
Alternatively, we could bin all this legislation, discreetly and globally, before anybody else winds up in court. 或者,我们可以在把一些人带进被告席之前谨慎全面的将这些写进法律。
Older merchandise gets pushed to the front of the bin and spread across the top to encourage customers to take it first. 时间较久的产品总是被摆在柜台前面和上面,就是为了让顾客们先买走它们。
Please don't litter any inorganic garbage pieces, not even a piece of a candy wrapper, and bag them back into a garage bin. 所以,在崂山地区和其它景区中,请别乱扔垃圾,哪怕是一小片糖纸。
Pakistan seems to have helped the United States track down bin Laden's lair, as Obama acknowledged. 按奥巴马所言,美国追踪本•拉丹的藏身之处,似乎得到了巴基斯坦的协助。
A U. S. counterterrorism official told me that there was "no succession plan in place" to replace bin Laden. 一位美国反恐官员告诉我,取代本·拉登“尚无合适的继任方案”。
The intelligence professionals said they did not know for sure that bin Laden was in the compound. 情报专家们表示他们并不能确定本拉登是否就在那所住宅里。
Quite the opposite, ATE has long been used by administrations as something of a trash bin for bad loans. 完全相反的是,ATE长期以来一直被希腊政府当作收纳坏帐的垃圾桶。
There was no way to confirm the voice was actually that of bin Laden, but it resembled previous recordings attributed to him. 目前没有办法验证这段录音中的声音是否为拉登本人,但与之前的拉登录音十分相似。
Officials said the U. S. decided to release the five video clips to show the world that it had killed bin Laden. 有多位官员说,美国决定公布这五段视频录像,目的是向全世界表明,它已击毙了本•拉登。
Each new Java platform release brings with it a new set of command-line tools buried away inside of the JDK's bin directory. 每一个新的Java平台发布都会带来新的命令行工具集,它们位于JDK的bin目录。
Now two submarines were in the northern Arabian Sea, ready to fire missiles at any point the CIA determined to be bin Laden's whereabouts. 目前,有两艘潜艇部署在阿拉伯海北部,随时待命,准备向中情局查出的本·拉登的藏身地发射导弹。
Bin Laden was a greater threat to Pakistan than to America in recent years, yet Pakistanis behave as if they regret his death. 近年来本拉登相比于巴基斯坦来说对美国是一个更大的威胁,但是巴基斯坦人却表现得对他的死很是遗憾。
They said that the U. S. video and eyes and ears of Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden different from the previous photo. 他们称美方视频中这个拉登的耳朵和眼睛与拉登以前的照片有出入。
He said the bin Laden children known to remain in the compound were sons Mohammed, Hamza, Othman and Bakr and daughter Fatima. 他说,本拉丹的儿童被留在了儿子的复合穆罕默德,哈姆扎,奥斯曼和贝克尔和女儿法蒂玛。
They did not know if Bin Laden himself had acquired the material, or viewed it. 不确定本拉登自己是不是清楚这些影片的存在,或者自己看过。
They were in tune with one another, she was writing books in praise of Osama bin Laden. 他们相互之间也变得更为协调。她开始写颂扬本。拉登的书。
It was strange to see Christmas stuff treated with such little respect, all the cards were tossed haphazardly into this large bin. 很奇怪看到圣诞物品被这样不尊重的对待,所有的卡片被任意的扔在这个巨大的箱子里。
Mr bin Laden would no doubt like to control another state (as he once did from Afghanistan). 毫无疑问本拉登想要控制另一个国家,就像他在阿富汗所做。